Dec 09, 2008 21:41
I love this meme and hurrah for it is time for its yearly appearance!
This year is a bit odd because the first five months of 2008 in my lj are now private, after Stuff Happened About Which I Do Not Wish To Talk and everything had to change. But the entries are still there, it's just that only I can see them - so I've posted the first lines of those months here anyway. :-)
First line of my lj every month this year:
Little Three started January 1st in the absolute tradition of our children, by throwing up spectacularly at about quarter past four. We always have an ill child on New Year's Day!
I can't quite wake up this morning. And Little Three has got up and started talking and not stopped yet - I see it may be a long morning!
Eeuuuuurgh. A very busy day and week ahead and I'm not even a quarter awake yet. Have made extensive list but am not coherent-brained enough yet to think of anything much for this month. Will add to it at some point.
- We are home!
Today completely ran away with me and I haven't posted a single thing, but here is a picture of Little Three modelling her birthday jumper, which was finished just in time!
K's baptism service this morning was lovely.
No list today, because today is Uncle C's funeral.
We have been camping since my last entry, in our favourite campsite in Mid Wales (near Llandrindod Wells) - we were coming home on Thursday but as the weather has been anything but favourable, and we were all rather soggy with no hope of getting dry before then, we decided to cut it short and come home today.
I'm waging war on the dining room again today.
I'm sure most of my long standing readers will be quite aware of my relationship with clothes shopping - i.e. I loathe, detest and hate it, and will do almost anything to avoid it!
Despite my three mugs of tea before bed last night, I slept like a LOG.
1. Had a lovely weekend which included Gathering in Leeds on Saturday and seeing all sorts of lovely people, and accompanying Tim to Christ Church on Sunday morning, which turned into a very nice time in Costa Coffee afterwards with five of my very favourite people, plus children. :-D
And now it is really time for bed! I am exhausted tonight.