Unheard Medical Practice

Aug 01, 2012 16:44

Title: Unheard Medical Practice
Author: heiryzmylisza
Rating: G
Pairing: Baekyeol
Summary: Baekhyun's sick during the MBC Beautiful Concert and Chanyeol's there to help him.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I wish I did.

“Holy fuck, you’re hot.”

“Thanks babe, I know. I think tight skinnies really suit me.”


“Yup, my ass looks mighty fine in this one.”


“I don’t want to wear eyeliner today Yeollie. What do you think? Should I wear them since it’ll fit with what I’m wearing today? It’s too hot though, it’ll melt right off, what a waste then right?”

“Byun Baekhyun!”

Baekhyun stops fussing in front of the mirror, surprised at the tone his lover just used on him. Did he actually just half-yell at him? Boy got some nerves talking back at him like that; he’s still technically older by a few months. But before he can give Chanyeol a piece of his mind, he feels a strong pair of hands on his shoulders and gently turning him around so that they’re facing each other. He still feels the need to retort but seeing Chanyeol’s eyes, he knows he had been caught in his act. Damn.

“Baek baby, you’re sick. Why aren’t you telling me?”

“Erm..uhm..because it’s nothing to worry about! Really, it’s nothing! I feel fine!” he tries to say nonchalantly. “I have a slight fever okay? I took my meds already. I’ll be fine Yeollie,” he continues as he tries to wave off the sudden attention from his boyfriend. He shrugs the hands off his shoulders and turns his attention back to his reflection on the mirror.

Chanyeol eyes Baekhyun warily, not really believing anything of what he says. He’s pretty sure a slight fever couldn’t cook an egg on top of the head if it wanted to, but Baekhyun’s temperature could. So he does the next best thing to make the truth come out, he makes Park Poutyeol appear.

Baekhyun stills his hand currently messing his hair into perfection. “Yeol, please don’t do that,” Baekhyun pleads as he sees his lover use the pout card on him a.k.a. I don’t believe you so I’ll try to look cute until you tell me the truth look. The sad thing, Baekhyun realizes, is it’s slightly working despite his desperate attempt to ignore the pouting rapper. Park Poutyeol is definitely one of the Chanyeols he loves immensely and finds incredibly irresistible. But he knows he has to resist or fans will go wild and complain why he didn’t make an appearance for the expo.

Chanyeol decides to step up his game and uses the Puppy Dog Eyes card this time. Baekhyun almost relents with a roll of his eyes. The Slight Tilt Of The Head To The Side card and Baekhyun’s resolve almost goes flying out of the window. The Huff Of Annoyance And Stomp Of Feet and Baekhyun prays to all the gods to give him strength. He knows what is coming and he regrets the decision to stay instead of escaping when the Puppy Dog Eyes card was pulled. The Quiver Of The Lips. Super effective!

“Aish Yeol, you know I can’t disappoint the fans right? I have to go out there!”

“It’s an open area Baek, you might get cold and your condition might worsen. I’m only worried about you.” Chanyeol says as he tucks Baekhyun in his chest and kisses the top of his head. He notices how much hotter Baekhyun is, now that they’re in contact and he’s not too sure on letting him come out like this. “Please? I’m sure the fans would understand. I’ll talk to manager hyung for you,” he tries to convince Baekhyun.

“No, I’ve already talked to him, and I said I’ll go out there no matter what happens. I’ll just have to be more careful and I’ll drink lots of water in breaks,” Baekhyun murmurs against Chanyeol’s chest, and buries his face closer. He feels so warm already from the fever, but his lover’s warmth his different and it makes him want to think of staying there forever.

“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself alright?” Chanyeol says a few moments later as he runs his fingers in Baekhyun’s hair; because he remembers his mom doing the same thing to him whenever he’s running a fever, and it made everything feel a little bit better. “I’ll talk to Kyungsoo to keep an eye out for you too, since I won’t be beside you at the stage all the time. Don’t tire yourself out too much. I’ll try to see if we can lip sync instead so you won’t have to strain your voice too much.”

“No!” Baekhyun says, horrified at the thought of lip syncing in an open concert. It’s not right, the fans would be disappointed at the half-assed performance.

“Baek, you’re sick. You can’t possibly hit all the high notes you’ll be singing. The fans will understand once they get the news you’re sick. It’s okay, we’ll be singing live the other times. But I can’t have you straining yourself too much.”

