The Jones Legacy 1.3

Jun 05, 2011 00:27

Previous parts:
1.1 | 1.2
After a very, very, very long time, another update! I promise I will do my best updating this legacy. But I think it is going a bit too slow, so I will speed up things. Not in this update, but probably in the next one. That my kids can go to college and start their life! Let us begin...

We stopped with a baby cliffhanger last time! What will it be? You'll find out soon, but first... the stats of Richard & Miranda!

Family - Become Education Minister
Sloppy/Neat: 9
Shy/Outgoing: 2
Lazy/Active: 6
Serious/Playful: 3
Grouchy/Nice: 5
Turn-on's: beard, brown hair
Turn'off: werewolf

Knowledge - Become Mad Genius
Sloppy/Neat: 9
Shy/Outgoing: 2
Lazy/Active: 6
Serious/Playful: 3
Grouchy/Nice: 5
Turn-on's: brown hair, insight
Turn-off: stink

This update contains: weird townies, Jane trying to prove her sexyness and John being adorable.

Say hi to this handsome boy: John Jones (you can laugh with that name, but I thought it was catchy)! He has blue eyes and brown hair!

Miranda: having babies is fun!
Sure about that, Miranda? Really? Well.. then you'll be having more! >:]

This. Is. So. Freaking. Cute.

Stop doing that John, you're killing me. D:

Jane: Don't give him all the attention! I am cute too! Look at how I bite my fingers!
Yes, I love you too, Jane. Besides, your biting your PJ's, not your fingers.

Miranda & Richard: We are sooo happy~. Look at us how happy we are. We're the happiest!

Jane: OUCH MY BACK! Can anyone please put that right?
Miranda & Richard: *glare*

Jane: Ooh, it's alright. Don't need it anymore.

Let's have a view at the house plan. :D

I added an upper floor from Richard's well-earned money.

[House Spam]

[/House Spam]

Jane: I~'m, too sexy for my omelette, too sexy for my omelette~.

Jane: Look at that supersexy gap between my two front teeth. It's superior.

Jane: To prove my sexyness I'll take this garbage out of the trashcan...

Jane: ...and I'll put it on the ground.

Naughty girl.

Dear Miranda, you're a woman. You can't fix that.

She didn't fix it.

Yes, my dear blondhead, you are pregnant again. I hoped you would've known this after 2 times. Morningsickness~

That look's painful.

Jane: To prove my sexyness even more, I'll show you my zupah-ninja-pohwahz.

This townie wants to be a wizard so I shall call him Mr. Weasley.

I love those baby-sounds. xD

Mr. Weasley: You should become a lawyer when you grow up!

Mr. Weasley: Then I can kiss you, otherwise not. I only kiss lawyers, but they never want to kiss me back!

Jane: That's because you look like a sumo-wrestler. Don't you think so too, dad?

Richard & Jane: *best friends*

Mr. Weasley: If I put my hands like this, maybe I can use a spell. Soo... abracadabra!
Miranda: *pops*
Mr. Weasley: Ohmygod... I MADE HER PREGNANT! O__O

Jane: I will prove my sexyness by pretending to sleep and producing floating Z's into the air. Yeah, I rock.

That's not your bed, Richard. That room is for John... when he grows up, that is.

Jane: I will prove my sexyness by showing that I am kind to everyone and everything.

Jane: I will prove my sexyness by showing off my creative skills.

They slept well I assume.

The kitchen is a dump.

Don't lecture your brother because he stinks, Jane. He can't help it.

It still is too cute. You don't have to prove your cuteness anymore, John.

Meet Mr. FaceEating.

Mr. FaceEating: High-fiiiive~
Richard: What for?
Mr. FaceEating: For eating each other's face! :D
Richard: ... Okay! :D


Mr. FaceEating: I only become friends with lawyers, yanno... but for you, I'll make an exception.
Richard: Hmm... this scene seems familiar... damn, is that... could that be... oh my god... IT IS A TRANSFORMED VERSION OF MR. WEASLEY!

I hate it when townies put my babies on the ground.

Birthday time! Congratulations John!

John is blowing too!

