Oct 01, 2009 15:48
Went to Year 2 and heard readers this morning. Loved it as usual. :-) Little snippets that made me smile:
- I was hearing 'Grandma's cat' read to me by a little boy. First page: 'Grandma's cat sat on the mat'.
Little Boy: Grandma's... cat... sat... on... the........'
Me: 'Have a look at the picture, what's the cat sitting on?'
Little Boy: The carpet!
Me: Good try, but have a look and see if you can sound out the word.
Little Boy: M... a... t........ Carpet!
- Another little boy came to read and brought his little toy dog with him. I met his toy dog last week too.
Me: Hello K, you've brought your dog with you again! How lovely.
K: This is a different dog, but he makes the same noise, listen! (Squeezes the dog's ear)
Me: Oh yes so it does!
K: My mum is getting me a dog every week at the shop.
Me: Fab, so you'll have a collection soon! Has this dog got a special name?
K: Yes.
Me: Oh, what's its name?
K: Booby.
Me: (slightly hysterically and definitely not laughing at all, oh no...) Oh! Lovely name...
- This one concerns my own dear daughter and was relayed to me by one of the TAs at playtime. Little Three was wearing her mish-mash socks to school today (socks I knitted last week out of all my odds and ends of sock wool).
TA: Little Three, will your mum knit me a pair of socks like that?
L3: (Mutinously) No.
TA: Really? It would be lovely? A nice pair of size 6 socks would be perfect..
L3: (Backing away and hiding behind her teacher) NO!
I don't know whether L3 thought the TA was actually trying to steal her socks or what...!