Hanamuke (1/?)

Jul 27, 2012 19:02

Title: Hanamuke
Author: heiryzmylisza
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Baekyeol
Summary: “I want this Baek. I want to know how good it feels like for Jongin and Kyungsoo having sex. I want to know if it’s as good as they let it out to be. I want this. I want you. Do this with me.”
Disclaimer: i don't own them. i wish i did.
Notes: Smut is written by vamyreunnie. beta-ed by lovely hotarumyst.

Macau. The little city of sins and luck surrounded by dizzying bright lights and where mind numbing drinks pours left and right. The coin slot machines whirl noisily at the background, bitches in shortest of skirts and highest of heels cat call, and laughter echoes against the grand walls, profanities ringing loudly against card dealers’ last call for bets. The music blares through the wall-to-wall speakers, entrancing hundreds of bodies into one fluid grinding mass on the dance floor. The varying shades of laser lights dancing across the floor leave an eerie glow against the bodies. Somewhere between the fourth and eighth vodka shot, Baekhyun forgets his manners and principles in life, a light buzzing taking over his senses, leaving him breathless and searching for a sense of fulfillment he can’t quite figure out. His body moves with the music, letting the rhythm take control, eyes closing as his hands freely roam the body of a girl that grinds against him, ass against his crotch, right hand gripping the hair at his nape lightly. He feels himself sigh against the random chick’s neck at the feeling, wanting to lose himself in it completely.

“Time’s out bitch. Gotta talk to my best man before he loses his virginity to an undeserving slut like you.” Baekhyun hears a familiar baritone voice and whips around to shoot daggers at the offender for ruining his moment. Said bitch was starting to turn him on immensely with her nimble fingers tracing shapes against his member, and was just starting to pull him out of his confines when they were interrupted. The girl eyes his friend confusedly, hand still ghosting over Baekhyun’s arousal, leaving him gasping for short intakes of air, his body becoming sexually frustrated and his mind getting annoyed at the intrusion. “You heard me bitch, now go,” his friend repeats, his charming smile managing to hide the insult in his words and somehow convincing her to think it’s okay to leave Baekhyun hanging. “Call me,” she then purrs as she slips a tissue in his back pocket and leaves with a quick grab of his ass.

“It wouldn’t have hurt to interrupt us after 5 more minutes or so,” Baekhyun sighs as he tucks himself back into his pants neatly, hips bucking involuntarily as his fingers brush against his sensitive member, body almost doubling over when the need to finish himself took over.

“Seriously man, keep a hold of yourself. This is my bachelor’s party, not yours. This ain’t The Hangover where we waste ourselves to oblivion and do fucking stupid things only to forget them tomorrow.”

“Fuck you. Just because you’re getting married and getting tied to fucking one ass all your life doesn’t mean I have to do it too,” he spat as he walks back towards their table. He sees Jongin downing another shot of vodka, Kyungsoo laughing at Jongin’s expense as he hits himself repeatedly in the face and Suho looking over the pair like the responsible guardian he is, although quite light headed himself.

“Doesn’t mean you get a free pass to losing your virginity to someone who has STDs.”

“Screw you,” he says as he accepts a shot glass full of unknown liquor from his friend, glasses clinking before letting the alcohol burn down their throats. They laugh at the uncomfortable feeling before easing into a drunken state of silence. They lock eyes as they bask in the feeling of being separated from their bodies momentarily before smiling.

Fucking Park Chanyeol getting’s married next week to his college sweetheart and somehow their bachelor’s party ended like a scene from their favorite movie The Hangover, and they regret nothing.

“The night’s young my friends! Why don’t we do more stupid stuff before we call it a night?” Jongin half yells as he slings an arm over Chanyeol, his usual smirk laced with alcohol-induced stupidity in it.

“Haven’t we done enough already?” Chanyeol asks.