Baekhyun nods in defeat, he can’t afford to waste energy in arguing with Chanyeol right now. Not taking note of the fact, he himself is not confident of his singing capability now that he’s sick.

“I’ll talk to the rest okay? Stay here and rest,” Chanyeol says as he pulls away and leaves with a chaste kiss on the shorter man’s cheeks. Baekhyun feels he would suddenly combust from embarrassment.

It’s one o’clock in the morning and Baekhyun knows he’s lucky to survive the whole night. The slight drizzling during the event didn’t help him at all in his condition. The stage’s too slippery, and Baekhyun’s slipped once too many times for his liking. He kept it cool though, and charmed his way with the fans despite his lips draining of its natural color. The coordi noonas piling stain upon stains to make him tad bit healthy for the cameras.

He presses his head against the cool window, and sighs at the relief momentarily before the bitter taste of bile threatens to overcome him again. There’s probably nothing left in his stomach anymore to throw up. The little apple he managed to stuff in his stomach came back up hours ago. He cringes at the memory of him throwing up back stage, it isn’t really the image he wanted to leave his fans in the expo.

“We’re almost home Baek, I promise you’ll be able to really rest once we get home okay?” Chanyeol says as he tightens his grip on Baekhyun’s clammy hands and presses a kiss against the knuckles. Baekhyun smiles at him appreciatively and leaned in to rest on his lover’s shoulders instead. A kiss on his burning forehead and the world blacks out.

“Are you sure we don’t have to send him to the hospital?” Chanyeol pesters Suho as they settle Baekhyun down his bed and tucks him underneath two blankets.

“You know very well that he hates being in the hospital right? Besides, the cabinet’s stocked up with medicine. I think he’ll be fine staying right here to rest.” Suho patiently answers as he balances a cold pack on Baekhyun’s forehead.

“But hyung!”

“SSSSSHHHHHHHH! Keep your voice down Chanyeol. We don’t want him to wake up now do we?” Suho panics as he watches Baekhyun mumble incoherent things in his sleep and shuffle in his bed.

“But Suho hyung~ I’m worried about Baekhyunnie~” Chanyeol pouts as he sits on the foot of Baekhyun’s bed.

“Aren’t we all? But seriously, he’ll be fine. Kyungsoo’s here and he’s as good as any nurses out there. He’s making some soup for Baekhyun to eat when he wakes up so please, stop worrying! He can’t cook and take care of someone at the same time. So be a good boyfriend and watch Baekhyun as he sleeps. Monitor his temperature okay? Wake us up if anything happens.”

“Okay,” Chanyeol drags out his answer. He then hears the door open and close with a soft click, and inches his way towards Baekhyun. “You said you’re going to take care of yourself. Look at yourself now, pabo. I shouldn’t have let you go on that stage,” he says softly as he tucks wayward bangs behind Baekhyun’s ears.

“Chanyeol-ah?” Kyungsoo asks from the slightly open door.

Chanyeol looks up from his boyfriend’s face and smiles at Kyungsoo. He motions for him to come in and offers the seat Suho occupied a while ago.

“How is he?” Kyungsoo asks as checks the cold pack.

“Better I guess,” Chanyeol answers, smoothes down the blankets and tucks loose edges underneath the bed.

“The soup is in the microwave if you need it. I’ve portioned enough servings in several microwaveable containers already so you won’t have to worry about that. Remember to set the microwave on high and time it for 2 minutes. It’ll be hot enough by then and not any more or Baekhyun won’t be able to eat it. I also made some fresh orange juice just in case, and it’s in the fridge in the bright blue pitcher. There are enough ice packs in the freezer to last the whole night. So you just need to remember to put back the used one when replacing it, or it won’t freeze enough for the next use. His medicine intake is every four hours. Record his temperature every intake so we could monitor and tell them to the manager if he needs any special attention,” Kyungsoo rattles on, eyes never leaving Chanyeol’s face as the rapper scrunches up his face, probably in an attempt to remember everything he’s just been told to do. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. You’ll take care of him right?” Kyungsoo asks. Chanyeol merely nods in answer. “Wake me up if you need any help,” He finally says as he claps Chanyeol’s back and exits the room.

