i can't lift my arms

Mar 11, 2008 09:27

I worked out yesterday. CRAZY, I know! It's Girl Scout cookie time. It is extremely hard to not eat all of them at once. But I need to lose weight. I need to eat healthier and be more active. I've been too lazy since we moved into the apartment. Part of the problem is that when I lived in the basement, my exercise was putting on loud music and dancing/jumping around like an idiot. Stupid but highly effective. Now I do nothing. So! I busted out the weights and the resistance bands and did that and tonight I'm getting out my old yoga mat and Pilate's dvds and doing that again. I need to get my ball from my gram's.

D. and I have been talking about moving. Not just moving but buying a place. I'm worried that we're not financially ready for it and if I had known that he was even thinking about this, I would have probably picked something a little less straining on the bank account to drive around in. I'm also apprehensive because we do have my grandparent's home when they're gone so I don't know...BUT we found a condo. Something neither of us ever wanted to live in and it's not in the best city in the world and it's not exactly a great commute to my job every day. That being said, the police station is right across the street as is the commuter rail so it would be ideal if I wanted to, say, quit my job and work in Boston for more $$$.

It used to be an old shoe factory and they've converted it. It's very industrial looking which I kind of love (it surprised me because I usually go for a very homey, comforting vibe and not anything too modern) and D. is a little resistant. I think we're going to go look at it, at least and see what happens. Maybe this is the kind of shot in the ass I need to DO SOMETHING with my life. Check it.

I want to preface this by saying, I actually did quite enjoy the episode because I do love Juliet and OMG, making out with Jack! BUT I feel that everything that happened could have been completely avoided if the boat crew weren't dumbasses like the castaways and you know, actually SAID SOMETHING TO SOMEONE because um, I'm sure NOBODY wants to die a horrible death of asphyxiation. I mean, really, people. I'm all for secrecy and blah blah but how hard is it to say, "We need to shut this down so Ben doesn't kill us all" and for everyone to agree with that? I bet it wouldn't be very hard at all!

I did like the insane creepy factor of the psychiatrist, though, and was that the first time that Jack heard the whispering? I think so... D. brought up a good point that the lady could have been the black smoke in person form which we know it can do because she did appear and disappear in an instant.

I didn't think we learned a whole lot about Juliet's character other than her fairly scary relationship with Ben, which doesn't surprise me. I did notice the painting of a woman who looked exactly like Juliet in Ben's apartment. They purposefully didn't focus on it but the shrink lady did mention that she looked exactly like her...I was hoping that lost-media would have a screencap but they don't.

The Whidmore development isn't that surprising as Sun did take a Whidmore pregnancy test so we kind of had an idea that there was a connection there. Plus, it's LOST. EVERYTHING is connected in some way, right?

I'm sort of dreading Idol tonight and tomorrow especially because the girls suck ass. I don't need to hear the unmerciful murdering of my favorite Beatles songs. Bad idea. Bad, bad, bad.

tv: ai, tmi: life, tv: lost

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