EyeCon Saturday Review Part 2

Apr 14, 2008 20:09

Samantha was voted leader of the panel because she "is the oldest". she talked about how she used to be a radio dj. i can totally see that because she has an amazing voice. Chad is currently working on a documentary called My Big Break. Alona mentioned that she had something planned for the future but believes in luck and didnt wanna jinx it, so she wouldnt tell us what it was. she said that because of her size, people think she's not tough, but she was actually in the Army. she also said that she was from Israel. she said her fave scene was "being thrown around by Jared!" who can blame her? haha. we all cheered and she said "i knew you would appreciate that!" Samantha said "i'm sure alot of you would like to be thrown around by Jared! or Jensen!" Chad made a face and she said "or Chad!" lol. Alona said "Jared enjoyed being bad." Robyn bobbinrob reminded me of this part. we all simultaneously chanted "my daddy shot your daddy in the head". lol. Samantha called Chad a "great freak" and said "once he put on the wig, he became Ash, Chad was gone." Chad said he wished that Ash could go on a roadtrip with Sam and Dean. "they're in trouble and Ash busts in and is like *imitates shooting a gun*. lol. Chad talked about Ash's nude scene but he had on "an underwear thing" when Sam and Dean came to his door and none of them could keep a straight face. someone asked him [actually i think it was Samantha] to turn around and show the audience his butt.
Chad showing off his "assets" lol

Samantha was talking about coming back to the show and that they had asked her to be in a future episode, but that she couldnt commit to something 3 months away :[. she started talking about Jeffrey Dean Morgan and said "watch Season 1...hey! it's the guy from Grey's Anatomy! do i get to make out with Denny? no?! dang it!" Chad talked about he played a transvestite in a movie and he said "i look hot as woman, i'm not gonna lie!" Samantha talked about a show she was on where she slept with Jim Belushi and she said "he is a sweaty, hairy man". someone asked if Supernatural has helped their careers and Chad said "has Supernatural helped me? no." lol. someone asked how the Roadhouse Gang got together and he said "how did i hook up with Ellen and Jo? well i auditioned, then i got cast...i showed up for a beer, they took me in, saw that i had alot to offer, i took care of them..." *Samantha laughed*. Chad said "just go with me!" lol. they talked about Jared pranking everyone. Samantha said "if you're in pain, Jared's attached to it somehow! if you dont see Jared, be worried. and then you'll be like it smells like farts in here!" Chad said "we passed Brokeback Mountain jokes back and forth." Alona said "Jared and Jensen would stand in front of Kim Manners so you couldnt see him and Jared put soy sauce or something in a cup of coffee and made everyone drink it. he was so amused and so happy!" Alona said her fangirl moments were with Rachel McAdams [she rambled] and Angelina Jolie [she was speechless]. Chad's fanboy was "Tom Cruise...maybe. i was a glorified extra in The Last Samurai. look for me!" *did an amazing Tom Cruise impression*. if anyone has a video of that, PLEASE send it to me! Samantha said hers was Seth Green. she said rambled and rambled and was like "hi! i'm a whore! no! no! i played a whore on tv!" lol. later Dizzy said in a flirty voice "i played a whore and i AM a whore!" haha. they were asked what character they wanted to play. Samantha said "i wanna play Courtney Love". and i was thinking i dont like Samantha anymore! and then she redeemed herself when she said "i can play white trash really well!" lol and what Alona said was very touching. she said "if i could play my grandmother, that would be huge". and Chad said "Billy the Kid".

Sam and Alona signing the poster

Sam and Chad signing the poster

eyecon review, alona, samantha, pics, jpad, supernatural, chad, dizzy

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