“Baekhyun-ah, you’re making everyone worry about you,” Chanyeol whispers as he lays beside his lover. “Be well soon okay? So we won’t have to worry so much about you,” he says as he drifts off to sleep, an arm slung protectively over Baekhyun’s waist.

“Yeol? Yeol? Yeollie. Babe, wake up.”

Chanyeol squints his eyes as he feels fingers brush softly against his cheeks. “You’re awake,” he says groggily, voice raspy, as he sits up and checks Baekhyun’s temperature with the back of his hand. “You seem okay, you don’t feel that hot anymore,” Chanyeol observes but moves to take the thermometer from the bedside table. “Let me see your armpit,” he orders Baekhyun who finds it funny and laughs at the direction. “What? What did I say?” Chanyeol asks confusedly but laughs along.

“Nothing. It just sounds so wrong. Do you have an armpit fetish or something you’re not telling me?” Baekhyun answers as he takes the thermometer from Chanyeol and sticks it in between his arm.

“I do not have a fetish for armpits!” Chanyeol says indignantly. “But I do find men who don’t have armpit hair not manly enough,” he adds in after some thought. This sends Baekhyun laughing uncontrollably on the bed.

“Oh my god Yeol, don’t tell me you look at the armpit hair of every male idol in sleeveless tops when they perform?” Baekhyun asks, almost out of breath.

“Not really, only when they lift up their arms enough to see if they have some hair down there,” Chanyeol says, blushing at the outrageous revelations that he had just made. “Yah! Don’t make fun of me!” the rapper scolds his boyfriend who continues to laugh at his expense. It’s not his fault that he thinks men should have armpit hair.

“Oh Yeol, I never thought you were the fetish type!” Baekhyun says as he tries to control his laughter, seeing how his boyfriend’s pout is starting to appear. “Thank goodness I didn’t decide to shave off my pits or you won’t find me manly,” he teases as he hugs the younger man whose pout turned into a frown from all the teasing from his boyfriend.

“I don’t think you need to be manly, you just need to be pretty. I think you’re very pretty,” Chanyeol confesses as they pull away from the hug.

“I am not pretty! I’m good looking okay!” Baekhyun says, not really fond of the thought being called pretty. He’s still a man for god’s sake.

The thermometer beeps just when Baekhyun is about to say more. He hestitantly pulls the device out to see his temperature reading but Chanyeol snatches it away. “38 degrees celsius, hmm, not bad comparing it to the 40 you were running a while ago. You should probably drink your medicine already,” Chanyeol says as he returns the device back on top of the table. “You hungry yet? You should eat before taking your medicine. Kyungsoo made soup,” he says as he stands in order to get some soup for his boyfriend.

“I’ll come with you,” Baekhyun offers.

“No, stay there, I’ve got this babe,” Chanyeol says as he clicks his tongue and walks out of the bedroom confidently, leaving an amused Baekhyun behind.

The clock reads 4 o’clock in the morning. Baekhyun flops down his bed, feeling suddenly hot now that he isn’t laughing and nothing’s distracting him. Is going out there in the rain to dance worth it to suffer like this? He ponders as he pulls the covers closer to his body. Yes, it definitely is. The fans were happy to see me and that’s all that counts. It doesn’t hurt that Chanyeol’s taking care of me now. I finally have his 100% attention back on me again.

“Baek! Here’s your soup!” Chanyeol announces from the doorway, serving tray carefully held in both hands while his leg tries to open the door long enough for him to get through. It’s a recipe for disaster as Baekhyun holds his breath from praying that the scalding hot soup won’t pour all over him.

“I probably overheated the thing. I thought he said 10 minutes, he probably meant 5. Good thing I checked because the soup is bubbling over the top and making a mess inside the microwave. Kyungsoo’s not going to be happy,” Chanyeol rants as he successfully brings over the soup without spilling and sits on the bed. Baekhyun sits up accordingly, propping pillows at his back against the headboard. He smiles at just how adorable his boyfriend looks right at that moment.

“Say ahhhh,” Chanyeol says as he blows on the soup on a small spoon. Baekhyun’s eyes widen at the childish behavior and laughs it off.

“I can feed myself babe,” he tries to argue.

“No, I want to do this. I rarely get the chance to take care of you. You’re always so strong and you always take care of me. I want to do this,” Chanyeol insists as he pushes the spoon closer to Baekhyun’s mouth. The elder complies as he opens his mouth and takes in the soup.

