Captain Jack Sparrow meets Indiana Jones

May 15, 2008 18:08

So green_soup and I decided that we should get together and spork a story.  And in honor of 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull',  we decided to murder a crossover!

TITLE: Captain Jack Sparrow meets Indiana Jones the creativity is just out of this world!
CULPRIT: Capt. Phantom
SUMMARY: When Indiana Jones goes searching for the legendary 'time machine' built by the Aztecs, he is blown back to the nautical days of piracy, in which he meets Captain Jack Sparrow. Rated T for language *you know how Indy can be*, sorry.
BEST LINE: "My ancestor was the great pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. You probably saw him on the way up here." He is referring to the skeleton of Jack, how he would know this was him is beyond me.  And the fact that he could care less that it's his ancestor....


NAME: Captain Jack Sparrow and Indiana Jones
HAIR: Canon
EYES: Canon
OH SO SPESHUL POSSESSIONS: Indiana has a magical medallion with a sun and moon carved on it...and an emerald.
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS/AFFILIATIONS: Indiana Jones time travels back to the Golden Age of piracy
SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: Not being awesome enough, on both accounts.

THE "PLOT": Indiana Jones is searching for an Aztec time machine when he is caught and used as a guinea pig....

NOTES : I am sporking in red and green_soup will be in blue. We kind of...sporked as we went. No Jack Sparrow so far (unless you count his skeleton)


I was watching Raiders today and thought Pirates and Indy were really similar

I was watching Raiders today and thought Pirates and Indy were really similar. Wow, didn’t you already say that? Good old repetition, I can just smell the word count. So similar, I was inspired to make this. Introducing….drum roll Indiana Jones meets Jack Sparrow. Heh…drum roll.
Jack: CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, luv! Look! It’s an another author that can somehow communicate with fictional beings! He’s out of character and we haven’t even started yet! A new record! =D

Indy: Right… Indy kinda sounds stoned…I think you do.

Okay then, let’s go! Noooooo!

P.S. The guy Indiana is with and the scientist are just a made-up characters. It’s nobody from the former movies.

Chapter 1: Treasure is Blinding

A mysterious island loomed on the horizon. If you listened closely, you could hear the soft sound of paddles hitting the water. How are these connected? If you are paddling softly, then you aren’t really going anywhere. So we can assume these guys are the worst pirates ever? Yeah… In the moonlight, stood a silhouette of a man in a brown fedora. If it’s a silhouette, how can we see the colour of his hat? He held his whip by his side and softly breathed in the night air. Ooooh more softly done things! Seriously, who cares? He hadn’t run into trouble so far but it would be best to keep quiet. What kind of trouble does he expect to find on unmoving boat in the middle of the ocean? Is the crew threatening to jump him?

“So, this is the place?” said the man that held the oars. “It’s not much if you ask me.”
“Same as what I was thinking,” Indy replied as the boat drew into a dark cavern. What is going on? Stupid continuity! “Are you sure you read the map right?”
The boat rode up onto a sandy bar and both men stepped out. Indy took out the map he had found several hours earlier and rolled it out. The symbol of a skull etched on the cave wall was the same as the one on the map. Sure enough, this was the place. Wow, that’s a lot of uses of the word map. We know it’s a map! Really? I wasn’t sure…

“Guess we’re here, Isaac,” Indy nodded. Nodding is not a form of speech., damn it!  “Come on, the map says it should be up ahead.” Go, map, go!

“What are we exactly looking for, Indy?” Isaac asked. A better question: Who the hell is this?

“It says here that a long time ago this was the place of a long forgotten treasure of the Aztecs. Where exactly does it say this? Is it written on the map? No wonder they are having trouble reading their map; it sounds like a frickin’ novel. It was a room in which they could use for traveling through time. This statement is completely and utterly logical! Anyone who defies it is a moron! [insert happy face here] It’s rumored that they used it to learn how to build, make their calendars…” I dunno how we ever figured out how to build a calendar without futuristic time-warping technology!
“…and find out when the world was going to end?”
“Isaac, those were the Mayans that predicted the world was going to end.”

“Now stay close and be careful. Aztecs were well-known to make booby traps.”
“Wasn’t that just the Mayans too?”

