
Apr 05, 2007 13:17

I'm writing filth at work. It's so taboo! WHEEE.

New Office tonight. There's this really horrible radio promo that they're playing around here - it's 3 people (and I can't tell if they're supposed to be like radio djs and it's all so horribly bad or it's just 3 people talking and it's all so horribly bad) and they talk about the promo on You Tube and I won't go into details in case you are THAT adverse to spoilers but it's so lame and terrible and normally, I'm like Office promos on WBCN? YAYAYAAY! It's taking over the world, woo hoo! If only it were GOOD and not LAME.

I HAVE to stop watching American Idol. Seriously. It's all kinds of wrong.

*sigh* The Black was great and then it was good and then it was okay while it lasted. But I will miss Tommy. Naked. yeah...

I'd talk about Lost but I a) didn't pay very close attention because it was Kate-centric and the haterade is back in full swing and b) D. will have to watch it tonight because he went to bed so I'll have to watch it over again anyway and I may have something constructive to say other than KATE DIE.

On a side note, I'm really happy that the cast of Deadwood has found so much work on Lost.

#2 of Buffy s8 better be at my apartment when I get home today!! *checks website* Hmm, doesn't look that way. I want to KNOW NOW!!! Plus, dudes, Xander looks soooo hot! It's not even funny. And the cover of the first one is so gorgeous and I want a huge poster of it to hang up somewhere in my tiny apartment.

And, finally, I am about 90% sure that I will be deleting the screencaps.

And note to myself more than anything but if you know where to find good ones: I need icons of Entourage and Brothers & Sisters.

Have I ever mentioned my complete and total love for one Shia LaBeouf? I feel like a complete pedophile but whatever and I'm not even sure WHY I love him so much. But he's in all kinds of movies, including the looks-to-be-and-hope-it-is-kick-ass Transformers. He's so adorable in a really pleasant, goofy way.

And we watched Harold and Kumar again recently which OMG is just the funniest thing because pot heads are idiots and Neil Patrick Harris makes me pant and speaking of H&K and panting, I don't think I've ever said how much I love John Cho. BFF and I were talking about movies - I had rented American Dreamzzzzzz (yawn) but I was insanely happy that he was in it and she's like, "The MILF guy from American Pie??" and I'm like OH YEAAAAAHHHH. Plus, he was so awesome in H&K, he did a bang up job on Grey's Anatomy last year for that one episode where he played an intern and he killed the mom on his way home from working too many hours, I loved him in Kitchen Confidential (sigh), and he will be in The Air I Breathe with SMG. Color me happy.

And SMG - I still have a some issues with making GGtH&F into a movie but then they change the title to (oh god) Suburban Girl? Hate it with a fiery passion. But at least she looks pretty. And I kind of like her and Alec Baldwin although he's way too young for the part. Am I being overly about this? You can tell me.

Okay, I think I've stopped blushing enough to go back to writing. I get so hyper because I'm such a prude and I have to do something to distract myself or I'll erase it all and have them shake hands or something.

tv: btvs, otp: jim/pam, tv whore, tv: the office, tv: lost

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