EyeCon Saturday Review Part 1...

Apr 14, 2008 17:08

there is no way i can put all of Sat. into one post.

i left out something from Fri's post. late that night, i had one of my bad migraines and since Crickets was the only place still open, we went to get something to eat hoping it would make me feel better. Jim, Samantha, Chad and Gabe were in there eating and i squeed on the inside when they walked by us but i didnt say anything to them cause i didnt wanna bother them. the smell of the alcohol in there made me even sicker and i had to get out of there to take something. i was headed to the water fountain and a few people were crowded around Gabe asking for pics and he gladly took them. i had mentioned that i wanted a pic with him, but wasnt expecting one since i knew that wasnt allowed, but Matt asked anyway. he said "sure!" and started posing for a pic with me [and it woulda turned out if my batteries hadnt been going dead] when this girl walked up and said "no. you cant do that. you have to pay for pictures". he put his hand over his mouth and said "oops! i'm so sorry!" and looked at me as he walked away with this apologetic look on his face. so sweet! it didnt bother me though cause my head hurt so bad, all i could think about was getting to the water fountain. but that was the moment i fell in love with him and i bought a photo op first thing Sat. morning. and the moment i fell in love with Sandy was when she raised her hand when Dizzy asked who thinks it's all about Jared and i bought a photo op with her when i bought Gabe's.

Jim's panel was first and everyone went crazy when he came out and he was totally shocked! everyone had their cameras out taking pics of him so he took his out and took a pic of us haha!

he said "no one's ever come to see me this early of a morning! i'm used to a 6 year old girl coming to see me of a morning...dont know who she is.." lol. we all laughed and he said "why are you smiling so much for? it's like 4 am!" he was talking about telling stories to his daugther and said "i can only rembember 3 stories, so i start to make them up and it makes it fun for me too! Snow White and The Magnificent Seven is one of her fave stories!"
he started to undo his shirt

and he said "a fan gave this to me and i'm not 100% sure what it means, but..."

everyone laughed. i had to explain to my mom and Matt what it meant. later he said that he reads Bobby/Bela lol.

he said "it says on the schedule Q&A's so you start with the Q's and i'll do my best with the A's". he talked about how he came to be Bobby Singer. he said "i did a movie with Bob Singer, Reasonable Doubt." someone cheered and he said "you're the one who saw that!" someone asked him if he believed in the supernatural and he said "i believe in the supernatural for an hour on Thursday nights and if a demon walked in the door right now, i'm out that way!" haha.

he mentioned that he was a former Marine and that he wrote a script about a Marine sergeant and tried out for it and apparently "didnt fit the part" haha. someone of course asked about J2 and he said "we have so much fun despite Jared and Jensen! they're about as fun as dishwater!" lol. he was talking about one of his fave Bobby moments and talked about the ep. where he slapped Dean. he said "they dont usually let me slap Jensen so that was a good one! i havent pulled any pranks on the guys cause i'm mature! that's a falsehood...no it's not cause they have a serious contract and i dont! i've been on other shows where the leads were hunky young boys
but they werent very welcoming. Jensen and Jared are good ol boys. they're young enough to be my great grandchildren!" thanks to Robyn bobbinrob for reminding me of this next part :]. he said "they should get rid of Jared and Jensen and just have The Bobby Show". lol.
he was talking about how he was in bed for most of Dream a Little Dream Of Me and he said "if you ever get a chance to be on a show and lie in bed...it's hard work! were my legs crossed or not? no i dont think they were!" he had mentioned earlier that he's a writer but doesnt like to do it cause it's too much work and he hates work! he said "they havent asked me to write an episode. they've seen my other work!" haha. someone asked something and he said "thank you for your question which i didnt hear!" he was talking about an upcoming episode and he said "i got my latest script, i read my line. Bobby's a good character to have around". we cheered and he said "settle down! settle down!" and he said "my hats are cleaner than Bobby's!" he said that it's not confirmed yet but "there might be an extended Season 4 with an additional 8 episodes!!!!!!!!!!" he said "my fave part of the Bobby character is i dont have to shave! and the amused tolerance he has for the little boys-the idgits and no, i didnt make that up-it was in the script-but i did know what it meant!" Dizzy said he had time for one more question so someone asked him to say his idgit line. so he did!
here is a short video of him saying "take care of your brother, you idgit!"

image Click to view

crappy cell phone pics

Dizzy told him to sign the poster that was gonna be raffled off later.

Jim went to the poster and said "where can i steal his [Jared's] thunder?" that was a running joke all weekend...everyone tried to sign on his face!

then he signed his name and said "did i spell it right?" lol

after his panel, they had an auction to have breakfast with the stars. Alona sold for $150 and Dizzy said "idk if youre familiar with her, but she's actually on the show". Samantha sold for $250, Jim for $350, Gabe for $350, Steve for $400, Chad for $500 [someone please tell me Psycho Stalker Girl didnt win this], Sandy sold for $850 x2! 2 people were bidding back and forth between her and they let both of them go to breakfast with her and yes, both had to buy $850. Carol ficwriter1966 was one of them and idk the other person. Jared sold for $950 x2. they did the same thing for him that they did for Sandy. Becky janglyjewels was one of them and idk the other lady, but she sat behind me. and Becky's pic from breakfast is so cute!!

eyecon review, alona, samantha, pics, gabe is adorable!, vids, jpad, jim, chad, supernatural, gabe, sandy

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