i am so hungry, i might eat my hand

Apr 22, 2008 10:41

SO! What's been going on around here? I guess there were a few things on some shows that happened...

The Office - I've watched it a few times now - well, to be honest, I capped it and then only watched the Jim/Pam parts over and over again, a la "Casino Night". I've never been shy about the fact that although I do love the show, Jam owns my soul and THEY are the reason I fell in love with it and continue to spazz out with glee. All of it gave me the biggest happy and I still am all la-la-la about it.

I loved everything with Kevin and Andy. The "I will quit!" is perfect Office. It's relatable and everyone has something like that they go through at their job (I say it EVERY SINGLE DAY here and lately it's been the toner). Creed is always enjoyable and Michael was Michael.

I am surprised that they split M/J up, though, and I suspect it won't last for long. I went into this ep not knowing anything - not even the title - and I loved it. Everything was a pleasant surprise and I wasn't spoiled by NBC promos that often give it all away.

HIMYM - I've always really enjoyed it - I've watched it from the beginning and stuck through it when a lot of other people were poo-pooing it - but I've never been really emotionally invested in it. I have shipped Barney/Robin since it started but still, I have to say the big moment didn't have me squeeing like the mad fangirl I can be. I am very happy but I don't know - I just didn't have the same reaction a lot of you are having.

That being said, I want to stress that I am excited about it and I can't wait to see what they do. AND I really loved the way it came out. The new Robin Sparkles video that (and the fact that he's watched the other 1000s of times!) they just stopped watching. I'm not a huge fan of Bob Saget but the man gives good voice over.

And, also, is just me or does Jason Segel look like shit? He's beat.

OH and I have to share this because it's both funny and it broke my wee little heart...

So when TO was over and the "tie my shoe" thing happened, D. decided to it would be funny to say:

D: I can't wait to do that....
Me: ... (brow furrowed, knowing this can't go well but still wanting/needing to hear what idiot thing he's going to say)
D: ...to everyone. That'll be a riot.
Me: Uh, no. (I get up and go into the bedroom - he follows because he's dumb)
D: You were just laughing!
Me: It's a TV show! It's funny because it's Jim and Pam and oh yeah, he's made it perfectly clear that he actually WANTS to marry her and now she just has to wait for it.
D: I don't understand, though. If it's cute when Jim does it, why wouldn't it -
Me: Because a) you're not Jim which is my cross to bear and b) he WANTS TO MARRY HER!!! He has every intention of actually following through on the joke! He actually BOUGHT HER A RING!

And then I punched him on the shoulder and pushed him onto the bed and went into the bathroom and lock the door so he won't come in and finally when I decide that I'm no longer insane-o girlfriend, he's still all like "But it was funny!" which is stupid and too guy-like and so we get into this big thing about nothing and because he decided to go to this place with me, I feel it's the perfect opportunity to tell him that I would appreciate it if he wouldn't refer to me as his wife to his friends and vice versa because we're not fucking married! GOD.

I'm not sure if I'm more annoyed about him ruining an awesome J/P moment for me or if it's the fact that he won't ever just TELL ME YES OR NO. *strangles him*

I watched Juno on Friday w/ my gram. I feel completely on the fence. I have no strong opinion about it either way. I'm not sure why that is.

FNL comes out today, right? I need to purchase that.

I received my Proactiv which I've been using since Saturday and already my face is better. Not that I had a lot of acne but after I hit 25, the last 6 years have been tough on my face and I can't figure it. So I hope this will help. Does anyone else use it?
Yesterday was Marathon Monday which means that anyone who works in Boston usually gets the day off. I don't work in Boston but for some reason, we still get it off which is super. I watched Gilmore Girls all day. It was grand. I also posted more icons than you can shake a stick at underthehem...which is totally what I do when I'm writing fic and I get to the last of it and I want to procrastinate.

tv whore, tv: himym, tmi: the boy, tv: the office

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