“You my friend, are a party pooper. We haven’t even gone to a strip club yet!” Jongin answers, eyes suddenly becoming sharp, glinting with renewed mischievousness and energy as he downs another drink. “This is Macau baby!!! Let’s party all…night…long!” he shouts to the crowd who cheers him on as if his sudden burst of energy radiated through them and gave them another reason to party on. The crowd becomes wilder, and the music plays louder.

“To Chanyeol and your complete idiocy at getting tied down at such a young age! May you be envious of our youthful and party rocking lives while you’re stuck in your boring office and feeding your noisy children!” Jongin proposes the toast, another shot glass in hand, held high in midair as his friends stand and grab their own glass, forming a perfect circle around their table. “To Chanyeol and his idiocy!” they yell in unison as clinks and boisterous laughter is heard and ends up disappearing in the blaring music of Rihanna.

Baekhyun vaguely remembers how he ended up in a stripclub, his body being deliciously molested by a pretty stripper in a too small zebra printed bra and matching panties. He remembers the sensation of running his hands along her stocking clad thighs that went straight to his groins. “Enjoying yourself big boy?” she whispers against his ear, leaning towards him to the point that her full breasts almost spill out of her underwear. Baekhyun’s breath hitches as she straddles his lap, white creamy thighs spread wide for him as she bites her lower lip in a gesture suggesting innocence but wanting something from a whole other world. He almost comes at the perfection of the sight in front of him if not for another unwelcome interruption.

“I believe I’m the one getting married here? Why don’t you come here pretty? I feel lonely,” Chanyeol says with a mock pout as he grabs her arm and pulls her toward him and his awaiting lap. Baekhyun almost flips the table in frustration. He watches then in spite as his best friend receives sensuous attention from the stripper, his own body shivering as though he were the one experiencing it.

All his senses are going in overdrive and he feels his mind might shut down from trying to process everything at once. His eyes feast on the girl as she slinks back towards her dance pole, round ass sashaying to a beat Baekhyun’s ears barely even register. The smell of cigarette smoke along with the sharp smell of sweat and sickly sweet cheap perfumes attack his nostrils as he tries to breathe. He blanches; he can almost taste them on his tongue. His mouth waters for a drink as he feels his throat dry up. But he knows another dose of an alcoholic drink would lead to disastrous results, and his friends are in no better shape, so he restrains himself. He swallows the little amount of saliva his mouth manages to produce, and just in time, too, as the girl unclasps her bra. A chorus of sounds of appreciation reverberates across the room, Baekhyun’s own low groan joining in as his hands flies on top of his groin, his pants becoming too tight for his own liking. He decides then that it was a stupid to listen to Jongin who insisted on him wearing black skinny jeans. It flattered his ass quite well he said, it makes your legs look longer he said.

If things went on smoothly from there, Baekhyun would like it very much. But then, things never really run smoothly when you’re friends with Kim Jongin and Park Chanyeol, especially with a very drunk Kim Jongin. A loud crash disrupts the stripclub, dancers stopping midway through their well-practiced movements, patrons yelling obscenities at the hold up in the performance. Baekhyun lazily turns his attention toward the source of the noise and glimpses flashes of brown hair and an all-too-familiar smirk in the fist fight happening a few chairs away from him. He barely recognizes the panicked voice of Suho telling them to run before he is whisked away into the cold and dark streets of Macau.

Turns out fucking genius Jongin started a fight with a patron for hogging the view too much. But said patron conveniently has 5 bulky bodyguards with him, ready to pull the trigger on anyone messing around with their boss. And here they are, running for their lives in unfamiliar streets, scared shitless.

They find solace at a park lighted with hundreds of stringed bulbs hanging in a zig-zag pattern. It’s pretty packed, considering it’s already in the early hours of the morning as they weave in and out through the people in an effort to lose the bodyguards. They rest at a tree, huffing and panting and throwing accusatory glances at Jongin, who only mutters half-hearted apologies at them.

“It’s really gross trying to watch a pretty girl strip right in front of you when a fucking balding old man trying to jack himself off is blocking your view!” he defends. Baekhyun chortles at the incredulity of their situation when all of his fears start to slip away. It’s a pity, really, that he didn’t get to tap that gorgeous ass, but running away from those crazy ass bastards is more fun anyway. He’ll gladly run with these idiots to certain death if they want to. Because somehow he feels like it’ll be the last time they’ll be together like this, happy, drunk and extremely stupid.

