no work 1/2 day

Mar 07, 2008 09:07

I'm tired (slept on the couch), I'm bored (I refuse to work) and I'm bitchy (thanks, uterus). We have a skunk at work that likes to greet us every morning by spraying and my eyes won't stop watering and it smells horrible. We need some febreeze candles. At least it covers the mold smell!

So I'm loving everyone's posts about the Buffy comic. It's been interesting, definitely, even when I don't agree, I can see the point of view. It makes me all nostalgic. I think the thing I agree with most is that these characters, Buffy, especially, is just no longer the Buffy I knew and loved. There seems to be a definite break between movie (yay) - tv - comic (boo) which is fine I guess but it doesn't make it any less confusing to me because I don't get what he's doing here. You know, thinking about it last night, I don't think I even care so much about this new development. It's just I don't get the point of it.

Looking at my netflix, I have decided to go for 2 movies at a time because we are never going to get through the queue at the rate we're going. So next up is Eastern Promises and Becoming Jane.

Katherine Heigl is kind of(?) dumb
I highly doubt that lovely handbag is made of PVC so KH wearing the PETA shirt is a little odd to me. And it makes her look like a complete asshole.

American Idol - I haven't talked about the new season at all because even with my insane-o love for Jason Castro (the only contestant I have ever voted for since week 1) and Brooke (have yet to find the energy to actually vote for her), this year is astonishingly horrible and the women are terrible. However, I am glad Danny is gone because he looked exactly like Jessica Alba and it freaked me out. D. loved him ;)

I do want to point out that Brooke's take on the always awesome and one of my most favorite songs, "Love is a Battlefield" is not anything new. All you have to do is see Pat in concert and know that she makes that song acoustic every single time and it breaks my heart. I didn't pay $$$ to see you sing it slow without the shimmy shimmy whore shake, Benatar! But point is that Brooke, although I did like it better coming from her, didn't do anything that Pat herself hasn't already done to the song.

This is really cool and makes m elove TWOP all the more.

Kelly! Mandy!
I would have literally flipped my shit if Mandy had opened for Kelly when I saw her. Not because I think Mandy's music is so fantastic (although her cover of "Umbrella" surpasses Rhiannaaananana in every single way) but because I think Mandy is.

Oh, so, yeah, in my absence I did finally get to see Kelly! It was great. It was a sauna in the place and there was a tiny girl behind me who kept shrieking in my ear until I finally gave her one too many looks of death and her dad quieted her down. I was really happy that I got to go.

And then I finally got to see David Gray after many, many years of wanting to and many years of him not touring the US/not being able get tickets when he did. It was beyond fantastic. Completely renewed my obsession for him.

ProjRun is over and I think by the end of it, I was happy with who won. I'm not surprised (was anyone?) but the winner definitely started to grow on me. What was that thing that Cordy said about Xander that time? Like a chia pet?

Noon can not come fast enough! I want to go hoooooooooooooooommmmmmmmeeee. I'm off to write!

tv: btvs, music: kelly, tv: ai, music: concerts, tv: project runway

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