Surprise (Oneshot)

Mar 31, 2010 17:41

“It’s okay..Shige and Koyama are here already. We’re going back to the apartment. We’ll just wait for you there okay?”

“Hai..” Massu answers and Tegoshi hangs up. Massu smiles to himself. He knows Tegoshi is pissed off at him right now. Tegoshi hates him for being late. He even reminded Massu the night before about going to his place on time. Now, he thinks Massu is late again which excites Massu even more for his reaction to his surprise.

Massu waits in silence standing up and holding out the cake, finally hears the door click open. Soon enough, Koyama’s voice is booming in the room. Shige darts his head out the sliding door towards the veranda and smiles at Massu and notes how wonderful the weather is outside. Koyama appears outside seconds later and Massu smiles his most wonderful smile as he sees Tegoshi walking outside, following the duo’s lead.

There would be no words to describe how Massu exactly feels. He just feels his heart slowly dropping. He didn’t plan things to turn out this way. He only imagined Tegoshi’s surprised look and then his warm smile melting the surprised look off his face. He didn’t want this. His heart almost broke as Tegoshi looks at his way and then turns his attention back to his cellphone and continues typing his message away.

Koyama and Shige’s smile also falters. Even their “Surprise” greeting to Tegoshi was left unnoticed. Tegoshi however walks straight to Massu, drops his phone on the table and half hugs Massu.

“Happy Birthday” Massu quietly murmurs.

“Thanks!” Tegoshi answers with a grin, missing out the uncomfortable looks of his friends.

“Make a wish!” Koyama adds in an effort to make the mood lighter.

Tegoshi closes his eyes and then blows out the candles. He leans in to kiss Massu on the cheeks but Massu ducks forward and lays the cake back to the table. Tegoshi frowns but Massu didn’t care.

Shige starts to eat the food both he and Massu bought earlier. There were just 3 sets of takeout food. One was for Shige, one for Koyama and the other for TegoMass. Massu said that they would just share, he was half full anyway. But now, after that reaction, Massu didn’t even offer his food to Tegoshi.

Tegoshi sits with the group and watches them eat. Underneath the table he reaches out to touch Massu’s knee but Massu jerks it away. Tegoshi sighs. It really isn’t like Massu to act this way. He knows he must’ve done something wrong to upset him so much.

“Ne, you know Tegoshi, you could’ve been more appreciative to Massu’s surprise for you..” Shige suddenly pipes in.

“ could’ve just acted surprised or something. Your reaction is cold.” Koyama adds as he stuffs another bite of his food in his mouth.

“Is that why you’re angry?” Tegoshi asks Massu.

“You’re really unappreciative you know..” Massu mutters.

“I was typing a message to Yamapi! He was asking me about something..” Tegoshi tries to defend himself.

“Okay, I guess it’s more important anyway,” Massu almost sobs in response.

Tegoshi falls silent and feels bad for what he have done. It’s not like he didn’t appreciate what Massu did for him. It’s just he is not used to getting this from Massu. It was like it didn’t register in his brain fast enough to give an acceptable reaction. Besides, Shige and Koyama were there. He felt he would burst in embarrassment if they would see just how happy he really was.

Soon, Yamapi and Ryo arrives in the scene. They both greet Tegoshi a happy birthday before joining Koyama and Shige in front of the television screen.

Tegoshi slips outside to the veranda quietly where he sees Massu alone.

“Ne..Massu…” he whines. Massu deliberately ignores him.

“Massu..gomen ne..” he says while poking Massu’s shoulder. “I really did like your surprise for me. I’m just not used to that kind of attention from you. I love you Massu..please don’t be angry at me,” he says and hugs Massu.

Massu sighs. He gives up. He can’t be angry with his Tegoshi for that long. He’ll forgive him this time.

“Did you really like it?” he asks again.

“Yes!” Tegoshi excitedly answers.

“How much?”

“As much as I love you..” Tegoshi whispers and seals it with a kiss.

A/N: first fic post for a looooooooong time now...
i'm sorry for any grammatical errors
or if this one shot sucks...
i just want to start the ball rolling..
i'll come up with better ideas
and i hope i'll have my old writing style back..
thank you for all the comments...

YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU!!! ^__________________^

pairing: tegoshi/massu

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