i'm drowning in footwear

Apr 04, 2007 13:18

I pick up my bridesmaid dress today. They were very annoyed with me last time because I didn't buy a new bra and they insisted the one I was wearing would not do and she kept grabbing the straps and hoisting me up and I'm like "Lady, I know there's a lot of boobage but it's still attached to my body!" They tried to get me to special order one and I wondered if I looked particularly crazy that day to fall for that. I did get my shoes, though, and I need to start walking in them once it stops raining because I have a feeling if I don't break them in...ouch in the long run. I have flip flops for the reception so that's good but I still have to get through the Mass. Eek. Unfortunately, the picture does nothing for the shoes but here they are. They're silver, which they don't have at the website so it ended up being a good thing that I had to return 3 pairs of shoes to the store.

In other shoe news, has anyone been to Endless? Shoes galore! I'm completely in love with these Richard Tyler's. They are so professional looking with just a little something that don't make them just another black pump. I believe I will purchase these today and hope that they fit. And I completely love these for the summer. Betsy Johnson scares me. I mean, really? That is supposed to be a serious shoe that someone would wear? Whatev. I pretty much think Crocs are the root of all evil and fugdom but I sort of like their prima ballerina flats. They're not half as awful as the originals but they look comfy. And there's something about these that I think are cute - but color is probably important.

I finally bought a new pocketbook - purse - handbag, what have you (last time, tlace teased me about my usage of the word "pocketbook"...can you believe it? Tee teased someone? I KNOW! That's never happened before ;) I had been using my Fossil satchel for 2 years now (thanks, D!) but I needed something different because you know how you have the same one for too long and you just end up buying others in its place but you can never find one that is actually what you want? I think I finally found the one I liked. Well, I loved this Fossil but, yeah, I could never spend that money on a purse. And even when I considered it, the brown I liked was sold out so that was a good thing. So I bought this one - and yes, that is my review and they actually listened which is amazing, although they didn't change the picture of the pocketbook, they did put a color block to show what "natural" really is.

I think I'm going to buy this watch.

And, finally, last night we went to Costco, which has really pretty jewelry and that amazes me. And with BFF getting married, I'm going to say that I'm super jealous and getting super antsy. So I'm looking these beautiful OMG shiny, hypnotizing rings and he totally just goes around the other side and looks at the watches and I'm like GET ME A RING, DAMN YOU!!!!! And that's all I'm going to say about that. I liked it a lot better when I was very flippant and didn't care about such things.

And because it's still AllAboutTV, Twin Peaks season 2 finally came out on DVD!!! YAY! Entourage is starting very soon! And Drive, finally. Hi, Nathan Fillion!

OH and if you're bored, this is a day waster.

I'm supposed to be finishing Tee's fic AND spamming her season 1 VM goodness. Work shmerk.

tv whore, tmi: the boy, tmi: life

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