Her eyes, her eyes!

May 04, 2010 07:00

Many thanks for your support, guys. And now, for your reward: Outrageous Sues by Adult Suethors, #5!

TITLE: Neither_Dead_nor_Living

SUMMARY: The Goddess of the sea, keeper of the Kraken, and daughter of Davy Jones. Uh…ever heard of overkill? Her name is Renee reborn . Reborn from what? She has never been allowed to leave her home, the Flying Dutchman. How could she be a prisoner of the Dutchman if she’s the Goddess of the sea? But, Renee has a destiny to fulfill aboard the Black Pearl. A destiny of Love*inactive* If it’s inactive, take it off!

Oh, boy. When I start MSTing the summary, we know we’re in for a special treat.

Best Line: Pick an eye line, any eye line.

The Verdict:

NAME: Renee Jones
HAIR: "soft", "long", "almost black"
EYES: This Sue has an entire paragraph dedicated to her eye color. Witness the pinnacle of Classic Mary Sueism:

"My eyes looked green today, it's normal color. It changes depending on my emotions and what magic crawled through my body. Not drastically, just simply. Green is the base color, then as my emotions flare or I use my goddess gifts, little specks of either blue, yellow, gray, or orange swirl around the green. It almost looks like water."

OH SO SPESHUL POSSESSIONS: “My dress flowed under me in a watery dance as I whipped around to yell at my father.”
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS: Is somehow the Goddess of the Sea and Davy Jones’ daughter. Um, if I recall correctly, CALYPSO is the Goddess of the Sea, and Davy Jones’ One True Love! Either Renee is not the “goddess” of anything, or Davy Jones is in love with his own daughter. (And you thought Norrington vomiting was gross!)

Oh, and she’s Will’s new One True Love, and Jack gives her her first kiss. They’re both jealous of each other and try to "claim" her.

SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: Besides the ability to heal, and change her eye color into so many bad purple prose descriptions? Besides the ability to break Davy Jones’ control over the Kraken and summon it herself? (Oh, sorry, it actually comes of its own free will because it wuvs her.) Besides the ability to conjure up a dagger just by looking at her hand? And communicate telepathically with the men she lusts after? Well, there’s this:

I jumped out, at the corner of my eye I saw a light illuminating under me. I looked down and saw that my legs were glowing. This was no surprise to me, because every time my body touches the ocean, it glows this beautiful heavenly light. How…useless. Will didn't notice though, he was staring straight ahead watching his friends from the distance. Disappointed, I hopped my way out of the water towards Will. As soon as my feet touched the sand, away from the ocean, the beautiful light dimmed to nothing.

And this:

I watched as my breaths turned into multi-colored bubbles that rose above me in a water dance. The bubbles went all the way up to the top and went away as the air hit them. Soon, the bubbles were being popped by the Black Pearl up above. The Kraken raised me higher and higher. Few seconds later, I reached the surface and told him to place me on the main deck.

And this!

“The whole crew stared at me, all holding their breaths. I don't blame them. The sight of me must have made them wet their pants. I was standing on the main deck soaking wet, with my long hair dripping on my back. My dress was a bit different. It's lime green BAHAHAHA! with tentacles at the bottom squishing around, swaying with my movements. Every time I'm with the Kraken, the dress forms across me as if it were my own skin. It fades away after awhile, but stays when I'm near him. My eyes must have topped it all off as well. Let's just say, they weren't as normal as they should have been.

Now keep in mind as you’re reading that she is clearly under the thumb of Davy Jones and Hammerhead before Will comes aboard. She’s totally ineffectual and practically a prisoner until a man shows up. Also, when she’s sleeping next to Jack for some contrived reason, she enjoys the feeling of being protected by him.

Hello! You’re the Goddess. Of. The. Sea. As long as you’re Sueing it up…try not acting like a helpless teenaged victim!

I must ask…how do you get to be the goddess of the whole sea when you can’t even get off a friggin’ ship?

TRAGIC PAST: “Ever since I said no to that sleazy fish head, Bootson, he's been on my case. He secretly liked me, but the day he took his feelings to the next level, I kneed him in the crouch. No, not the crouch! He just took it a little bit too far, tearing my dress and making me have a bloody nose.”

