EyeCon Saturday Review Part 3

Apr 16, 2008 21:25

i cant remember if it was before of after Sandy's panel, but Dizzy started singing "move along, move along...". i was in the elevator with him later and i said "i just wanted to say that you are doing a great job! you're really making this alot of fun! and i already liked you, but then you started singing Move Along by AAR and now i LOVE you!" he laughed and said "thanks! i'm surprised that not many people got that!" and i said "i have an AAR tattoo...i hope i know their lyrics!" we were still talking when the elevator stopped and without even thinking, i followed him lol. he said "did you mean to get off on the 8th floor?" i laughed said "no, was just following you! sorry!" he laughed and said "that's fine with me, just wanted to make sure you got off on the right floor. see you later!"

Sandy came out and she was just TOO CUTE! someone said they liked the dress she wore as the Crossroads demon, but she thought they meant the dress she was wearing then and she was so excited and said "i bought it just for today!" she said "i'm terrified. i'll giggle alot, maybe cry. that's what i do! ask me anything cause Jared's not here yet! i'm sorry i took him off the market! but i'm happy for me!" haha. "i wish he could be here and that we could do something together. *blushes* besides get married! and shoot me in the head!" lol. "we'll just giggle and it'll be enough for us." the first person asked their question and she pointed at them and then immediately grabbed her finger and put it down and said "i'm so sorry! i didnt mean to point!"

and kicked her leg up-you know like they do in the movies when a guy kisses a girl and her leg goes up. i dont know how else to explain it haha. only Sandy would apologize for that! she talked about her ring. "this one is my mom's and i dont want believe in spending alot of money on jewelry, but i have no problem spending money on clothes! but he wants to get me something that's just for me and him. he wants me to have a ring that reminds me of him instead of this one that reminds me of my parents. he wants me to be able to smile when i look at my ring instead of being sad. but i will save my mom's ring for our future daughter. or future son if he's broke and needs the money!" everyone say AWW!!!! [for those that dont know, her parents and her brother died in a plane crash in 93 :[ leaving her as the only survivor]. she said "we never really had a first date. we didnt like each other at first but we became friends while filming Cry Wolf. then one night we were a little more than friendly. i'm glad i met him when i did because i probably wouldnt have been as attracted to him if i had met him when he was on Gilmore Girls!" haha! she was so hyper and kept walking back and forth and they told her not to go on one side of the stage cause she might fall and she said "ok don't fall. but that was going to be my big finale!" she said "i want to work with kids and teens who are lost and scared and feel they have no one they can talk to". and according to Jared, she holds St. Jude's Hospital close to her heart. she said "i've always been competitive but there's only so many times you can beat the boys at arm wrestling before they hit puberty!" haha. we called her adorable and she said "but i dont wanna be! i wanna be sexy but it's not working!" she said "i was gonna try out for the part of Sarah, but that would be so wrong! no one wants to see us kiss!" someone asked her if it was awkward kissing Dean. she said "i didnt....you mean you got that on tape?" *laughs*. but that she "did try out for Carmen". she talked about her background as a dancer and was like "i'd do a dance for you, but i cant do it in this dress and i'm not as limber as i used to be, but i'll do a tap dance for you!" and then she did. ADORABLE! she said "i want Jared to go on Dancing with the Stars, but he wont because of me. i'm terrified of what he thinks of my acting just like he is terrified of what i think about his dancing. if he catches me watching him dance, he'll stop cause he's intimidated. but he can do his very tall, very white boy thing and i will love it! i want him to feel comfortable with everything he does. i want to inspire him. he can do so much more than what you can see and i cant wait til you get to see it." again everyone say AWW!!!! someone asked her if she had any funny drunken stories and she said "i'm embarrassed by everything i do sober!" she said "Jared's so tall that all he has to do is stand and you're like he's a beast! he's gonna kill me!" when asked who's on Jared's "list", she said "i dont wanna say anything in case they find out and steal him away from me!" ha! like that could ever happen! when she went to sign the poster, she looked at Jared's pic and said "aww! he's so cute!" *giggles*.

i finally gave up on trying to upload the videos, so here's the text of what she said. i wish you could see them though so you could see the full extent of her adorableness. but i did screencap some of my fave parts.

how Jared proposed:
he wanted to go somewhere fabulous and i wanted to stay in and have room service and play checkers with him because that's what we do because we dont get alot of time together so even when we're in exotic places, we spend alot of our time in a hotel room just with each other. we like to play scrabble, we like to play chess, we like board games and we like room service. ahh! we like room service! and so um we stayed there which was really appropriate for us. and there was a long speech. it happened to be our 4 year anniversary so he had me fooled. we were celebrating an anniversary already so when he bought champagne and started telling me all these things, i really thought it was our four year thing cause he does that. he's very sentimental and we still celebrate the month anniversaries! it's so sad! *laughs*. i didnt do this in high school. this was supposed to happen like i dont know, 20,000 years ago for me. he started giving me a nice speech and we were sitting and then he stood me up and i thought it was cause we were both crying and he just wanted a hug and when he stood me up, he got down on one knee. *imitates Jared standing her up*

