The Jones Legacy 1.6

Jul 20, 2011 20:44

Helloooo everybody! I told you last time I was going to do only one extra update this generation, but I just took to many pictures (so yeah, university was not THAT boring, but it was still boring) for just one and they aren't even graduated. So I will split up and 1.7 will be the last one. xD I also talked about an heir poll, but I guess I have too few readers for that (poor me) so maybe I'll just pick an heir myself. Oh and I had waaaay to much fun editing these pictures. You'll notice.

Previous parts:
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5

So this is their not-fancy selfmade dorm. At first I thought it wasn't bad, pretty basic but not bad. But now I understand it is one of the most ugly dorms you've ever seen. Oh well, it'll be interesting living in such an architectural disaster (oh rly?).



So yeah, that's just some random bedroom. They all look a bit like that.

College time!

And I don't know what happened to Jane. She ALREADY has the Incredible Shrinking Jaw of Doom (to use rikkulidea 's words). What will this be when she becomes an elder?

AND SHE HAS A BACKPACK? What did you do to me, Oh Random Clothing God? (And yes, I don't know how to change their clothes in uni because I don't have a mod so I can't do it everytime I want and I don't have a clothes shop yet in that university-'hood and I'm too lazy to make one.)

Janet's next!

I quite like her. Although I'm a bit irritated by her haircut right now, so I might change it (if she becomes heir, that is).

Just like Janet, Joanne's clothes are normal! Yay! And I think Joanne is the prettiest of the four. Because here iiiis...

John! Who totally has is father's chin (that's funny!)!

They all got a room. :D

And now comes the fun part. Dormies! :D Although there is only room for 3, because I like small dorms because otherwise my game lags.

And here you have some lovely dutch names. But Didi isn't that hard to remember, isn't it? She's not too bad either.

And I thought I would've gotten ugly dormies (because I always get ugly dormies). But she's a real QT, isn't she? I like her hair, it suits her.

...guess I talked to soon. His face is... unique? BUT THAT HAIR. Hideous.

Ohmygod! It's Joanne's PANCAKE-EATING-FACE~ Yeah.

And they met a few profs.

I'm glad you think that.

Joanne streaking with NINJANIPPELS and a cheerleader thinking she can de-spoil a cup of cereal.

Cheerleader: You know, I'm so excited about college! I haven't declared my major yet, but I think I will soon! Oh and did you -
Didi: Hmm that girl over there in the couch looks just fiiiine to me...
Joanne: *bored*
Jane: University is so weird...

Because I wanted Jane to like the redhaired dormie aka Marlon I changed her turn-on's and -off.

And it worked! It's only one bolt though.

And John picks up his old habits again while Janet is staring at him.

Janet: Seriously what is wrong with this cafetaria-lady. She doesn't even clean the sink. That's pathetic.
Cafetaria Lady (CL): Is that bitch giving me a sign? *sigh*

...yes I had to make this picture, alright?

Why are you so upset, Jane?
Jane: Some freak just seated himself next to me...

Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops: You know, what you have... those aren't even breasts anymore.

Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops: They're more like... GLOBES to me...

Jane: Just ignore him. Ehh, I'm going to read a book. Bye!

Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops: Hmm that went well... NOM NOM NOM NOM

And yes I had to use that nickname (it's from Avatar: The Last Airbender).

She's really growing into her Lady Gaga haircut. Being all crazy and stuff.

Majors! The ones in their "wishes" (verlangens! xD) is what they got. Jane chose art, I think.

Well that's some handsome new cafetaria - oh wait. It's John. He looks sooo much like Richard.

And this is where my fun began.

Indeed, Jane is hugging a smelly Marlon and Joanne's like WTF.

One of the fun parts of university when you are bored is knocking on a locked dormie's door. But then Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops showed up!

And he asks something inappropriate (gosh, did I spell it right?) to Didi, which we can explain from her face.
Didi: No way! Go sunbath, I only date people with a tan!

John is so gay. Oh wait! He is..

Joanne: Don't you think it is alarming when the CL comes and eats with us? I mean... she never eats! D:
Didi: Oh gosh, you are so right!
Poor Cafetaria Lady.

Yeaaah! They finally kissed each other! :D They also WooHoo-ed after that but I deleted that screen accidentally.

Joanne doesn't think Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops is attractive.

Indeed, Marlon's head is going through the wall and I thought it was funny to draw her head and... yeah. Sorry for the lame joke.

This is so wrong.

Janet cleans EVERYTHING.

Aaand Marlon and Jane are engaged. Because I figured she was good-looking. So if Jane is going to be heir, she'll marry her.

And Janet does this aaaall the time.

Joanne has an interesting taste for men. But since she is a Romance Sim, I figured she needed some 'love'... and then he left. The bastard.

Another fun thing to do on university when you get bored is giving the CL work by taking away the plates she makes and putting them on the ground. When her shift is almost done, they all start to spoil so she needs to clean them up.

And then you get two CL's! Hooray!

Streaker girl walks in to streak Jane, but she is terrified by Jane being naked. Uhm, she's showering, right? Sorry for the walls down, but I couldn't take a good picture otherwise.

...At least it has something to do with paper?

Indeed, they painted a portrait of the former CL to tease the new one.

Look at how concentrated he's looking at...


I wish they had better graphics for the television.

Didi swoons over Joanne, and this will be the beginning of the Stalker Chronicles.

Didi: Planet.

...she's a little scary, actually.

That's not so badass, eh? Now, I know Hendrick isn't the Most Beautiful Man In The World, but if you change his haircut he is quite special. And I like special Sims. Not sure if he's going to be spouse if John becomes heir, though.

How adorable.

(So yeah, that's a really fun acronym for Cheerleaders and their Stupidity - Part 2: The Cow Mascot Rage.)

These two seem to enjoy the prank, and they become best friends.

Jane... well, not so very much.

Jane: You made my hair wet!
Mr. Cow: What do you care? You're a lesbian.

People under 18, skip this picture because it is very violent and it can destroy your mind and stuff like that.

Didi: BOOYEAH JANE! Don't disappoint me, babe! *screams*
Janet: Ooh I hope this fight isn't ruining my hair.

Jane won.

Jane: Of course I did. I am the best. BOM RA TA TA TA, TA TA TA TA TA~

(That's from 2NE1's Music Video from 'I Am The Best'.)

Hendrick: Now Jane has beaten up this Cow Mascot, his eggs will only be good for cooking!
...ofcourse dear.

Cow Mascot: HAHAHA! I've beat you!

John... what's the matter?

It just felt like that belonged there. She actually flies to college.

But when the Cow Mascot leaves, John is the Gamer King.
And Didi is stalking Joanne, as you can see. Stalking Chronicles Part 2.

Stalking Chronicles Part 3. And Jane is painting a very... unusual painting of Janet (oops, forgot to censor it, I hope it won't be deleted).

Cheerleaders and their Stupidity - Part 3: Llama's Are Actually Male Cheerleaders.

Stalking Chronicles Part 4.

So and what is wrong with you?
Joanne: I am a Romance Sim, and the only guy I liked has left me.
You barely met him and he just walked away. You can always call him?
Joanne: That's not the same! And if I were a lesbian, I could've kissed Mrs. Stalker but I'm straight!
...alright? Something else?
Joanne: No. D:

Woohoo~. They WooHoo-ed! :D (Btw, in my language, they call it 'O yes!' [translated ofcourse])

And we end with a magnificent shot of Mr. FooFoo CuddlyPoops.

So that's it for this time. Stay tuned! :D

the jones legacy

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