(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 14:14

I tried what the Stupid Dell People (SDP, for future reference) told me to do and uninstalled and reinstalled my drives and still nothing. I would rather the whole computer be broken than to not be able to make caps from my DVDs. So I'm about to write an angry letter.

I have a bathroom! With a working shower, toilet, and sink, oh my! And the den and stairway are done! Now we just have to put the carpet down and we can move everything that used to live in the den back there and we can work on the bedroom, which hopefully will not take too long. We worked 10 hours on Saturday and about 6 on Sunday. I'm trying to remain calm about the fact that he was on vacation last week and seemingly did nothing more than paint the closet. But whatever. Just one more room!

I've applied to 4 different jobs at Reebok. I would be pretty excited, I have to say. Some of them are fairly similar to what I did when I worked at the clothing manufacturer and that was my most favorite job ever and then they had to go out of business which GRRR. But what can you do? I have a bunch of jobs in a folder to send my resume to so I'm officially looking for a new job. YAY!

I finally put up a layout for get-a-cookie.com. I'm always with the simple and I've had it for like 5 months and just never bothered. I also, finally, put Look Within back online with a new layout. And a little ficlet during "Chosen" which can be found here

I have lots of shows to watch on my dvr. I'm just not into the new TV season, yet. I don't think that will happen until September 21st. Did you guys see the NBC lineup special with the cast? They bobblenapped Dwight's bobblehead and made a ransom letter out of Pam's bridal magazine and demanded $5 to get the doll back. It was awesome. I can't wait for my DVDs to come! I got VM, which I haven't even bothered to watch yet, and I know Lost was shipped but I'm not even caring about that one that much. I just want my Office. Now. So completely jealous of _jems_ for having hers already.

tv: btvs, tmi: the aparment, the suck: computer, tv shows on dvd, otp: buffy/spike, etc: websites, tv: the office, fic: mine, the suck: work

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