The “Plot”: Sue spies, with her green blue orange yellow little eyes, one Will Turner about to be whipped. This so-called goddess of the sea and daughter of Calypso apparently isn’t powerful enough to stop his whipping. She is, however, powerful enough to make Will fall for her and cringe at Elizabeth’s name within five minutes of their getting acquainted. Apparently, falling for a hot guy is the impetus Sue needs to escape from the Dutchman, though I don’t know why a goddess of the sea can’t just jump overboard and swim for it. They meet up with the rest of the PotC cast at Isla Cruces, where the Elizabitch formerly known as Miss Swann “brutally” claims Will by kissing him. Sue feels slapped in the face by this, so she takes up with Jack. Will falls out of love with Elizabeth, there’s more Elizabeth-bashing, Will becomes jealous of Jack, Jack becomes jealous of Will, and oh yeah…Sue ruins the entire ending of Dead Man’s Chest by just saving everyone from the Kraken single-handedly.

Notes: I’ve done something a little different with the third section of this Sue report. Instead of a straight copy/pasting, I have taken the liberty of excerpting all the most absurd eye lines from this fic. Yes, there were enough to fill a whole excerpt. Enjoy!

First person perspective, come back!

The rain dropped down from the darkened sky hitting the Flying Dutchman and it's It’s so nice to see mature writing in our Adult Suethor week. crew. They were working hard to heave a cannon to store it away, but it came crashing down breaking a part of the deck. I have no idea what you were trying to convey with that last sentence. I heard the noise from my room and ran outside in the cold rain to see the Captain, my father, handing a whip to Bootstrap. I blinked away the water trying to focus on whoever was getting the brutal punishment. The rain just poured down harder, so I walked closer to the mysterious stranger. I finally saw him as I hid behind the staircase.

He was a beautiful man with his white shirt ripped to expose his muscular back. He was soaked from the head down. Or even how most people say it, from head to toe. I wanted to see his face, but he was bracing himself for the 5 lashes about to come. Bootstrap was fighting back tears as he raised the whip. 'Why would he feel so much for this man?' I asked myself. Anger flared up in me as I spotted my father smirking as the first lash was made. My father has tortured me many years with that whip, I was not going to let him do it to an innocent man. Bootstrap was near tears as he got ready for the next lash. I began to creep out from behind the stairs and flinched from the sound of the whip scraping against his back.

"Stop!" I jumped in front of the man and held out my arms to protect him. Top o’ the morning to you, Pocahontas! The crew backed away knowing what I could do to them. But since your readers didn’t know what you could do, it might be nice if you could fill them in. The tentacles dangling from my father's face fluttered in aggravation. He glared at me and growled, "step aside, this is not your place." I returned his glare, "I will not let you harm him, I know the pain he feels. You will not touch him!" My breathing quickened from the sudden outburst. The man studied me from behind. He was trying to figure me out, good luck with that. For being a goddess of the sea, she sure does sound like an obnoxious teenager. I turned my back from my father and reached my arms out to support the stranger. He saw what I was doing and weakly leaned against me. I walked him into the room that the fishy crew shared. Beds lined up against the walls on each side of the room. There was no doors for privacy, just one big open room.

We stopped in front of an unused bed and I gently helped him sit. He continued to stare at me shyly. Saying something reassuring or helpful was not something I was good at. So, I just went straight to finding the medical supplies. Some goddess you are! As I was vigorously searching, Bootstrap limped towards us and sadly said, "I'm so sorry, but Bootson How anyone could have watched two pirate movies and still not know the term ‘Bo’sun’ is beyond me. is known for tearing skin from bone." I walked back over with the supplies to help heal his back. The bed creaked as I crawled up behind him and sat down. Each leg was resting by his side so I was directly facing his back. He didn't react like I thought he would.

"Am I supposed to take that as a form of compassion?" he angrily yelled. Bootstrap gave him a solemn look, "Yes," he whispered to him. I tried to focus on my work of taking the ointment and gently spreading it across the bloody lashes, but I needed to intervene. The side bed creaked as Bootstrap sat down.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just thought you should know who I am. My name is Renee." I could feel the handsome man become less tense. He slightly laughed. The readers more than slightly joined in. My head tilted in amusement, "I didn't catch your name?" I asked him. At the same time Bootstrap said "William" as the man said, "Will." They stared at each other as I quietly laughed, "I see you two know each other." There’s an awful lot of levity here for such a grim situation!

