Mar 14, 2010 17:18
After lunch today, and after an awful lot of very slow getting organised, we went round to see Mum. I gave her her Mothering Sunday card, and the plant I had bought her in Asda on Tuesday, which sadly I hadn't remembered to water and was looking rather wilted and sad! Thankfully she saw the funny side and we agreed it more or less summed up the past week for both of us! Hopefully it will revive ok.
I started the second sleeve of Little Three's cardigan, drank tea, chatted to Mum and we looked through her bundle of knitting patterns as I was after a waistcoat pattern. I've come home with three possibilities and it was amazing looking through the rest - some of them are very very vintage indeed and one in particular was for a baby cardigan and had pencilled notes on it which were written on by my Nana who knitted the cardigan for my mum when she was a baby - so that pattern and the notes on it are over 70 years old! It is in amazing condition and was amazing to see - it sent shivers down my spine!
I then left all the children at Mum's house with Tim, who is keeping them there overnight, taking and fetching One from youth group (I'm so glad as I hate that particular run!), and taking them to school in the morning. So I now have the rest of the afternoon, evening and night child free! Once I've finished typing this post I'm going to attack the living room with a bin bag and a vacuum cleaner, then I can sit in there and do a bit of knitting in front of iplayer (last night's Casualty). Even having one room tidy and a bit cleaner will do wonders for my equilibrium, I hope - my equilibrium needs all the help it can get right now!