“Let’s dance!” Jongin suggests a little later when they all have caught their breath and their heartbeat rate has returned to normal. Well, as normal as a heart rate could be for extremely drunk guys. It’s the first time Baekhyun has taken in their surroundings as much as his blurry vision allows him to. Latin music is blasting out from the amplifiers, loud, sexy and inviting. Jongin already has Kyungsoo locked in his gay arms in the middle of the make shift dance floor. Yes, gay arms. They’ve been an item for as long as Baekhyun remembers. They’re just like him and Chanyeol, except they’re deeply in love with each other and very much not virgins anymore, as proven by how Jongin has Kyungsoo now in a writhing mess against his chest, grinding and seeking more heat from the younger of them both.

Baekhyun eyes them with jealousy. He’s jealous of how the pair looks perfect for each other, how Jongin’s copper skin compliments Kungsoo’s ivory ones. Jealous of how Kyungsoo seems to fit exactly in Jongin’s arms and every part of his body as they dance and laugh on the dance floor. Jealous of how easily they fell in love with each other after Kyungsoo took the risk to confess. Jealous of the courage Kyungsoo had which could change how things are probably right now. If he just had that kind of courage, maybe he doesn’t have to watch his best friend he’d loved for so long get married to somebody else. He looks sideways at Chanyeol and his perfect smile. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks, this wouldn’t be a fucking bachelor’s party, just another wild night for all of them.

Baekhyun bitterly sighs as he grabs a bottle of beer from a passing girl carrying a tray with an assortment of drinks. All night, he’s been trying to delude himself into thinking that he’s fine with the way everything is right now. That he’s happy looking and feeling up pretty girls and their asses. Sure, he still finds them attractive and incredibly arousing when facing his ideal type. It’s just that somehow, Chanyeol is always a tempting presence he can’t keep his mind off.  He downs the bottle in one drinking, the pleasant buzzing in his head returning immediately with vengeance. It’s not the wisest decision he’s made, and knows a bad hangover awaits him the morning after. But, he’ll take anything, anything to distract him of his pitiful heartache right now.

A group of girls spot them and hold out their hands in invitation to dance with them. Suho makes the first move by grabbing the blonde’s hand and whisks her away into the dancing crowd, her laughter echoing against the night air. Baekhyun sees Chanyeol taking the brunette’s hand and thinks it’s because she looks like his fiancé, and they disappear, too, in the mass of bodies. The red head eyes him momentarily before flashing a bright grin and a charming eye smile. “Let’s dance,” she says as she grabs his hand and pulls him in.

“You’re pretty cute you know,” she says as she turns in his arms.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” he replies, his hand dropping to rest on her hip.

“What are you doing here in Macau anyway?” she asks as she sways her hips to the beat and throws an alluring smile at him.

“My best friend’s getting married next week. This is supposed to be his bachelor’s party but it turned out fucked up, complete with running away from the Mafia or something,” he answers as he presses his lips against the girl’s neck who gasps softly at the sudden action. She turns at the next beat, a hand curling around his neck before the other trails down his torso.

“Not so fast pretty boy,” she whispers as she frees herself from his arms and walks back a few steps.

Baekhyun furrows his eyebrows together in confusion before she saunters back to him, hips swaying dangerously left and right to the beat, toned arms waving at her sides accentuating her every step towards him. She grabs the front of his shirt before dragging him deeper into the crowd, every step still in the beat of the music. She takes hold of his hands then and stretches them out to their sides, hips swinging as she drops to the ground, giving him a delicious view of her bosom before going back up. Baekhyun swallows thickly as he feels a hard on beginning to form, and she isn’t really helping with his situation as she moves behind his back, hand settling on his right hip before dropping again, travelling down all the way to his calves. He could feel her sweet sweet ass gyrating against his own before returning in front of him again, her hands placing his own on her hip as she sways seductively on the spot again. At that point, Baekhyun is so lost all he can see is her and how close her body is. He feels her leading him into the dance, and he really isn’t much of a dancer but Latin dance was part of his physical education course in college. And today, more than ever, he is eternally grateful for having the patience to see through until the end the short lesson he had.

