Good Friday and bad connection

Apr 06, 2012 18:31

   The web is really slow today, but I'm moderately optimistic that I'll manage to post this entry anyway. I'm at my parents', and it's been a great day so far. I practised for nearly an hour, and I'm going to continue for a bit more later. I also started a sock before I left home, so I'll have some knitting to do. And I've studied some Latin. I think I know the first and second declination by heart now, and I've learned some new words. I'm fascinated by Ancient Rome, for the first time ever, and hence my interest in Latin, which we don't generally learn at school. I used to favour the Greeks, because I like their mythology, and they had more philosophers. I'm not sure how long this new hobby will last, but it gives me something to think about for a time, and something to study, and that's always good.
   Our cats are adorable, as usual, and they were happy to see me after all this time. I haven't been home for three weeks, I think, since we all took turns being sick... I'm so used to being alone when I blog, that every word from TV or mom and dad seems to distract me. Let's see how many times I lose track:).
   It's been raining almost all day. That's the traditional weather for Good Friday, for some reason. Not everywhere, obviously, but where I live. It usually brightens up by Sunday, thankfully.
   I got a new LJ friend today, welcome and enjoy your stay! I wish I had the energy and focus to write something splendidly inviting and fascinating. I'll try to get around to it before long...
   We watched bits and pieces of a documentary today, from some remote island, where a tribe built their house in a tree at about 35 meters (13-14 ft). When it was finished, they moved in, children and pets included. The rungs on the ladders were rather wide apart, and it must be something of a chore to carry things, not to speak of babies and animals, climbing them. They had a dog, who looked around him in the treehouse like "Oh great, the gang's all here, including the pig, in a new house, that's still 35 meters higher than I want to be...". Of course s/he was probably quite used to it already, in spite of the worried look. It makes my own eventual moving house feel like a breeze in comparison. Wherever my new home will be, at least there will be stairs, and with a bit of luck, even an elevator... Have a great weekend and see you tomorrow!

what i did today, welcome

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