Hugs (drabble)

Oct 18, 2008 20:16

Title: Hugs
Author: heiryzmylisza 
Rating: GP
Pairing: MassuTego / SuShi~♥
Summary: Tegoshi's struggling with his essay...

Tegoshi sighs for the umpteenth time that night while staring at the blinking cursor at his computer’s screen. The blank page of Microsoft Word is white as ever as he chews on his lower lip desperately thinking of how to creatively start a paragraph. He needs this paper to be over and done with. It’s due the next day but words aren’t just flowing in his mind right now. He needs rest he decided and gets up from the uncomfortable computer chair he’s been sitting on for over an hour.

His slippers effectively muffle the sound as he goes down the stairs to grab a cup of coffee. He’s glad the coffee is still warm and pours himself a cup and heads toward the veranda. The night is beautiful and serene. He wonders why he can’t write a simple essay on a beautiful night like this. The topic is simple. What’s the most comforting thing in this world for you?

He had thought of chocolates and ice creams of course. Ever since he was a kid, he’d find comfort eating ice cream when he’s feeling sad. But then, isn’t that too girly? He thought of all the chick flicks he had watched and how the girls comforted themselves eating buckets of ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.  He scrunched up his nose on that thought so he erased it from his options.

He also thought of nice long warm baths on the evening when he’d get home. The warmth eases the stress off his aching shoulders and muscles. He also heard that the steam is good for the skin so that was a bonus since he’s an idol and all. But then again, there’s no originality in that. Nope, that answer won’t earn him a grade of A+ on his paper so he checked it off the list too.

Then there is soccer. He smiles at the thought of his favorite sport and the joy it brings every time he plays it. The adrenaline rush and all makes the sport exciting. Never mind the small cuts and bruises he gets, he loves the sport and will play it until he gets old. Although, he doesn’t quite think that playing sports is actually something comforting isn’t it?  So he scratches soccer off the list again.

Tegoshi ruffles his hair in frustration. He thinks of things that are usually related with the word comfort, miso soup, coffee, ice creams, fluffy jackets, a warm bed and smiles until he can’t think of anything anymore. His brain is on the verge of exploding and he’s frustrated by it. He slumps back on the chair he’s been sitting on and sets his mug next to him.

Then suddenly and idea pops into his mind. Aren’t friends supposed to be comforting? They bring you comfort whenever you’re down and feeling lonely right? He smiles at his realization and dashes off towards his bedroom and sits down in front of his computer. He sets his fingers on top of the keyboard waiting for the wave of ideas to start typing. The insertion point blinks quietly and Tegoshi stares in awe at it. And just like that, his ideas come flying away from him again out his bedroom window. He sobs in irritation and wipes away the childish tear that stained his face.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” a kind voice asks not far away. Tegoshi swivels the computer chair to face a sleepy eyed Masuda Takahisa, his white shirt almost falling off his left shoulder, his brown hair tousled, and his hand rubbing his sleepy eyes awake. “What’s wrong Tesshi?” he asks and then yawns. Tegoshi just shakes his head no and sobs again.

Then he experienced the most wonderful feeling of being hugged that night. Massu was so warm and Tegoshi could just feel the beat of his heart and he could just drown from hearing it. Tegoshi then buries his face in Massu’s chest as the older man brushes his hair slightly then leaves a small kiss on his cheeks. “I’m here now, everything’s gonna be alright,” Massu whispers as he tightens his hug on his lover. Then Tegoshi nods in understanding as he too finally found out that the most comforting thing in this world for him is the warm hug from the one you love.

------------*** .014. ***------------
so, yup, first drabble for this sem break!
inspired by the hug i received from my bf...
god, i'm so lame, why do i have to base my fics on that?
oh well, i guess my creativity was pulped into a mush
during this sem... good thing i have a lovelife to save me
from running out of ideas!!! hihi...
oh yeah, thanks for those who wished me luck for me and my bf
im happy that you guys are supportive...
even if idon't know you guys personally...
thanks really!!! ^__________________^

so, yeah, hoped you guys liked it...
sorry for the mistakes... wrote it 1am in the morning...
not the best time to start writing a fic ne? hehe...

so, yeah, comments are loved!

yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!! ^__________________^

fanwork: fanfiction, pairing: tegoshi/massu

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