*and getting down on his knee*.
this also looked like her curtsy:

it was so sweet! he was still my height! he had to sit on the ground! it was funny! but that's it! i'm speaking much more clearly than i thought i would. thank you guys, you're very calming. this is as calm as i get! *curtsies*. thank you for asking! *nervous laugh* do i just follow the mic? ok now i'm nervous!

talking about her "list" of guys and her fangirl moment and her love of video games:
Jared knows. i dont feel bad saying it. i could tell you who his girls are! i can! we both have our lists *airquotes lists*.

but i would have to say The Rock. as approachable as he is, he's so large that when i approached him, i dont know what i said. i dont know if i said anything. when there was still WWF, i used to be a huge WWF fan. i'd go to Smackdown, i went to the events when they would come to my hometown. i've loved him since then.
gushing over The Rock:

this is what the leg kick she did earlier looked like:

i knew so much more...i used to do the worm....i used to know all that stuff. and i was probably a guy in an earlier life cause yeah! wrestling, football, that's the boy in me, but i love it! video games! i cant believe i missed that last night!

someone told her the game room was still there. really?! *twirls around looking for the games*.

oh! i thought there was like a wii behind me! someone please ask something else!

talking about her influences in acting, dancing and psychology:
do they have to be living? no...um...gosh. as an actress, i'd have to say Meryl Streep cause i hear when you're working with somebody of that caliber, you cant help but be brilliant alongside her. i hear that she can make anyone an actress if that makes any sense because she's so natural and it doesnt matter what the scene is, somebody who can up you to that as an actress. as a dancer, i'd have to say _______? always. for anyone who knows who that is. always. ahh! you're making me yearn!

as a psychologist, theres nobody in the actual field currently or even back then. whew! they just didnt make sense.

in all honesty, we studied them...and no. i dont know but i just really wanna work with children and teens as a psychologist. thats what i care about most is people which is why i am where i am in my acting career. i just dont care about it so much. i feel bad saying that, it's probably bad to say but i wanna work with people. just not speak in front of them with microphones. one on one, i swear i dont come off as ditzy and non sociable! *laughs* oh yeah i am! but thanks for that! i'm the last person you should ever put a mic in front of! i cant think of anything else to say! they said they could take one more question. ok! please!

talking about Jared's dog, Harley having surgery and his other dog, Sadie:
he's doing great. thanks for asking. his surgery was in Los Angeles and i'm in Los Angeles and Jared was obviously in Vancouver so he's currently in my condo with a friend of ours who always watches the dogs when we're away. but he's doing great, he's walking now and he thinks he's healed. he is not! if you've ever had to keep a dog from being a dog and he doesnt understand why. it's one of the hardest things to do. like with a human, i can explain it to them, but with him, he doesnt understand. we have another dog in my condo too...we're not allowed pets so i probably shouldnt be saying that so we kinda hide them but i dont know how we hide Harley cause he's bigger than i am! but yeah, we try to keep him calm, but he wants to play so badly but he cant. yeah he does, but in all honesty, she [Sadie] misses him [Jared] more. he [Harley] is fine to be with anyone who is going to pet him which is something that Jared doesnt like very much. he likes loyalty, she is is his dog. Harley will be yours, pet him for 5 minutes and he'll listen to you. as long as somebody's there scratching his belly, he's in Heaven, doggie Heaven. OH NO! not that!

i'm gonna call my friend who's watching him and make sure he's okay! now i'm paranoid! i tried! i'm sorry!

she's leaving :[

i cannot put into words how ADORABLE and PRECIOUS she is! esp.when she did the twirl while looking for the game room, when she accidentally said Harley was in doggie Heaven, when she curtsied and when she tapped dance. seriously, she's THE CUTEST THING EVER!!! she's just made of hugs and kisses and hearts and stars and sparkles and sugar and puppies. yes, she really is THAT sweet and great! i hope the people that were complaining about her having a panel are biting their tongues now. if anyone left there not in love with her, then they are either insane, jealous or both. and i get all FULL OF GIGGLES AND SMILES AND SQUEES when i think about the LOVE and ADORATION she has for Jared. there is NO way that i could possibly be any happier for them. they are both gonna look GORGEOUS at their wedding and Padacoy babies will be PRECIOUS!

this took me 2 days. i dont even wanna think about how long it's gonna take me to type up Jared's panel. *headache*.

eyecon review, alona, samantha, pics, j2, aar, jpad, chad, supernatural, lyrics, dizzy, jensen, sandy

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