I finished placing the bandages against his smooth skin and walked around to put the supplies back. Will's eyes never left me as I did so. I turned back around and gave them an amusing look. "Renee!" I jumped slightly and saw Hammerhead walking towards us. Without realizing it, I placed myself protectively in front of Will. "Your father wants to know where you are. Would you like me to tell him that you're helping the new meat sack? Or would you like me to tell the Captain that you are respecting his wishes and staying away from him." He pointed a coral finger at Will in disgust. Will glared at Hammerhead, but stayed quiet. I sighed with annoyance. "The second one," I whispered. Hammerhead smirked, knowing he won and reached out his arm for me to grab. I looked at Will and smiled. He smiled as well and said, "thank you Renee." I nodded as I was roughly pulled away by Hammerhead.

The sweet lullaby of the heart locket spread it's musical tunes throughout the ship. Hammerhead stopped in front of the doorway with a tight hold on my arm. There's no doubt in my mind that there would be a bruise forming there soon. Goddesses can get bruises, now?

My hand supported my chin as I leaned against the balcony in front of the brig. If you picture a camera filming this zoom-out, you will instantly see how amusing it is. My father steered the ship with a sneer look upon him. Will was below tying the ropes that supported the helm. 'There's no way Jack is going to come back for me,' he thought, 'now I'll never save Elizabeth.' For some reason, Will cringed at her name. For some reason, I’m starting to have homicidal urges. He froze afterwards, realizing what he just did. His eyebrows furrowed. He shouldn't be cringing after he says his fiancé's Thanks, Suethor, you just turned Elizabeth into a guy. name. 'What's wrong with you?' he asks himself. A sharp yell brought him back to where he was, "RENEE!" The whole crew became silent as they shifted their attention to the Captain's brig.

Davy Jones slapped me hard across the face. I fell to the spiky floor Huh? and crawled over to the stairs. Will watched in shock as I ran down the stairs with tears in my eyes. My dress flowed under me in a watery dance as I whipped around to yell at my father. "You are the worst father that ever sailed the seven seas! I have the right to know about her!" Davy Jones sent spears straight to my heart with his eyes. Yay, dead Sue! All I wanted to know was what she looked like. A daughter had the right to know about her own mother! Hot tears streamed down my face as I watched my father order Bootson to take me to my room. My heart skipped a beat. 'What?! Oh god, not Bootson. Why is he doing this to me?! His own daughter!?' Bootson smiled and began walking towards me. I glared at him and backed away. In the corner of my eye I saw Will battling with himself if he should help or not. In the end he came to a conclusion that he would escape from the Flying Dutchman tonight, with me. And how would she know that? Is she a telepath?

Chapter 2

My wet eyelashes remained shut as the ocean breeze made the embarrassing tears dry again. Last night must have been the worst beating yet. I don't understand how a father could beat his child. Although, Davy Jones, the cruelest sea lord to sail these seas, is not a normal father. I knew the whole crew heard my screams because of the way they were staring at me. Their eyes, filled with pity, I…don’t think so. sent me their sentiments. I couldn't get by a few minutes without one of them looking up at me by the ship's wheel.

There are only two of the crew mates on the Flying Dutchman that I despise: Hammerhead and Bootson. All the others adore me. "They loved hearing me scream when I was whipped." They played with me as a child, they'd never hurt me. Bootstrap was the best of them. He was a better father than Davy Jones will ever be. Last night, Hammerhead scraped me off the floor and threw me into my room after my father was done. Bootstrap came in and bandaged me up. I needed comfort and he gave it to me. Like a good father should.
My eyes looked green today, it's normal color. It changes depending on my emotions and what magic crawled through my body. Not drastically, just simply. Green is the base color, then as my emotions flare or I use my goddess gifts, little specks of either blue, yellow, gray, or orange swirl around the green. It almost looks like water. No comment.

The cool air did its job. My eyes were completely dry with no trace of tears. I looked around. The crew was scrambling around the deck doing their duties, except Will. He was down below fiddling with some rope. I watched him as he stared off into space with a confused look upon his face. 'What is he thinking?' I thought. There was only one way I could enter into his thoughts, but I would have to be connected to him. And I could only be connected with him if I healed him with my gifts. Sadly, I just used the medical supplies yesterday. I wasn't sure if I should use my magic on a man that I just met. Oh, I see. So she CAN heal him, but for some reason just decides to let Will suffer. Nice lady.

Will's Point of View

'There's no way Jack is going to come back for me,' he thought, 'now I'll never save Elizabeth.' Will cringed at her name. He froze, realizing what he just did. His eyebrows furrowed. He shouldn't be cringing after he says his fiancé's name. 'What's wrong with you?' he asks himself. A sharp yell brought him back to where he was, "RENEE!" The whole crew became silent as they shifted their attention to the Captain's brig.
Normal POV Ladies and gentleman, a voting-age Suethor.

