Stinky Pea. Hello everyone! My name is Dianne but my mommy calls me Stinky Pea and sometimes Chica Pea. And sometimes by all three of my names. This is not good. When I get called by all my names, I know I have done something I know I'm not supposed to do. I'm only 1 and 1/2 though and temptation gets the better of me.
I can do lots of things now that I am big. I can open the front door and let myself outside all by myself. you would think that this would make people happy because I can let myself outside and my adults don't have to but apparently this is something bad because I get called all my names when I do it. Parents! Who understands them?
I can feed myself and I can climb on the kitchen table now. I can turn on lights in the bathroom. I am not using it though, I am still being hard headed. I can climb onto Nana's bed to take a nap by myself. I am a big girl. I can climb into the tub to take a bath but I still have a hard time getting out.
I like to play with my cousins. Junior doesn't play with me much, he thinks I'm too little but I follow my cousin Tianna around all the time. She likes to play with me. I can almost say Junior's name right. I call Tianna "TT". I do not play much with Stephana. She is 3 months younger than I am and can't do everything I can do. Her Mommy calls her "Moo Moo". I call her "trying to steal my thunder". She does it all the time. She tries to be a better girl than me. It's hard. I am a tough act to follow. And I am bigger.
I also like to go to the park and play. I love the swings. I can climb on the slides too. Nana takes me to the Pioneer Homestead. It is fun. They have animals for me to see. I like the pigs and chickens. Sometimes the chickens are loose and I want to chase them but they say I can't. The people that work there dress funny. Nana says they dress up like pioneers so we can learn about how the people in the old days live. They have bee hives there. They are up on top of one of the barns. Nana says it's to keep the bears out of them. why would bears want to get the hives though? Bees sting. Nana's friend has bees too. Bees sting. I have not been stung though. I am careful.
Nana says I can write here sometimes to tell you about my adventures. I will see you all next time I have an adventure.