i don't need to be an angel, but i'm nothing if i'm not this high

Aug 30, 2006 14:46

September 1st will be one year since I quit smoking. I didn't really think I would make it so I'm pretty happy. And I didn't gain a lot of weight, a few pounds here and there, but just weight I notice, you know? I admit that I still miss having a cigarette every day...I don't miss the smell and the cost of it because the shoes I get to buy in its place are far more satisfying but I do miss the cigarette. I don't know if that will go away and it's fine if it doesn't. I generally feel better but I am tired more, although I think I associate cigarettes/nicotine with keeping me awake many a night and the reason why I started smoking in the first place, so I don't know if it's purely in my head or what. I'm glad I quit when I did and I don't think I'll ever go back (unless they invent some sort of cheap, no smell, no cancer kind of cigarette, which is highly doubtful). I've had too many loved ones with . emphysema, oxygen tanks, and cancer.

If I said that I've a) made a new layout for Look Within, b) have made Buffy/Spike art...a manipulation...which I haven't done in like 3 years, and c) have over 5500 words for the last chapter of Marriage, Sunnydale Style, would you believe me? My Buffy fangirl has been awakened with the marathon (this has taken ALL summer long...I'm still only on 5 which sigh, yay!), reading some of my old favorite fics, sweet_ali introducing me to "The Luckiest" and finally finding a dress for Buffy. It sounds silly, I know, but I was so stuck on the song and her dress that I couldn't do anything with the fic. Nothing. Those two things were really important to me, for them, and without them, I couldn't write anything. So now I'm almost done *crosses fingers* and I have a few pages for Love Ridden, I have a little first person Buffy ficlet and a new story set after season 5. So, um, I've been busy and totally feeling the Buffy love.

And can I just say I've spent a lot of time looking at pictures of SMG trying to find one that I liked to stick her head on someone else's body ;) and I miss her blonde hair. I like the dark, I do, but she just always looks unhappy now-a-days. Not when she first dyed it but for the last year or two, she's just seemed down.

I can't stop listening to the Counting Crows' "Films About Ghosts The Best of". Particularly, "Anna Begins" which again I blame sweet_ali but in the best possible way. It's such a great song and many of their lyrics remind me of B/S and that helps.

What else? Oh, the apartment from Hell is coming along. D. is on vacation this week and is supposedly working on it while I'm at work but I wonder... :) He's been playing that Buffy game (thanks, tlace for that new obsession!) and I know he wouldn't have told me but he got stuck trying to find a fuse in a level I've been through so he had to ask me. In any event, the bathroom is done. The leak is fixed, I bought the rest of the towel racks, we put the medicine cabinet up, his mom bought us towels. We just need to transfer the big cabinet from my house to his and that room is done. The den is painted the dark brown and the trim will be blue (the same color of the bathroom) and the trim is his job because I hate trim. So, hopefully, we can start/maybe finish the bedroom this weekend. His mom's boyfriend moves in on Tuesday so...FUN!

I'm very excited for football to really start for many reasons. 1) It will stop being on the TV almost every single night because pre-season has no rhyme or reason to it, 2) I get to call Rothelesburger (and I know I'm butchering his name) the Hamburgler and that other guy with the long hair Palo Alto. It's the little things in life, you know?, and 3) I root for the Colts which pisses off my boyfriend and that's always fun!

Project Runway tonight! And Bones! And Victor Garber's huge left ear! WHHEEEE!

music, tmi: the aparment, tv whore, otp: buffy/spike, fic: mine

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