So powerful, yet so dependent.

Instead, the dimmed morning sun forced me to wake up. My body still felt weak, I would have thought a good nights rest would give me my strength back. Elizabeth better be careful with those emotions of hers, if she doesn't control them, they could do damage. Way to reinforce gender stereotypes while being one yourself, Sue! Without my permission, my body stretched out causing my muscles to shake from the sudden movement. As I relaxed, I noticed something very odd. A muscular arm was across my waist, holding me as it would a teddy bear. Named for that famous Caribbean Sue President, Teddy Roses-Smelt. My tired eyes followed the arm all the way to the owner's face: Jack. He was lying on his stomach with his head nesting in my soft hair. You would think it'd be hard for him to breath, but he looked really comfortable there.

I, honestly didn't want to move. I liked how this feels, his protective hold and warm body next to mine. His steady breaths matching my own. It just felt right. My whole body stiffened as Jack's hand moved closer to my chest. So, Jack gropes his teddy bears in his sleep, does he? I looked at his face and saw that he was still fast asleep. It must have been habit. That saddened me to think about something like this being a habit of his. Elizabeth's words ran through my head, 'just one of Jack's many wenches'. Was that true? If it was, then my view of Jack was going to be intensely different. Not more than a second later, Jack moved his hand even more closer, while good grammar moved even fartherer away. If he moved even the slightest, he would surely be touching my lower breasts. I caught my breath in my throat and almost went into a choking spree. My whole body heated up like I got magically turned into a hot poker. Jack sat upright with a cry of pain as his skin began to sizzle. Jack mumbled something inaudible and if it was possible, rolled his body closer, causing his hand to brush against my right breast.

'Whoa!' A mental alarm went off and I shot up to a sitting position. Jack jerked awake, pulled his gun out from under the pillow, and waved it around looking for the culprit. Ah, there she was, right next to him. BAM! I readjusted my loose white shirt and stared at Jack with wide eyes. He dropped the gun on the bed and rubbed his temples. Clearing his throat he said, "Sorry, I uh, thought we were being attacked."

"No, I'm sorry Jack. I wanted to get up, but I guess I moved too fast and ended up waking you as well." I lied. Jack shifted his gaze on me, but went too short and stared at my blouse. I looked at my shirt and saw one of the buttons were undone, showing my holey black bra underneath. …Um? I quickly buttoned it up, but Jack stopped my hands. I flashed him a confused look.

"You don't remember me, do you Renee?"

I tilt my head in confusion.

Without letting go of my hands, Jack leaned in closer. His scruffy dreadlocks brushed up against my cheek. Whispering into my ear he says,

"Caribbean mists
Black ribboned necklaces
Mysterious young man" It’s Bad Rip-off Brontë!

Jack slowly leans back, while touching my cheek. Faster than my frazzled mind could wrap around, so fast he slips into the present tense, in fact, he softly plants a sweet kiss against my lips. Only he didn't kiss me, he just placed his lips onto mine without any pressure added. My eyes remained closed as Jack jumped off the bed and quickly ran out of the room. I pressed my lips together and ran my tongue across them, tasting the sensation he left.

'I wonder if Jack knows he just gave me my first kiss.'

Still in utter shock, I found the little bit of strength to physically move off of the now strange bed. The bed is now strange? What happened to it? Breathing in and out I reached a standing position and was heading for the door. A broken old mirror stared at me as I passed. I discovered a very disturbing girl staring back at me. At least she admits it. It actually didn't surprise me that I would look this way; this is the first time I looked at my reflection from the time Will took me. My eyes were not as bright, my hair almost looked black and my skin paler than usual.

The first time I'm away from the Dutchman & my father. I look different, but feel like my normal self. Well, other than Jack confusing my mind to the core with his weird poetic verses. I have no idea how to react to what he just did to me. Those words were beautiful, but I don't know what they mean. Buttoning up the last button Jack kept me from finishing, I stepped out of the room and scanned the hallway. Everyone was either still asleep or up on deck working away. Walking up the stairs somehow struck me with the most forceful flashback.

[snipped for really boring and not all that forceful flashback]

I awake from the intense flashback and grasp the railing tighter. Still standing at the bottom of the stairs, I gathered everything I just remembered. The strange boy and his father, the black ribboned necklace. Everything figured itself out. The boy was Jack. That was the riddle behind his poetic verses, he wanted me to remember how he knew me. Why we felt connected to each other, like we already met. His fascinated stare meant more to him, than it did to me. The only things that I got out of that flashback was about Jack, I didn't even notice my father's sad expressions, his desperate need to keep me with him. Why couldn't I remember that? It took Jack to make it pop up again.

