1478 - "The earth does not have a creamy nougat center of petroleum."

May 06, 2008 10:06

I have a(nother) plan.
For the rest of the month, I am going to be bringing lunches to work instead of buying them from the overpriced, underyummy cafeteria. This will not only save me money, but will also save the environment from yucky styrofoam containers and will also mean that I get to eat better food.

Todays menu: Rotini with tomato and elk meat pasta sauce. Apple for snack.

The elk was provided by Terri, the previous tenant to this place. Her father hunts and had given her a bunch of the meat, including ground hamburger meat and some steaks and pot roasts. They also own a small herd of organic grass-fed cattle and there are some hamburger patties from those sitting in the freezer as well. Since Terri and her partner are off to spend the next six months living out of their van and touring organic farms and intentional communities, they obviously didn't have much room to store a bunch of frozen meat, so she offered it up to us.

We're still settling in and though we have internet set up, we haven't quite figured out even temporary logistics for two computers. So I haven't been online in the evenings. I still promise a photo-tour of the place soon.

I'm going to hit up thrift stores this weekend for gardening supplies, bits and pieces of furniture (maybe a desk?) and whatever else I can think of that we need. I wish I knew this neighborhood (and indeed, this town) well enough to know which dumpsters and areas have the best free scrounging for this kind of stuff.

home improvement, food

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