Dec 10, 2008 16:28
1. I have been to two school Christmas plays today. From one extreme to the other - the infant play this morning (The Very Hopeless Camel!) in which Little Three was a choir singer in a star hat, and then the Year 5 and 6 Christmas Extravaganza in which Little One and a boy in her class did a very loud duet of Jingle Bells for a spoof Pop Idol type thing, in which they got very slated by the judges! *grin* Both were excellent in very different ways, and I am really looking forward to seeing Little Two in Year 3 and 4's offering tomorrow morning. :-D
2. I'm helping at the Cubs Christmas party tonight! I'm really looking forward to that.
3. Because of the Cubs Christmas party, all the children are currently engaged in making party hats. The Cubs made theirs last week but our kids weren't at Cubs last week, so missed doing it. As it is part of their Creative badge, I promised Akela I would get my two to make them at home. We have had a fortnight to do this, so in true Helen fashion I've only got around to sorting it out today! Little Three is making one as well, because she can't be left out of course! She won't be coming to the party though - she will be going to bed because she is very tired and very grumpy today!
4. While I was buying paper and card in town, for aforementioned party hats, I went into Wilkinson's for tealights. Bought 200 of those (they will hopefully last us over Christmas *giggles*) and discovered they do lovely decorative candles very cheaply and bought two nice ones to replace our two Christmassy candles that have recently burned down to nothing! I think I am in danger of becoming a candle obsessive - but they are lovely... :-)
5. Jacket spuds for tea. This is a nice meal because it means minimal preparation for me. The potatoes are in the oven and in about 20 minutes I will set the table with cottage cheese, tuna and grated cheese.
6. In the meantime I am drinking tea, loosely supervising the hat making, and playing the All Christmas station on which is great! Some songs we know and some we have never heard of. :-)