To say he is not aroused would be blasphemous. Baekhyun watches her dance, feet steady and sure of every step, pointed at the right occasions and tries really hard to keep up with her goddess-like dancing as she twirls around before grabbing hold of his shirt again, breath hot and panting inches way from his face. The sexually charged atmosphere almost dizzies him as her hand gently brushes the front of his pants and he bites back a moan from escaping. He hears her laugh before soft lips capture his own in a kiss full of promises of what is more to come that night.

“Steph, we have to go!” Baekhyun faintly catches in the background before his lips are devoid of the warmth they felt seconds ago.

“What? Why?”

“First of all, the guy I just danced with is a creep. And, I think dad knows where we are and he’s sending the guards over,” the girl Baekhyun recognizes as Chanyeol’s dance partner says. “Quick! We still have to find Kim!” she practically screams in panic.

“Shit,” the red head curses as she grabs a small bag Baekhyun never really noticed before. “I’m Steph, here’s my number. Call me real soon okay?” she says as she hands him a pink calling card.

Baekhyun nods in a daze as the harsh reality of what is happening dawns on him. She flashes him another one of her eye smiles before pressing a kiss against his mouth again and another on his cheeks for good measure. With that, she’s gone and Baekhyun is left to deal with himself again, and he wants to cry for real this time in frustration.

“Dance with me instead,” he hears a low grumble before too long arms snake their way around his small waist.

“You know I don’t like to dance Chanyeol,” he says, mood dropping as his too tight pants became too much to bear with the thought that no one is really there to take care of it.

“Ah, that’s not how I remember it Baek. I thought you enjoyed dancing with that red head girl a while ago? Or do you only dance to seduce and get laid?” Baekhyun hears Chanyeol whisper against his ear.

“She’s a great dancer, just so you know, and I didn’t want to look stupid in front of her,” He retorts as he tries to head back towards the edge of the crowd, somewhere cooler that might help with his dilemma. Somewhere far away from Chanyeol, whose dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top, revealing gorgeous collar bones and smooth chest. He can’t guarantee the straightness of the decisions his extremely buzzed and sex deprived mind might make if he keeps in contact with that body.

Chanyeol chuckles before pulling Baekhyun flush against him “You’re a really bad liar, Baekhyun-ah”.

“You caught me, Yeol, you know how much I want to get laid already right?” he answers back in feigned condescending tone mixed in with annoyance. Chanyeol’s laughter echoes across the park and Baekhyun laughs along with him, because he can’t really stay angry with his friend for too long, because this is really what defines who they are and their friendship, him loving his best friend unconditionally.

The music changes, beat more intoxicating and Baekhyun finds himself swaying his hips unconsciously but more seductively, just like the way Steph did moments ago. “That’s the third time you messed my chances of getting some action, you know,” he hisses. The third time of trying to get laid just to forget about you and this agony in my chest, he mentally corrects himself. He feels Chanyeol’s hand travel underneath his shirt along the waistband of his pants, and his breath hitches, his hard on refusing to go away. His mind getting blurry from the fifth bottle he manages to steal and drinks.

“Are you so desperate on getting laid you’ll settle down with just anyone, Baek?” Chanyeol asks as he breathes against Baekhyun’s ears, ragged breath shooting delicious shivers along the shorter man’s spine.

“Yes,” he breathes out as he scrambles to find a better hold against the taller man; his knees are starting to get weak and he no longer trusts himself on standing without a support. His mind starting to run in impossible speeds trying to comprehend that this is Chanyeol who’s groping him and sending waves of desires throughout his body.