“…oh, just follow me, Isaac!” Yeah! Stop trying to insert logic or reason!
Indy took out his lighter and lit a branch to make a torch. Quit calling him Indy! Call him Indiana! He used this to light another branch and he handed it to Isaac. Isaac looked up at the skull. Was it his imagination or did the rubies in the eyes slightly turn like it was watching them? He shivered, glanced back at the boat, and then continued on with Indy. Argh!

The cave was very cramped. The men had to crawl on their hands and knees in order to squeeze their way through. It kinda sounds like they are crawling through a tube of toothpaste. ‘Crystal Skull Toothpaste! The whitest teeth in this century or the next! (We know, we traveled through time to see.)’ “Are we there yet, Indy?” Isaac asked. “I really don’t have the pleasure of crawling through these caves forever.” What…? Sounds naughty. *wink*

“We’re almost out of this,” Indy said. “We’ll enter the main chamber up ahead.”

“Thank goodness for that!”

[snip] There is a cave at the end of a "hell-hole", Indiana can't read Spanish (which apparently the ancient Aztecs wrote in), and the author appeared to have attempted a riddle...which failed horribly.

Indy hesitated but decided to follow Isaac. He knew that with this treasure, historians and archeologists alike to study history right in the making. Grammar! Thou hath forsaken me! Also, he knew if the Nazi’s found it, they could change time. The Nazi’s are back! There was nothing he could do but trust Isaac. As the cave grew darker, it began to smell of rot and decay. Yet, as much as Indy looked, he couldn’t find any skeletons. Maybe, Isaac has really bad BO.

“Wait, what’s that?” Isaac asked and pointed to the floor Could it be…the floor? No wai!1!

Indy gulped as his torchlight blended with Isaac’s. That sounds kinda kinky. And painful.  Three skeletons laid next to each other on the floor with a stalagmite straight through each chest. Indy kneeled down and saw that they wore (or used to wear) Yes, we can understand past tense. Thank you. vests, three-cornered hats, and what was left of their hair measured down to their shoulders. Pirates! Indiana thought. How did he get pirates outta that? They must be the generic, stereotype pirates! Indy’s stupid. *headdesk* we have a little something in common, aye, mates? Why is he talking like a pirate?! Then the light caught something. Curiously, Indy flashed the torchlight Quit it with the flashing! and found that there was a small compass in a pirate’s hand. He leaned down and picked it up, knowing that it could be worth something at the museum. Compasses are worth something now?

The cave began to slope upward as the two men scurried along. Suddenly, they came to a huge cliff and below them was the time machine. It’s arrived! An Aztec calendar formed the bottom floor and pillars formed a circular arch around the center. Four golden statues bowed to the small raised platform in the center. Indy pulled a silver medallion from his coat-pocket. That was where he was going to place the medallion!
“Wow, it’s…” Isaac began

BANG!! Double the noise!! Triple the suspense!!!1!

Isaac was shot in the chest and fell over right next to Indy, who ducked to avoid the next shot. Looking over the ledge, he saw an army of about five Nazis was firing at him. The entire Nazi army is 5 guys? He took out his pistol and took a few shots at the army. With his whip, he latched on to one of the four pillars, swung around, and hit two of the men in the back. Suddenly, more men appeared from the different caves  I thought there was only one cave. Remember? Your hell-hole? and they all had their guns pointed at Indy. Indy put his arms over his head in surrender.

Soon, Indiana Finally! was tied to one of the pillars with two guards standing over him. Bow-chicka-ow-ow! A gag was placed in his mouth. The army stepped aside as a man in a blue buisness suit As opposed to what kind of other suit? appeared before Indy. Poof! He appeared out of thin air. “Well, well,” he said. “Mr.Dr. Jones, is it not? I’m sure you have many questions now, don’t you?” I certainly do! Like…WTF!?!
Okay, here we go on the nxt chapter

Okay, here we go on the nxt chapter. Oooh! More repetition! And bad spelling! Hoorah! All rights go to the creators of Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones. I own nothing but my own imagination and my story. What imagination? I agree, seriously. Does the world need another crossover fic? So, ready or not, here comes the next chapter. I’m not ready!!! And yes, Jack was dead in the last chapter…

Jack: WHAAAAATTTT?? The OOC-ness is killing me.
Indy: Mmmphf! Mmmphf! (translation: get me out of here!)  I feel the same way, bro.