“More,” Baekhyun says, suddenly hungry.

“Good, because you really need to finish this before you drink your medicine,” Chanyeol replies as he spoons another soup into Baekhyun’s awaiting mouth.

“Thanks for taking care of me,” Baekhyun says when he finishes gulping down the lump of a medicine down his throat. He watches as his boyfriend notes down his latest temperature reading on a small paper.

“Are you seriously thanking your boyfriend for taking care of you?” Chanyeol asks incredulously as he settles down the bed with Baekhyun. He hears a giggle in response and shifts them closer.

“You’ve been incredibly sweet to me today. I just appreciate it,” Baekhyun counters.

“Are you ready for a whole lifetime of appreciating me then?”

“Why? Can you picture us loving each other for life?”

“I do. Don’t you?”


“Sometimes I think you’re too good for me.”

“I think that’s the fever talking. I’m not. I’m just a clumsy giant with too long limbs whose voice doesn’t match his appearance.”

“You’re not. You’re perfect, with the way you hold me tight, everything you do just feels right.”

“That’s how you make me feel Baek,” Chanyeol sighs as he strokes his lover’s hair.

“Will you stay with me forever in sickness and in health?” Baekhyun asks later while staring straight into his lover’s eyes, hand cupping the younger’s face.

“For richer or poorer,” Chanyeol seriously replies, lips descending towards the other’s lips.

“Till death do us part,” they whisper together, lips sealing the vow.


“How’s Baekhyun hyung doing?” Jongin asks as he heads out for breakfast, the smell of Kyungsoo’s cooking auto-piloting him to get out of bed.

“He..he…he’s fine I guess,” Kungsoo stammers, bacon almost spilling on the countertop instead on the serving plate.

“Are you fine hyung?” Jongin continues to ask. His favorite hyung is flustered and it looks incredibly cute but it makes him curious too.

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just that I went inside their room to check on Baekhyun and. Oh my god,” Kyungsoo stops midway in his rant and collects his face in his hands in embarrassment. “I am so not supposed to see that,” he mumbles out loud.

“See what?” Kai probes on.

“Oh my freaking god! Why are you naked?!” Suho screams as he covers Sehun’s eyes from the inappropriate scene.

Jongin runs immediately towards the room to see what the commotion is all about. It’s got to be something to make their usually calm leader scream out. He whistles when he manages to squeeze in through Suho’s desperate attempts on keeping him out. His Baekhyun hyung  is sitting upright, clutching a bedsheet in hand looking like a deer caught in the headlights while Chanyeol is barely even aware of what is happening.

“We got married last night. We had our honeymoon,” Chanyeol answers as he stretches out his long arms, the bedsheet slipping from his hip revealing more skin. Suho almost faints from the reply.

“I’m not sick anymore?” Baekhyun pipes in, hoping his welfare will distract the leader enough from the traumatizing situation. Jongin guffaws from the futile attempt as Sehun manages to free himself from their leader’s grip, muttering something along the lines I’ve seen Luhan hyung do worse and turns to leave.

“Come on hyung, maybe it’s an unheard medical practice. Who cares? Baekhyun hyung’s fine now! Let’s eat!” Jongin says as he leads their dumbstruck leader out to the kitchen, laughing out loud and closes the door behind him.

“You’re really stupid sometimes you know,” Baekhyun scolds the other as he hits his arms weakly.

“No I’m not! It is actually an unheard medical practice. It’s effective isn’t it?” Chanyeol laughs as he tries to dodge more attacks from the elder.

“Yes, and you make the sexiest doctor ever,” Baekhyun whispers as Chanyeol manages to trap him underneath and immobilize his arms. Chanyeol smirking as naughty thoughts fill in his head.

“Well then, if I get sick next time, why don’t we try you dressing up as a sexy nurse then?” Chanyeol proposes the idea, lips trailing along Baekhyun’s jawline.

“I’ll be the finest and sexiest nurse you’ve ever seen,” Baekhyun promises as he closes their lips, forgetting the others waiting for them for breakfast.

A/N: I wrote this during the time news broke out Baekhyun's sick during the MBC concert.
I wanted a short fluff but somehow this came into being. I can't control my own feels.
I only hope this is what happened behind the scenes. :)

yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, fanwork: fanfiction

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