A Tuesday in an entry.

Jan 12, 2011 01:49

I woke up at 12PM!
Well,so I was pretty sleepy even after that just
like our dear friend here

(That's what I'm talking about Finn.Way to go dude...)

I shower at 3PM (ashamedly I admit that) 
You must be wondering in those span of time
what in the world I did that I have to postpone my
hygienic needs.Well to be honest,

(Don't you just love a confused R-Patz...)

Actually, I dunno what I did even during those hours.
My memories' was still fuzzy I guess.
When I just woke up, not all parts of my body have been
switched 'ON' yet. Some are still in hibernate mode
or when they are just plain lazy they just won't move from
that special 'OFF' button. Okay,I'm just fooling round and
wasting words here. After finally finishing my 'special concert'
in the shower,

(Oh, Finn... you were really cool in this episode!)

I rushed to dress quickly cuz I have to go to BI.
BI is what Virus had been calling 'bi' or 'baby' to 
pissed me. BI is obviously pronounced 'bai' instead no?
Dear Virus, even if I had a boyfriend I would never call
him 'bi' or 'baby'. I would puke myself to death
before saying that. BI or Bank Islam I head.
After successfully procuring a new (not really), functioning
card; I withdrawn some money for my mum.
And fortunately for me, it started raining at that exact moment
I walked out of the entrance door of the bank.
Lucky me. (Yay!!!)
I figured I can manage to get to Ipoh Parade before
it was pouring. Alas, fate seemed to think otherwise.
It was raining hard by then.
Along those road (you know that loooooong road with
4,5 traffic lights.Yup! That's the one.) I almost fall from my bike.
Shitty isn't it? (Damn you white-car-I-dunno-what's-the-brand)
I almost got into an accident fcoul!
So, I cancel my plan to go to IP. I was wet. Soaking.Wet.
I was pretty damn sexy I tell ya. Those soaking clothes,
dripping water from my hair falls to my shirt and my trousers.
(Haaha, don't you think something else >.^ )
Ain't that grand?
So, I went to Greentown Mall. Compared to IP, I'm
not that shy to get in there like 
a wet little puppy. I walked here and there
to dry meself and bought some spaghetti to cook at home.
After that I went home.
Around midnight my lil bro called to home.
He was chatting with my mum.
Later, to my knowledge my bro was offered for an
exchange student programme. Please guess where it is.
It's freaking Japan ya'll. I was not that surprised about this.
My bro is a model student. Of course he got offers like that.
For a genuine moment I was honestly happy for him.
Not before long my mom told that my bro didn't get to go
cuz he didn't get permission from my mum.
Say whuuuuuuut???
Turned out he missed call my mum the other day,but
mum thought it was just a nobody.
He didn't get permission therefore he cannot go.
I seriously pity him now. Which I rarely indulge with in
any case involving him. I bet he must be like this in the hostel...

Don't worry bro. There's always gonna be a next time.
With your brain and *coughs* looks, you will get there
someday. This I can say with confidence. I know you.
You are the type of person that will work hard for things
that you really want,no? Study well.Don't be like your
ruthless sister.I wish you well for your exams. Amin!

p/s : looking back my day is pretty 'something' no? Oh well...
I just read Sleepyhead's blog. She wrote something bout me.
Wonder what she'll say if she discover this blog,haha...
She'll go ballistic that's for sure.

wtf, one fine day

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