One size fits all (OTA)

May 20, 2013 14:26

The doors to the tea shoppe were thrown wide and outside said doors was a giant shoe [see icon]. It had been gathering dust in Felecia's dressing room at Hidden Frank's and she had with great determination dragged it out in front of the shoppe because well, 1) she could, and 2) it would draw attention, most definitely. Propped in the shoe was a ( Read more... )

sauron/annatar, paris of troy, tea house and emporium, felecia jollygoodfellow

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Comments 143

annatar_s May 20 2013, 22:31:24 UTC
Annatar did not often go to see Adam (or Felecia) at work. Today he decided he wanted refreshment and thought a scone would be good. What a surprise to see that there was something special going on today. He smiled at the shoe and went in.

Likely to be slow.


im_urvenus May 20 2013, 22:33:27 UTC
The first thing he would hear would be a squeal, then something like a seal clapping as Felecia rushed over to wrap her arms around Annatar's waist and grin up at him. "Hello, lover."


annatar_s May 20 2013, 23:07:28 UTC
"Hello little one, though not so very little," he returned. "I've come to see you and get some tea and a scone."

He held on for a little while then let go.

"How are you faring today?" It seemed quite fine, from the reception.


im_urvenus May 20 2013, 23:08:59 UTC
"Wonderful as always! Even more wonderful at this unexpected visit!" Felecia led the way to the counter, urging Annatar to sit. "What tea shall you try today?"


nolessvirtuous May 21 2013, 00:36:57 UTC
Clint had been crashing in Felicia's room for a few days now, but that didn't mean he saw his friend any more than usual really. She seemed to use it mainly as a dressing room, Clint was about to start joking about being her valet.

"Do I have to drink the tea?" He preferred coffee - but he did like scones.


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 00:38:33 UTC
"I keep a hidden pot of coffee just for you, darling."

She came up to cup his cheek with her hand. "How are you, mmm?" Poor, pretty Clint not being with his lovey-dovey.


nolessvirtuous May 21 2013, 00:47:52 UTC
"I know," he liked to ask about the tea though. His smile was lopsided and didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm good Felicia."

Or as good as could be expected, he hadn't thought he'd miss Nat quite this much, even seeing her at work.


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 00:51:25 UTC
Slipping her arm through his, she walked him to the counter to sit. "A raspberry scone for you." For the redhead - see what she did there? She went to get the coffee.


parisprincetroy May 21 2013, 05:15:22 UTC
Paris paused outside of the tea shoppe,intrigued by the shoe, and slowly read the sign. He was not sure what a scone was, but he was willing to give it a try.

He checked his pockets and saw he had a little money and figured that he could venture what he had on something to eat.

Paris stepped inside and reassuring himself that there was no 'wait to be seated' sign as so many of the eating establishments seemed to have, he took a seat by the window.

if he needs to order first, just let me know, Paris probably wouldn't know to do that anyway *g*


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 13:48:32 UTC
(no worries!)

Oh, Felecia did Love this village and its pretty, pretty eye candy. Hello, pretty, pretty boy. There would have been a time, you see when she would have swooped in and hoped to do unspeakable things to such a pretty, pretty boy.

Love was something, wasn't it?

Anyhoo! That didn't stop her from smoothing her mini-skirt along long, muscles legs before sauntering over to the pretty boy. No tucking, no stuffing, so to the uninitiated, she probably simply looked like a man in woman's clothing (or, unbeknownst to her, like Frank N Furter with less make up and shorter hair).

"Hello!" She crowed in a nasal Aussie accent. "Tea and scone?" No or me tacked on. She was learning, really, she was!


parisprincetroy May 21 2013, 17:27:17 UTC
Paris did not even question why the pretty man approaching was in a dress, it was not Paris' style to judge. Besides, he knew very little of this world and for all he knew, maybe it was a common thing in this day and age.

Paris loved the sound of the man's voice, he would love to hear him talk more. "What a beautiful accent you have." He complimented in an exotic accent of his own.

"A lemon tea, if it's available." Paris flashed a shy smile, dimples showing. "I would love to try a scone, what is it? Never had one. A bread of some sort or a pastry?" Oh Paris did love sweets.


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 20:21:32 UTC
"OH!" Felecia's hand fluttered to her chest; she was so flattered! And the pretty man's accent was lovely, too! "Lemon tea, yes! And I shall bring you a scone and lemon curd - a scone is ... well, a pastry, yes." Her hand fluttered on her broad chest as she extended her other hand. "Felecia Jollygoodfellow, at your service!"


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