heavy sigh

Apr 16, 2008 14:27

My mom thinks she's getting a divorce. I am at a loss. I'm hoping that they just had a very big fight and that it's just the stress of everything that's been happening. I'm trying to get her down here for a couple of days. I think they need to get away from each other and take a few deep breaths.

In any event, I am completely heartbroken.


We went away to Mohegan for our anniversary. We had a very nice time. I won like $15 - which is fine. At least I didn't lose any!

However, I did get food poisoning so that was GREAT. We had this really delicious (and expensive) dinner and then badness. Oh, well.


Whatever, haters, I still love The Office and it still fills me with joy. I refuse to go to TWoP because they're insane but I go to the low key places and they were all crazy, too, including office tally and I'm just over the bitching. Can't you just enjoy the fucking thing? Do you have to make it OMG THE END OF THE WORLD because Pam wears her hair down now? This annoyed me about Buffy, too, but it's what fandom is all about, I suppose. But it's like if it makes you sooo miserable and you hate everything about it and every episode sucks beyond the telling, then stop watching it! It's really rather simple.

I suppose the same could be said about not getting involved in fandom in the first place ;)

tmi: life, tv: the office

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