Don’t worry…he HAS to be alive later. Anyways, enjoy! OMG!1! Noe wai!!eleventy-one!

Chapter 2: A History Lesson

“You see, Mr.Dr. Jones, I am Dr. Monroe Sparrow,” Monroe started.Could you possibly be the descendant of the dead Jack Sparrow? Did I just ruin the plot? “My ancestor was the great pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. Nope; but I totally called that! You probably saw him on the way up here. How can you tell that a skeleton was Jack Sparrow? He must have had a sign or something. Naturally, he came here for the treasures of time, not knowing of the reprocutions of his act. Two of his men and him had stalagmites fall into their chests. Don’t stalagmites grow from the ground? Yupp! They must have been standing there awhile for them to grow through them. The rest of the crew ran away with the map and this…”

[snip] Monroe shows Indiana the magical time-travel medallion.  Indiana wonders how someone could've out smarted him.

“Also, one of the pirates was smart enough to make a copy of the map.” The return of the overused word! Indy’s eyes widened as Monroe pulled out another map. “This one is actually the true map and the other is counterfeit. It’s a wonder how we got here before you now, isn’t it? What facinates me is that you came over this.” I have no idea what’s going on. I'm in the same boat... Monroe picked up the compass that had been dropped along with Indy’s other posessions when the guards searched them. I can’t understand the changing tenses. “It’s strange how it still seems like new, isn’t it? The legend of this compass is that it leads you to whatever you want…making you the greatest treasure hunter ever!” Evaaaaaa!!!

Indy mumbled through the gag.
“Let him have his voice, the worse he can do is bite me,” That would be pretty painful. What? The biting or the attempt at wit? Well, both actually. Monroe laughed as Indy’s gag was removed.

“First of all,” Indy started. “It’s stalagtite, not stalagmite. The author corrected herself yet still failed. It’s stalactite. Unless your great-great-grandfather was so careless as to have tripped over his own boots and straight through one.” Logic! Hooray! That sounds plausible and potentially dangerous….
“Hmpf! Perhaps if you knew my ancestor the way I did you would think more of him!” How can you know your ancestor? Have you met him? Remember? Time traveling explains everything! It explains how the characters seem to possess two tenses at once.
“Oh really? Why would I want to know a wobbly-legged, treasure-hungry scoundrel”
Indy was smacked on the side of the face by Monroe’s glove. This glove has a life of its own!

[snip]Monroe decides to use Indiana as a guinea pig and send him back to the Prehistoric era.

Indy was grabbed on the arms and dragged up to the platform of the time relic. His arms were bound to it tightly and the gag was placed back over his mouth. He struggled but to no avail. One of the guards was ready to place the silver medallion on the hole in the platform. Isn’t Indiana sitting on top of the hole? He’s gonna have to shove it down his pants or something for this thing to work. “Wait,” said a voice. Indy turned his head to see a young woman that stood next to Monroe. Enter the obligatory love interest!
“How are we to be sure that he ends up exactly where we want him to be?” she asked. Who the hell are you?!
“Don’t worry, Christina,” Monroe calmed. “This relic always sends the usar Usar? Sounds Arabic. where he or she needs to be…” How about ten minutes earlier so he could dodge the Nazis and save Isaac? The man put the silver medallion on the platform and it began to turn. “…and I say…” Monroe put his hand on the arc. “…bring Mr. Dr. Jones here to the ends of the earth!”
This can’t be happening, Indy thought. This can’t work, I mean, it’s just a bunch of stone…and…If it’s just stone, why the hell did you come here?! Well he IS an Archeologist.

The wheel began to turn faster and faster and soon everything outside was a blur. Indy used his feet to grab his whip as the blue eyes in the statues shone brighter. Indy closed his eyes as he began to get dizzy. His thoughts were jumbled.

No…dream…can’t be…death…get that…pirate…monkey…cafeteria…pie…it really is...why, god why?!?

Then there was a blue flash and suddenly everything stopped. Hopefully, this is referring to the author’s story.

We were in the middle of sporking ch.3, but
green_soup had to that will be posted up some other time.

EDIT: Well QUITE UNFORTUNATELY this fic has since been deleted. It's been awhile but green_soup and I were going to spork more. D: Oh well....


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