The prodigal dwarf returns (re-arrival, OTA, tag Red!)

Dec 28, 2013 08:39

Whether it was a dream or not - Tauriel - didn't matter at this moment. The Orcs, everywhere. Kili had just barely dodged them, still feeling light-headed, fuzzy. Then the sound - that ominous sound. What was that sound? Kili didn't even have time to engage in the hurt that came from being left behind by Thorin.

Something horrible was coming. His leg still ached and he had no weapons. But Kili needed to be ready.

He rolled out from under the table and felt ...

grass beneath the knees of his torn trousers? His hair was mussed, dirty; he smelled of fish and river water, as well as herbs from the poultice on his leg.

Where was he?!

He blinked on his hands and knees, looking about.

"Hauvratat," he realized, standing with a wince. He started moving as quickly as he could toward the hotel through the park. How long had he been gone?!

streets, kili, legolas, hotel lobby, ruby/red, park

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