never ending week of pain

Mar 05, 2008 14:47

I'm in early and out late almost every day this week. *shakes fist angrily*

So tlace, maybe in an effort to get me to post, tagged me for a meme. And I do what she tells me.

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Well, I like to think I've grown so I don't think I would go down the self-destructive path that I used to go down. I think I would be so heartbroken this time around that I would be numb to it all. But I would leave. For sure. No one deserves to be treated badly.

2. Why do you journal on the web?
When I do, it's usually about TV or something equally inane, like my life! I used to do it to really have a place to get things off my chest and get feedback from people who didn't know me in my life but were usually better friends than those who were. It was definitely a way to express myself in all kinds of ways and I miss that sometimes.

3. What is your most guilty pleasure?
I have to steal tlace's answer because OMG, I am WHORE for a rom-com. Like, honestly, it's bad. There are days when I can not deal with anything too heavy and it's the one thing I can watch and zone out and end up with a smile on my face. And pop music. I don't even want to get into that whole thing.

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Every single day.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I would like to married, to have a place of our own, and I would very much like to be successful at something.

6. What is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?
I have to say that I really do love loving someone. Don't get me wrong - it's fantastic when D. is loving and I get all butterfly belly of goodness but I feel like I'm a better person when I can care for someone, not just D. but my family and friends. It makes me happier which is good because it makes me less bitchy to them and therefore easier for them to love me! See how that all works out?

7. If the person you like does not care about you back the same way, would you continue to wait for them to change their mind?
I did for 14 years and it sucked. I would not do it again. Probably.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I'm reminded of high school, suddenly. I would admire from afar. I'm so old school Jim Halpert. It's sad.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
My mother. I gave her and my stepfather a lot of money out of my retirement to help them not to lose their home. All they had to do was quit smoking. She told me they had, he told me, "I'm not going to lie to you..." and so I confronted her - pretty nicely, I may add because I didn't want to fight, I just wanted her to understand - and she copped an attitude and I was FURIOUS. I haven't been that angry and just disappointed and sad in so long. She takes advantage sometimes. And I know I'm never getting the money back. It's not even about that. Whatever. It's the fact that we had a deal and she never holds up her end.

10. What do you want most in life?
Just to be happy and be able to live comfortably.

11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?
Gluttony because I LOVE food and snacks, although I am trying to not eat everything I see. And sloth (that's one, right? I remember it from Se7en...) because I am a lazy ass. Oh, hell, all of them a little every day, probably.

12. Which of the 7 Holy Virtues do you think you exemplify most regularly and why?
Thank you, Tee, for leading me to Wiki because I'm like the who? what? I guess Kindness. Even though it comes back to bite you in the ass, I like to be able to help the people I love and the causes that I care about. Even just putting a dollar in the buckets at the grocery store, buying GS cookies, getting a poppy from the Veteran's, adopting a pet...all that makes me feel like I at least contribute to something other than my shoe addiction, you know?

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
My grama. I would be lost without her.

14. What kind of person do you think you are?
I think I'm a decent person with a good head on her shoulders.

15. Do you believe there is nothing higher than human kind?
No. I think it's kind of sad to think that we're the tops.

16. Which fictional character from any fandom could you most see yourself being friends with?
It's a hard decision because Pam is ALL OF US, right? But I'm actually going to go with Lorelai Gilmore.

17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
I would and do.

18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?
There was this horrible movie back in the day and I have no idea what it's called or who's in it but this guy in it said "Wherever you go, there you are...that's my motto." And it's been a running joke between me and my mom because it's so lame but true. And it's better than, say, "fuck it" for a motto, right?

19. What type of friends do you like?
Anyone that I feel comfortable enough to be myself around is my friend. This is why I have very few.

20. Do you have an all time favorite song?
"I Know" by Fiona Apple. There's nothing about it that I don't love. "This Year's Love" by David Gray runs a very close second and should be mentioned for it's complete awesomeness.

I tag: jainaj, jenahville, soulswallo, sweet_ali, debalita, fishanwitt...and I don't know. I feel uncomfortable tagging anyone!

I feel like I hate this layout. I also feel spectacularly bitchy and cranky.

etc: meme

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