(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 20:45

thank goodness tomorrow is thursday, that's how i feel. i have a spanish presentation and a business midterm that i can't wait to get over with and get fucked up. yes, i am craving the bottle. i am really doing my best to cut back on smoking, i need some clarity. i went to shudder last night and that was really fun. i hadn't been to a club (if you can even call it that, har har har jk) in a really long time, and gothic night is my favorite, i think that's when they play the best music, but it also sucks because it's only the first tuesday of each month. davey havoc was spinning, and dancing... everywhere. so silly. at one point it was kind of funny though, we were all dancing there, i think i was the only person wearing white, so i felt horribly unprepared, but everyone had on there black eyeliner and moth hair and what not and had perfected the art of looking sad but still engaging in a social situation. it really made me laugh out loud and i was wondering if everyone was really trying as hard as it looked. one can never be toooo sure. i snapped out of it though because they played a good song and i started dancing with meg. she wore my mom's shirt last night, it ruled.

morgan and i went to use a public restroom that you pay a quarter to get into and found about a gram of pot inside! it ruled! it was wicked clean too, wrapped up in some christian newsletter of sometype, go figure haha. but anyhow we smoked it and it was wicked good, not even dried out! i didn't feel tooo shady. haha that's a lie, i felt shady as hell, but we were down to a bowl and free pot is free pot, even outta the street porta potty. nevertheless, it was dank nug! i thought lucas (the cat) had grown into a full size man, or larger, probably like 8 feet tall, so like that chinese basketball player (YEO aka coke), and was standing on the other side of the door about to start beef with me because he heard me talking shit. it was creepy. but that's the high you get from scavenging weed that was probably laced haha. too bad for me it wasn't laced with anything really fun like PCP. that cat, 8, or bigger woulda had nothing on me!

so i have been meaning to post these pictures forever! they are from about a week before winter break this night we went out with marks dad for dinner than got stupendously trashed and i got sick everywhere. this is before the shit really hit the fan of course.

It's like "I'm too Sexy" should be playing haha

I love You

My eyes, red like fyah

Dance! Dance! Dance!

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