
Mar 14, 2008 09:57

This week has sucked the life out of me. Good lord...everyone else have the week that would not die?

AI wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought it would be and I completely forgot that the horror is all one night as opposed to two which is better. I did vote for Jason and Brooke. I can't bring myself to vote for David Cook - I think he's kind of a dbag and "Eleanor Rigby" is my favorite and he sucked it in the beginning but turned it around but I don't know. There's something about him that doesn't sit with me.

Dude. What the fuck ever. Like if one of the two were going to die, why wasn't it Sun? I really don't like her and I feel like everything Jin did was for her and she just cheats on him, wants to leave and is generally not a very nice person.

Anyway, I kept thinking it was a flashback until they said she was Oceanic Six which I promptly booed. I had always had the thought that she had been pregnant before and miscarried. I'm not sure why other than Jin showed a lot of concern when Claire was pregnant. And then the end came and he delivered the panda and I thought he just went back to doing what he had done before - working for Sun's dad and missing the birth of his daughter. Well, then he was dead and I thought maybe he's just on the island still and not really dead which I scratched out because although I think Sun would do something like that, I truly believe that Jin would die to protect her and he would stop at nothing to make sure she and the baby continued on and got off the island.

Poor, sweet cuckolded Jin.

I was glad that Juliet was more assertive and geez, Elizabeth Mitchell wears bruises well.

I HATE Kate. OMG. And I think it's just I HATE Evie so no matter what Kate does, I can not stand her.

Aw, Hurley!

I love Bernard and Rose and I'm glad that they're still on the island. Hopefully, living.

Okay, seriously, is there anyone who DIDN'T know that Michael was Ben's spy? Maybe if they hadn't told everyone that Harold was coming back and didn't have his name in the credits for the last 7 eps, it might have been a nice surprise but the reveal was very anti-climatic because we knew.

I still very much like Jeremy Davies/Faraday, although I have such a hard time getting past Spanking the Monkey.

And to bring up something random that occurred to me last night while watching Sun be an asshole - when are they going to talk about the giant 4-toed foot statue?

I posted icons. Very exciting, I know.

Going to my mother's this weekend. Should be interesting. I hope we don't fight. That'll be awkward.

I have to remember to update my movie list but I watched Becoming Jane the other night and LOVED it. Insane love for it and that whole crush on James McAvoy? Through the roof now. It makes me want to reread Austen which I haven't read since college.

movies, tv: ai, icons, tv: lost

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