Richard: This... my baby... he's floating... oh no... this is that... Weasley's doing. Shit, shit, what do I have to do now?! Stay calm, Richard. Don't let anyone notice your worries. Smile~

Richard: *dies from cuteness and forgets worries*
Isn't he adorable?

Richard: That bastard... he jinxed my wife and son... but I can't do anything.
Mr. FaceEating: You really have a nice view from here! :D

He's so cuuute.

They seem to have a good talk.

Mr. FaceEating: High-fiiive~!
Miranda: What for?
Mr. FaceEating: For eating your husband's face and jinxing you and your son!
Miranda: Ehehehe... Wtf?

Miranda: Yum, eggs!
You are the most random Sim I know, Miranda.

Best friends! :D

I hope you like the smell of garbage.

Jane: I will prove my sexyness by getting an A+.

She's creepy.

Bathroom-birth! Nope, no baby cliffhanger... yet.

Say hello to our beautiful new girl in this legacy: Joanne Jones. She has grey eyes (Richard) and brown hair (Richard). I'm not sure which skintone, I'm bad at telling the difference. xD

Please don't vomit, dear Joanne. :D

John is still cute as hell.

Jane: I'll prove my sexyness by getting al overheated and pissing SimGod off.
This is not how you prove your sexyness, my little Jane.

John is being creative.

Yes, Joanne, you are adorable too. <3

Making more babies! The last one(s), I promise. :D

Richard and Miranda are actually very good parents. xD

Jane: I'll prove my sexyness by walking to the schoolbus without taking my homework with me.
Naughty girl. #2

Miranda: Haha! Naked baby!
Joanne: Dada~

That chair really is annoying. When your baby gets angry and is in need of something (diaper, food, love or rest) he/she begins to smash those little buttons and it makes SO MUCH noise. Ugh.

There's Mr. Weasley again. Or is it the transformed Mr. FaceEating? But he likes children: he fed John.

Jane: I'll prove my sexyness by -
Miranda: Jane, enough of that, I'm sick of it. Just Dance, it's gonna be okay.

No Miranda, that is not going to give you smaller boobs. And why is the puke coming out of your eyes? Oh wait, you're crying?
There's is nothing wrong with them, seriously...


Burglar: I'm going to steal something! Hehehehe MWUHAHAHAHA I'm such a bad person.

Burglar: OH MY GOODNESS I have never - EVER - seen such an ugly creature as you in my WHOLE life!
Cop: You're the one to talk.

They're awake! Oh no!

Burglar: He said I was ugly...
You are, now shut up.

Jane: I think... I think... I THINK THE BURGLAR KILLED MY DAD! *cries*
He's just sleeping, no big deal. That's not sexy, Jane!

Oops. Joanne isn't happy?

Richard: *stares through the window*
Miranda: Do you see anyone I can meet, dear?

Pregnancy is tough.

Outdoor birthday!

Joanne is the first. :D

I LOVE THE HAIR. Lady Gaga-hair for the win. <3

John: Ohmygod... ohmygod... I'm stretching. Please, someone, help me! I WILL DIE!

John: Oh... I survived. YAY I AM SOOO HANDSOME~
Joanne: I hate tables. I can't reach the cake. I'll go and play in the toilet. >:|

Richard is still mad at the burglar.

He's so unbelievably mad that he decides to do the washing-up.

Why always the bear suit?

Jane: I'll prove my sexyness by playing with my little sister.
I thought you stopped that?

I love you John.

Awww they're flirting.

Miranda: I want my next child to be Asian. Let's order lots of Chinese food!

Woah, busy!

John: This food makes me wanting to go on the potty again!
Miranda: Eh...

I don't remember what the problem was. Or she was hungry, or she needed to go to the toilet.

Poor toddler.

Oh are we born going this way again?

I wonder if dogs can be electrocuted.

Miranda's giving birth! Again!

And this'll be the end of the update!

PS: I have nothing against women or blondes, I just wanted to make the update a bit more amusing. :D
Oh and in the next update Jane won't be trying to prove her sexyness anymore. Promise. :')

the jones legacy

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