“If you haven’t noticed, I still have this hard on that is left really unhappy,” he adds as he relishes in the feeling of the younger’s hand coming close to his throbbing problem. He attempts to wriggle away from Chanyeol’s arms in frustration as the younger continues to tease him endlessly. Instead, he is pulled tighter against the broad and warm chest, his behind coming in contact with a raging erection. He sighs at the feel of it and rubs his ass against the offending tent repeatedly, earning him a string of curses from Chanyeol. Then a strong pair of hands still his movements and Baekhyun looks up to the current object of his desires, extremely confused and teary because he can’t take anymore rejections after a long night of him left hanging.

“Let me help you with that Baek,” Chanyeol whispers as he kisses Baekhyun tentatively, his thumb brushing against the other’s hard on.

“Why are you doing this?” Baekhyun asks as he pulls away from the kiss, eyes staring straight into Chanyeol’s own, hooded with lust and uncertainty.

“I want this Baek. I want to know how good it feels like for Jongin and Kyungsoo having sex. I want to know if it’s as good as they let it out to be. I want this. I want you. Do this with me,” Chanyeol begs as his arousal becomes more evident and harder to bear.

“Take me back to the hotel,” Baekhyun whispers as he captures Chanyeol’s lips in another hungry kiss.

“Ouch, watch it!” Baekhyun hisses as his head throbs from the impact with the lamp along the wall of their hotel room.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Chanyeol replies as he continues to push Baekhyun up against the wall, hands placed securely against the shorter man’s ass, lips sucking furiously at a sensitive spot along Baekhyun’s neck.

“That tickles,” he manages to say in between his moans as he turns his neck, giving Chanyeol more space to devour. He closes his eyes and loses himself in the sensation. After a night of extended heightened awareness he knows that he won’t last long once Chanyeol really gets down to business so he wants to enjoy as much of the prelude as he possibly can. When Chanyeol reaches down and cups his throbbing erection, gripping it tightly, he groans aloud, thrusting into the painfully delicious sensation.

“You’re so hot, Baek,” Chanyeol whispers near his ear, stroking him roughly through the coarse material of his jeans. “So hard. I can’t wait to fuck you. I bet you can’t wait to be fucked by me either. I’m going to make you come harder than you ever have, and you’ll be screaming my name at the top of your gorgeous lungs.”

Chanyeol’s words are the last straw.

With a low growl, Baekhyun turns his head towards the taunting voice and captures Chanyeol’s lips in a hard kiss. He doesn’t wait for Chanyeol’s permission but instead forces his tongue between Chanyeol’s lips, taking possession of the warm recesses within.

Chuckling to himself, Chanyeol allows Baekhyun to take control of the kiss, knowing that once he has Baekhyun naked and trembling, he’ll be the one with all the power.

As the kiss goes on, Baekhyun finds himself growing hungrier, needier, wanting more and more of Chanyeol than a kiss can give him. It isn’t long before he finds himself pressing against Chanyeol, whimpering in need.

Taking the cue from his friend, Chanyeol places his hands on Baekhyun’s hips and hikes him up, startling his friend and leaving him with no other option but to wrap his legs around Chanyeol’s waist and hold on for dear life. The walk to the bed is short, and soon, Baekhyun is lying on his back, staring up at his best friend with lust-crazed eyes.

Chanyeol thinks Baekhyun has never looked hotter, sexier. He’s tempted to take his time, to draw it out until he has his friend quivering and begging for release, but he doesn’t know if he can last that long, so filled with desire for what - at least in that moment - Baekhyun and only Baekhyun can give him. He doesn’t even feel guilty when his fiancée briefly crosses his mind. He doesn’t see it as cheating, because to him, Baekhyun is and always will be the exception to the rule. She will just have to understand that.

He decides to forgo teasing his friend, eager to ease the tension in his body caused by hours of unreleased arousal. Poor Baekhyunnie, he thinks. Such a passionate little thing with no one to lend a helping hand. Smiling, he lowers himself on top of his friend and claims his mouth.

