Has it really been that long?

Aug 08, 2011 08:35

Reading old entries and realized it's been a few weeks, or longer, that I've been gone from DW.  Lots of things happening to my friends, good and bad, but mostly good.

Narrowly bit the bullet on having to fix stool in my bath. Don't know what caused it to flip out the other day but it spewed water all over the floor about a week ago.  Been using the other bath so didn't check but noticed that someone had used it in the past few days and didn't flood. Been using it ever since and no issues.  They "upgraded" our water storage system a few months ago. I don't know what they did, we have well water and I think they installed a new pressure tank to store so we have consistent water pressure.  But we don't.  I'm one of the first ones up around here and my water pressure first thing in the am is so strong, you could run a fire hose from my house. Truth.  Then sometime in the afternoon, it drops and I have air in the water lines so constant spurting, etc. for most of the afternoon.

Been busy harvesting. Have about 2/3 of the first batch of tarragon in.  About 1/2 the mugwort, a lot of the anise hyssop. Need to harvest chives and will probably do again tomorrow.  Harvested the first of the peppermint. The plants were kind of laying down so I didn't realize they were getting so big. I should be able to get another harvest out of them this year.  Should have harvested before, they would have bushed out more.  Squash finally growing, although not getting long vines.  These are summer squash that I should have been harvesting for a few weeks but weren't doing anything but growing big leaves. Finally getting good bloom on them. Also good bloom but no fruit on the pumpkin.  Hoping that they do something besides sit there and look very healthy.  Romas finally starting to produce well. Actually have a few that made it into the house.  The black krim tomatoes, I have one tomato on each, no new blooms.  I love them too, they're very sweet and juicy.  Cabbage doing well and I have at least one onion ready to pick.  Need to bag the fennel heads to collect seeds soon. they're really not ready yet.  Very slow growing season this year.  Chili chili festival scheduled the first weekend in Sept at the homestead ranch. Hopefully there will be chilis from local growers and they won't have to import.  Lots of rain every afternoon for once which is nice and cools things off well and I don't have to water, but the plants need that afternoon sun to ripen.

Youngest turned down her promotion.  Would have involved a pay cut to take it. Management upset but what did they expect.  She works at a 500+ unit property now with commissions averaging $50 per rental and the other place is about 87 units with $30 commission and far fewer new  rentals.  Of course she hasn't seen a commission check yet.  She was supposed to get the first end of last month but they're saying August now.  Hopefully she'll see one then.

Oldest dd and her hubby continue to do well way out on the east coast. I miss them.   And the doggies.

The boy is doing ok.  Working hard and putting money away.  Living with the gf  and her parents.  I really like his prospective in laws, they're good people.  The prospective step children, not so much.  Have I said "most annoying children in the world"?  Well, they are.  the gf wanted to move out of here because they were being made to behave.  Her mother is so ill she can't discipline them and the gf seems to think their atrocious behavior is acceptable.  The boy swears like a sailor and the girl cries about everything.  The boy tried to kick my son the other day and the gf got mad at my son for making  him stand in the corner. I'm sorry, assaults on adults or any one else are not acceptable behavior.  Ever.  Next time the girl knocks down one of the babies or hits them, I'll tell their parents instead of standing her in the corner.  That should shake things up a bit.  My girls are not going to put up with bullying of toddlers by someone twice their size.  Ok, Bebe D is more than twice her size but only 1 1/2 and not almost 5.  The girl was trying to make her cry but bebe D does not cry unless she's really hurt or tossing a fit. I really don't see this relationship going anywhere in the near future, unless the gf gets off her duff and becomes a parent.

Middle dd is safely, more or less, ensconced in the homeless shelter. She wanted to move out of her old place because of the drug use in the area. This shows common sense, for once. So she went to Denver for what was supposed to be 3 days, 2 nights to check out housing there. Thought the plan was to move up this month but apparently the move was not to take place 'til December of January. She came back on Friday instead of Wed. Missed the bus, didn't have bus fare, the bus broke down, and on and on.  refused to allow her to move in here. Would have to pry her out with a pry bar and am not going there again.  Told her last time.  She was mad but at least now, where she is, she is moved to the top of housing lists for transitional and other housing. Nothing gets done unless you're out of options and staying here would have kept her off the list altogether.

Must get off line. Already spent more time here than I'd allotted. Time for shower and to take some craft items to a friend and console her dog. His favorite toy was shredded by the mower the other day.  He manages to bite holes in everything but he had a tiny stuffed giraffe that he'd had since he left his old home over a year ago that he always played with but never mangled.  Must replace "little friend" with a new one.  Poor Samur, Viking dog.

Idavellr Vikings attended the Ikea opening as a group the other day.  Was the craziest event ever.  Ikea organized the opening really well, people camped out for a few days but were well cared for, the opening crowd was jovial, lots of socializing and having a good time. Parking was extremely well organized. They expected 40,000 people a day for the first few days.  Most people just coming to check it out but not to seriously shop until the excitement dies down a bit.  The governor was there, along with almost every city official that could get out of the office from the small city that the store is in.  Opening was a few months ahead of schedule and under budget.  We're going up there to Denver this weekend and I expect to use my gift certificate then.  Lingonberry jelly!  Pickled herrings!  Salmon paste.  Yum!  Mouth watering now.  although I do have some lingonberry left from last trip there.

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