EyeCon Friday Review---MNG/Ten Inch Hero 4-4-08

Apr 13, 2008 15:31

*please note that my quotes might not be 100% accurate cause i have notes scribbled everywhere and i wrote so fast that i can barely read my own writing*and please excuse any and all typos cause sometimes i get carried away while typing!*

i'm used to flying into Fort Myers, not Orlando so i was like this airport is HUGE. there were shuttles inside the airport to take you to...the airport. the Kennedy Space Center and Disney World were like RIGHT THERE but we just didnt have enough time since Jared's schedule got changed. no fault to Jared, of course and i'm def. not disappointed with how the weekend turned out. got to the hotel, put our stuff in our room and immediately went to the 2nd floor [Convention Floor!!!] to look for schedules and to find where all the events were happening. if i have any complaints about the con, this would probably be my only one. not alot of the staff knew what we were talking about. they sent us on a wild goose chase and no one knew anything more than the last person. we asked this young girl in the elevator where to go for registration and where she got her schedule at and she was like "it's on the internet. look it up". so i had to pay $8 just to print out a schedule [which i think shoulda been out alot sooner, but i get that everyone was busy and that they had to change everything at the last second, so it's all good].

went to registration, got our packets and waited. my mom got sick and had to go up to the room and i told her to call if she needed me and then i'd be up there. i was worried that she was having another mini stroke [she had 2 within 10 days of each other in Feb.], but thank God, thats not what it was. went into the main auditorium and i was so excited about how good my seat was! there was the cutest, sweetest little old lady sitting in front of me. idk her exact age, but someone told me she was 70. she was ADORABLE! everyone called her Grandma and i loved her! but i will post more about her on Sat. and Sunday's posts. Dizzy aka THE BEST emcee EVER said "right now, the convention is called EyeCon, but by the end of it, it'll be called Oh My Gosh! it's him!" talking about Jared of course. lol! he said "you'll get as close to Jared as possible without having to get a restraining order!" haha. Jim was the first one out and i had said earlier that i would be so upset if he didnt have a cap on and i squeed so much cause he was wearing one! first thing he said was "what's up, you idgits!" *loved it!* he said "this is the 50th state i've been in and the only one that gave a crap about me!" you could really tell how overwhelmed and surprised he was that so many people were cheering for him [this was his first con]. Samantha was the next one out and her and Jim hugged :]. she said "ive got really curly hair and it's really humid here, so take pictures now cause later it wont be a pretty sight!" then it was Chad! then precious Sandy and then adorable Gabriel who was also very surprised by all the claps and cheers. it was his first con too and someone said "Gabriel, say something!" he said "hey! i dont know what to say! hey! that's all i got!" and Sandy put her arm around his shoulder and said "this is only my 2nd con and i'm coaching him. give me his questions and i'll answer for him! i'm a pro at this now!" [or something like that]. Dizzy said "who here thinks it's all about Jared?" and Sandy raised her hand and said "i do!" it was SO cute!

sorry these pics suck so much. i was messing with my settings and i couldnt get them right. pics will be clearer in other reviews...

the next 3 pics were taken by lovejeter and yes, i had her permission to use them.

there's my hand! haha. and Grandma sitting in front of me :]

and here's half of me

and again!

if you havent seen Ten Inch Hero and dont wanna be spoiled, dont read any further!

ok so my thoughts on the movie...LOVED it! everyone is saying it, but it's the truth...Priestly's facial expressions made the whole movie! and the producer and director said they were all Jensen's ideas! as was wearing the kilt! just so happened that the day he wore it was the day they shot the tampon scene so it worked out perfectly lol. there is no character that man cant play. he was fantastic! and of course i loved the dance he did the first time he was shown. *hearts*. and i liked the line "I’m easy to manipulate. Why don’t women take advantage of me?" but my fave quote was when he said "Cobain wasnt trying to leave the world, he just was trying to leave Courtney". AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! and then Tish came in with the cut on her head and said she slipped on an icelpant and he said "i wish she'd hit some iceplant! gah!" and then he fell over [again, the fall was Jensen's idea]. HECK YEAH!!! i wish Whoreney would run into something too...or better yet...let me be the one to SHOVE her into it. i better stop now or this will turn into a huge rant of how much i despise her. his shirts were great. there was "Tip Me or Die", "You know what your problem is? You’re stupid!", "Surf Naked", "Save a tree, eat a beaver", "I sell crack for the CIA" just to name a few. i liked the other characters and plotlines too, even though i woulda been happier if Priestly had been in every scene! and Jensen is the ONLY guy i've ever seen with a mohawk that is still hot as ever. and i wish that Jensen had a few tattoos irl although i read somewhere that he doesnt like them :[. well that sucks! but Jared likes mine, so i'm good! haha. more on that in my Sunday post...anwyho, back to the movie. Danneel was gorgeous as ever and of course played the knockout. i kinda want to see her in a different kind of role cause that's always what she plays but she's perfect for that role, so i get it. but i do have to get on the bandwagon and agree with what everyone else has been saying. we all knew Tish got around...we did NOT need to see that. and BULL that it was an emotional connection to her character. they just wanted to see a naked Danneel! and i was very shocked to hear that it was her first day of filming. and the threesome/almost rape scene was not necessary either and it was just disturbing. but i did like when Priestly and [mostly] Trucker beat the crap outta Tadd! that jerk deserved it! we were all cheering, but we got silent in a split second when Priestly got knocked to the ground. but anyway, the guy who played Fuzzy was sitting in the back watching the movie and it was his first time to see it. kinda cool. part of me felt like i was watching One Tree Hill mixed with Supernatural and Roswell [my 3 fave shows!] Danneel [Rachel], Elisabeth [Shelley] and Matt Barr [Psycho Derek-does he always play a creep?] from OTH were all in the movie and of course Jensen is from Supernatural and Trucker was played by the guy who played Liz's dad on my 2nd fave show Roswell [bet you cant guess what the 1st one is ;] and i hated him on there! but i really liked Trucker esp. how he acted around Zo. i liked that he ended up with her and that everything worked out with Jenn and Fuzzy, Piper, Noah and Julia. i liked that Priestly and Tish got together, BUT i did not like that Priestly had to change his appearance before Tish started liking him. did not like that at all. but i figured more people would cheer when Tish and Priestly kissed [and this is just my opinion...nothing fact...just my take on it] but i'm guessing people arent as accepting of Danneel and as they are of Sandy...i have met them both and i love them both. i do have a fave between the two, but i wont say!

eyecon review, tih, samantha, pics, jim, chad, mng, supernatural, roswell, gabe, dizzy, jensen, sandy, oth

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