Before long, they’re both naked: sweat-slicked bodies gliding against each other as their tongues playfully battle for dominance. Chanyeol has already kissed, licked and sucked his way over Baekhyun’s body, paying meticulous attention to his friend’s most sensitive areas. He loves the way Baekhyun trembles beneath his ministrations, loves his soft moans and sighs and the way his hands grab for purchase on Chanyeol’s back, holding onto him like a lifeline. He’d allowed himself a moment of wickedness, taking his friend close to the brink by way of his mouth and a couple of clever digits stroking his spot. Baekhyun had pleaded for release but before he could get there, Chanyeol had stopped and kissed his way back up his body instead. Baekhyun will get what he wants but only when Chanyeol is ready to give it to him.

Neither one had been prepared for their encounter, so the magical bottle of slippery clear gel that would make their adventure that much more enjoyable is absent. However, Chanyeol is more than experienced enough to think of an alternative. He gleefully licks and sucks his way down Baekhyun’s body again, pausing to teasingly tongue his swollen head for a couple of minutes before preparing his entrance with his body’s natural lubricant: saliva.

When Chanyeol finally thrusts into him, Baekhyun’s moan is a mixture of pain and mind-numbing pleasure. The sharp sting of Chanyeol’s invasion isn’t surprising - he is a virgin after all - and Baekhyun’s back arches off the bed as the offending sensation travels along his nerve-pathways. However, despite Baekhyun’s obvious discomfort, Chanyeol does not pause, continuing to push himself deep into Baekhyun’s resisting tunnel until he can’t go any further. This is when the pleasure kicks in. Chanyeol bumps into that sweetest of spots, and it is all Baekhyun can do to stop himself from coming then and there.

Chanyeol does not believe in the old adage “good things come to those who wait.” He believes that good things come to those who actively seek what they want, and at the moment, he wants nothing more than to ram into Baekhyun’s tight heat and spill his seed while giving his best friend the orgasm he’s been longing for all night. So that is exactly what he does.

Chanyeol is not gentle, and Baekhyun loves him all the more for it. His body is so heated and over-sensitive that he doesn’t think he can bear the sedateness of love making, even if it is his first time, and first times are supposed to be sweet, memorable, and all that jazz. His mind never really lingers either on the thought that this is actually his best friend who’s getting married and making him see stars with every push inside of him. And it’s so wrong, so wrong on so many levels. But he wants it hot and hard, he wants to come, and with the way Chanyeol is pounding into him, the way he in turn is clinging to Chanyeol, arms and legs wrapped tightly around the lithe frame on top of him, he knows that he will finally have his release very soon.

It crashes over him like a tidal wave. One minute he’s holding on, working towards what is just out his reach and the next, he’s tumbling over, his hips jerking wildly as they meet Chanyeol’s rhythmic thrusts, his hand frantically going to his sticky erection and wildly urging the rest of his orgasm out of its fountaining tip. From what seems like a far off distance, he hears himself screaming Chanyeol’s name over and over and shortly after, he feels a pleasant flood of heat deep inside, which triggers another round of spasms low in his belly, prolonging his orgasm.

“Fuck,” Chanyeol moans into Baekhyun’s neck, his hips still pistoning automatically as his intense climax continues to drain him of energy. “Fuck, Baek, you feel so good.” He sinks his teeth into Baekhyun’s shoulder, eyes squeezed shut as he savors the ecstasy coursing through his veins. When the waves of pleasure begin to subside, he plunges deeply one more time before finally collapsing on top of his friend.

Smiling to himself, Baekhyun untangles his legs from Chanyeol’s hips but keeps his arms wrapped around his friend, holding him close. When he feels Chanyeol kiss his neck, his smile widens. He soon hears the tell tale signs of Chanyeol sleeping, his sniffling sound filling in the suddenly quiet night. Baekhyun presses their bodies closer together and breathes in the musky scent of sex, his best friend’s heartbeat lulling him to sleep.

A/N: It's been a while since I last posted here in LJ.
Quite ironic it's for a korean OTP but the title is from my japanese ichiban.
Tell me what you think.

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. (for old time's sake)

pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, fanwork: fanfiction

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