Feeling my heart flutter, I knew I needed to see Jack. If I could just see his eyes, to show him that I knew, that I figured out what he wanted me to. I ran up the stairs and burst out the door into the chilling morning air. Panting deeply, I scanned the deck and nervously blushed. The whole crew noticed my loud entrance and were all staring at me. I just nodded my head at them and smiled. Some of them smiled back, while the rest just went back to work. Mr. Gibbs continued to smile at me and I narrowed my eyes playfully. He shifted his gaze to the captain's brig Only captains allowed in this brig! and back to me. His message as clear as day, showing me exactly where Jack was. I nodded in gratitude and took long strides to the stairwell. Jack was by the wheel, frozen with a stern look. I stopped. Did he regret kissing me? Or getting me to remember my forgotten past?

Just as I raised my foot to the next step, Elizabeth and Will came bursting out through the door. "I can't believe you! Have you been listening to any word I just said?!" Elizabeth stomped in front of Will's path. *sigh* He was rubbing his temples and looked very ill. A hangover from his first drinking spree, I guessed.

"If you could just lower your voice Elizabeth. I-" I could tell he was beginning to get annoyed with her constant yelling. Especially with a migraine like his.

"Lower my voice?! Will?! I can't deal with you right now!" She pushed past him and ran back into the hallway. He weakly walked over to the railing and cradled his pounding head. I narrowed my eyes and deeply focused on just one thing: removing his pain. Feeling the bickering hangover lift itself, I smiled victoriously. Will stopped rubbing his head and looked around in shock. His pain was completely gone, not even the slight dizziness. He looked around and laid his eyes on me, standing on the second step. I smiled, more than I probably should have. I'm going to have a big emotional problem with men on this ship. Will made his way successfully, without any limping, over to me.

"Hi," he smoothly says.

I smile even more, "hi."

Jack watches from above, taking in all of this with disgust. And nary a “Normal POV” in sight! He twitches his fingers next to his gun holster. Imagining a bullet being shot straight at Will. While the eunuch is talking to his girl, Jack has to standby at the wheel. He can't ask Gibbs to take over, because Jack's the only one who knows the coordinates to her place. Remembering where he was actually taking his beloved ship, Jack wonders how Renee will act when he brings her there. All he knows, is that he will be the one holding her when she finds out, not Will.

"You can't be serious. So, we're- what are we?" Will scratches his neck and childishly stares at me in amazement.

"We're connected. The moment I healed your finger is when the magic began between us."

He grins at the fact that this was a special bond just between the two of us. Moving his whole body closer, he wrapped his arms around and tightly held me. I did the same and we were both in a tight hug that made us forget about all of the problems around us. I slowly let go, as Will hesitantly followed. "You know, there's a bunch of other stuff we can do now," I mischievously grinned.

Will widened his eyes, "Like what?"

Taking a step back, getting ready to show him, Jack shouts out to the crew. "Look alive everyone! We've arrived!" Jack's beady eyes stare at Will's back, then directs his attention on me. He nods his head in the ocean's direction, wanting me to look. In the far distance was a small island. Something inside me collapsed the moment I laid eyes on it's beauty. My eyes have seen this island before, I knew it. Every speck of sand, every mysterious pathways. But how?

Every speck of sand molded to my feet with every step I took. Introducing, the famous Wet Cement Sand of the Caribbean! Almost like they were welcoming me back. Yes, dig your toes in deeper, Sue, and wait for it to dry. Jack walked up behind me and grabbed my waist. "You feel it don't you?" he asks. Without knowing it, I leaned my entire dead weight against him, giving my answer. We walked in perfect unison, as if our bodies were connected by the hip. Will walked off to the side, never taking his eyes off of Jack's authoritative hold on me. The Goddess of the Sea sure likes being under a man’s control.

The trees swayed with the rhythmic air, only they nodded to me as we passed. I looked at Jack to see if he noticed, but he didn't. He kept his determined eyes on the pathway ahead. I looked to the side for Will. His eyes were down, eyebrows stressed, completely avoiding my gaze. 'Will!' His eyes shot up, looking around fearfully. I smiled to myself and turned back around, concentrating on the next sentence. 'It's alright Will. This is just something extra that comes along with our connection. Communication without speaking.' Will stared at my back in astonishment. 'Are you alright?' I ask him.

Behold, the most insipid conversation ever typed.


