what will he think of next?

Mar 06, 2008 12:19

Okay, I haven't even received mine yet and tlace just sent me this link (big honkin' spoilery pic) and um, what the huh?

It's so beyond ridiculous and stupid and I'm hoping that when I read the entire story that there is a justifiable reason - or maybe just a dirty dream (because, remember, that hot Angel/Buffy/Spike dream she had that time which clearly shows she loves PENIS) because this girl is in love with her and she likes the attention. They touched on this in the last one and she turned out to be the true love kiss person or whatever the hell that thing was and whatever, it's such a Joss cop-out thing to not pick between S & A and that's fine. But to have Buffy being all "WOW!" and sweaty with a girl cuddled up in bed, with panties and an actual TEDDY BEAR on the floor, kind of crosses a line with me.

I could look at the entire comic experience like it's fanfiction. And to some degree, I suppose it is but what makes it hard is that it's coming from Joss and Co. and so it's obviously something that he would have liked to see progress after "Chosen". So this? The sex with a girl thing? Is, for me, out of character. Completely. You can say that there was ust with her and Faith and I wouldn't disagree - I think Faith would definitely swing either way and probably has many times. But Buffy? She hasn't and I don't think she would. I just don't see it.

Am I being blinded by this idea of Buffy that I have? Would this development actually be a natural progression of her character if the show were still on the air? Was it in any way necessary for Joss to have Buffy in bed with another Slayer? With her student, no less? (For the record, I do believe the girl is not so much a girl as a young woman of maybe 19-21...but I'm not positive about that.)

What do you think?

I've been doing a lot of cooking recently. I have to find a way to be creative and make easy meals because I have 2 hotplates and a toaster oven to cook meals on/in. So I wanted to share some of the ones that turned out to be super good and super easy!

We love buffalo chicken. We love cheese. We love dip. So here's buffalo chicken dip which works great as a party dish but we also do it as a meal sometimes.

2-3 large chicken breasts
1 8 oz. package of cream cheese
1/2 cup buffalo wing sauce (Frank's Buffalo sauce is hand's down the best. Spicy but yummy!)
1/2 cup bleu cheese dressing (Maria's Super Chunky is awesome) OR if you don't like bleu cheese, ranch dressing
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese

Heat the cream cheese in microwave for 1 minute, until soften (don't melt). Combine the buffalo sauce, dressing and cheese with the cream cheese. Whisk together. Cook the chicken and let cool. I shred the chicken, I don't cube it. I think shredding it makes it easier to eat. Throw the chicken in the dip, mix. Pour into a dish that can go in the oven (I usually buy a disposable one), top with mozzarella cheese and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes until the cheese is bubbly.

Let it sit for a couple of minutes to settle and then dig in with some Tostitos! It's unbelievably good. I bring it whenever we have game night at our friend's place and I made it for the holidays.

I have like 100 icons to post. I don't want to.

I finished Atonement last weekend and it was good - although I knew what was going to happen because I sort of read _jems_ post about the movie. The book didn't really get going until about page 100 or so and then I couldn't put it down. I think I would have been more affected by it had I not spoiled myself. I look forward to the film, though. Now, I'm reading World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. So far, entertaining. I loved The Zombie Survival Guide.

I have been keeping track of the movies I watch this year, too, and some other day when I haven't already gone on and on and on, I will post that.

I've been up since 5. I want to pull my hair out. God, I have to get rid of this layout. I am just too laaaaaaaaazy.

tv: btvs, books, goodies: cooking, zombies!yay!

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