it's going to kick your ass

Apr 24, 2008 10:14

So I completely love having TO back. It just gets me all atwitter and happy and makes me make icons and want to write fic and do other things...

Okay, I haven't uploaded the caps yet so I have just this icon:

I am in love with the look on her face after he leaves. I've been really thinking about it and I don't think it's bad AT ALL. I don't think because of that look she's going to say no. No way. That look makes me super excited because it really hits home the seriousness of their relationshp and how Jim is there with her and wants the same things. This isn't Roy. This isn't 10 years of dating, a perfunctory engagement, wedding planning all by herself because the other party just isn't all that interested. I think all this is flashing in her mind and she's excited but scared, overwhelmed with the possibilities of what ALL that will be like with someone who does actively engage with her, that WANTS to share all that with her and I, for one, am eager to see how Pam handles it.

There is always the possiblity that she could say no. But we know that would be angst for angst sake and good god, I hate that and it's such a show killer for me so I sincerely hope they don't do that. I like my angst from Dwangela, thank you very much. Let me have my Jim and Pam goodness, tv. Let me see one of my OTPs actually work out! Anyway, there is always the off chance that she'll decline - maybe she'll feel they're not ready, it's too soon, whatever - but I really feel that all that would be a bunch of bullshit at this point in the show and in their relationship.

And here's where the look comes into it. I think maybe on Pam's end - and I'm not saying that she wasn't crazy for him prior to dating because she obviously was in DENIAL for years - that for Pam, the tone of the relationship has taken a turn. That the sweet playfulness of their relationship has suddenly gone serious and that look shows that she knows it. She can pretend with him that he's only kidding around but she knows, OH YEAH, she knows that he is 100% telling her the truth.

Then the end happens and it's wonderful because you see that she's taking it very seriously, that's she's totally like OMG OMG OMG and in an instant she's being tricked and they go right back to the sweet playfullness that really makes them them. I LOVE that they can joke and be that comfortable with each other that something like that won't turn into more than it was.

Seriously, guys, JAM owns me.
So with it being spring (it is absolutely gorgeous here this week!), I'm going to let you in on a little secret that I don't think I've ever talked about before. My complete love of weddings. NOW, it's not even the ceremony or marriage or any of that. It's just all the prep, the dresses, the flowers, the venues, the invites, etc...I have for a very long time now wanted to get into the industry and my goal was to do the events around here and use that to finagle my way into it.

It really got out of hand when BFF got married and then when C. did and they were two totally different weddings and they were both awesome and delightful and of course, got me thinking about my own which I never did before because I never wanted to get married until like a year ago so I totally blame BFF for that! (And D. thanks her, I'm sure) Anyhoo, the new dresses came out and I have to share this one dress with you because I find it to be perfection:

It's short, which I never thought I would like but I completely love it. And? It has POCKETS. POCKETS!!! How fucking awesome. I want it. I want to get married just so I can wear it and get an annulment the next day just so I can get married in it again.

Pardon the crazy. But, seriously, I am in the best mood today. I have no idea why.

otp: jim/pam, tmi: life, tv: the office

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