'Yes. Will, why are you avoiding me? It hurts me; how you're acting.'

'I'm not avoiding you.'

'Yes you are. You're avoiding my eyes. I want to know why.'

'You want to know why?'


'Ask the man who is holding you so strongly!'


"Renee?" Jack's voice fades away with my thoughts.

How could Will be jealous? Does he not know I feel exactly the same way when he wraps his arms around Elizabeth?

"Luv, I need you to come back to earth."

Or when he kisses her?


Or the fact that he shares a bed with another woman?

It hurts me so much that I am not the one in his arm every night. Will the amputee! I'm not the one with the future with him. Someone else will bear his children, his heart. Damn straight.

An all-you-can-eat eye line buffet.
My green eyes absorbed the calmness of his brown ones. Sue is the new Charmin Ultra Soft.

Our eyes locked for more than seconds, but he looked like he was in pain and quickly looked away. I didn't understand why he did this, my eyes never left him. Then I saw Will's eyes widen in fear, "Oh my god! Stay still Renee!"

I gathered up the courage and raised my eyes. I really hoped that they weren't showing any emotion colors. The rest of the universe shares that hope. Fortunately, the grayish swirls weren't as intense as they should have been. Good for my current situation, bad for my already confused self.

Maybe I should say something, but I couldn't drag my eyes away from that man. It looked like he had the same problem with me.

I glared at him with the silver and electric blue specks illuminating off of my eyes.

"I am not going back to the Dutchman, Morey! He will never see me again." Morey gritted his teeth, but held it back noticing my eye color intensify. *gigglesnort*

The Kraken swam a little ways away from the island and stopped. He twisted his tentacle that was holding me and positioned me in front of his eye. The orange eye blinked twice and stared at me like a child awaiting his mother's orders. Ye gods. She made the Kraken into her own personal plushie.

I narrowed my eyes and raised my other hand in the water. Focusing only on what I desired, a beautiful knife with blue crystals lined up on the handle formed in the water. When it appeared done I closed my hand, so I was now holding it. Without giving him a warning, I cut his tentacle allowing the blue blood to seep through his skin. It shook from the sharp pain and whimpered. 'I release you from my father's control. You no longer have to obey him, go to him when he calls, or carry out with anything he orders you to do. You are free.' I opened my eyes, as did the Kraken. A beautiful green glow surrounded us. The water sparkled brighter as the glow was carried in a circle around the Kraken and me. We stared at each other and would not look away until my father's hold was released. Finally, at the center of us holding each other, the ocean vibrated in one quick ripple across the depths. She even steals the "Aztec coin hits the water" special effect from Elizabeth.

She lowered her eyes. It almost looked like she was thinking it over, but that thought crashed. Her eyes raised back up. She put all the emotion she felt towards me into one deep stare. I almost choked on my breath the moment they hit me. I felt every single emotion she had sent through her eyes.

Jack was knelt in front of me with a concerned look. I must have been a poor sight for his gazelle eyes. You mean sheep's eyes, or are Jack's irises really galloping across the African savannah?

I felt my eyes switch from its normal color to yellow swirls swimming freely around. Nothing came out of my mouth to tell Jack what was going on. The effect Elizabeth did, really took a lot out of me. Canon has that effect on those not very familiar with it.

I narrowed my eyes and deeply focused on just one thing: removing his pain. Feeling the bickering hangover lift itself, I smiled victoriously. Will stopped rubbing his head and looked around in shock. His pain was completely gone, not even the slight dizziness. He looked around and laid his eyes on me, standing on the second step. I smiled, more than I probably should have. I'm going to have a big emotional problem with men on this ship. Just a thought...maybe you shouldn't be on it, then?

A shining light caught my prestigious eyes, sending an arrow straight through my heart.

Looking deep within my green eyes, she held onto each of my shoulders, "You're father and I were once in love," she swallows and slowly begins up again, "We had a child together, a beautiful baby girl."

I purse my lips and add the effect of water to my eyes.

Jack stands next to me, waving his hand in front of my gray eyes. He stops waving as he notices my eyes. Abnormally colored.

The gray color fades back to my normal eyes as everyone around me returns.

His soulless eyes rise from the locket. Sadness swarms around the green, the same eyes as mine. Clasping the locket in his fist, he throws it as a wall. The dream ends.

A solid tear cascades down my eye, I dearly hope that was painful. but I quickly wipe it away from existence.

I quickly advert my eyes to the ground, keeping eye contact to the minimum. Oh, the icon possibilities.


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