One size fits all (OTA)

May 20, 2013 14:26

The doors to the tea shoppe were thrown wide and outside said doors was a giant shoe [see icon]. It had been gathering dust in Felecia's dressing room at Hidden Frank's and she had with great determination dragged it out in front of the shoppe because well, 1) she could, and 2) it would draw attention, most definitely. Propped in the shoe was a ( Read more... )

sauron/annatar, paris of troy, tea house and emporium, felecia jollygoodfellow

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annatar_s May 20 2013, 22:31:24 UTC
Annatar did not often go to see Adam (or Felecia) at work. Today he decided he wanted refreshment and thought a scone would be good. What a surprise to see that there was something special going on today. He smiled at the shoe and went in.

Likely to be slow.


im_urvenus May 20 2013, 22:33:27 UTC
The first thing he would hear would be a squeal, then something like a seal clapping as Felecia rushed over to wrap her arms around Annatar's waist and grin up at him. "Hello, lover."


annatar_s May 20 2013, 23:07:28 UTC
"Hello little one, though not so very little," he returned. "I've come to see you and get some tea and a scone."

He held on for a little while then let go.

"How are you faring today?" It seemed quite fine, from the reception.


im_urvenus May 20 2013, 23:08:59 UTC
"Wonderful as always! Even more wonderful at this unexpected visit!" Felecia led the way to the counter, urging Annatar to sit. "What tea shall you try today?"


annatar_s May 21 2013, 22:53:57 UTC
"Do you have any of the mint? I have not had that in a few visits." Tea was not his favourite, but it was refreshing at times and it did go very well with the scones.

"If not, then whatever you recommend. That for the scones, too." Scones were definitely good, and more like baked items the Elves had made than cupcakes or doughnuts.


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 22:55:48 UTC
"Mint it is!" Once Annatar was settled, Felecia busied herself with tea, opting for a "plain" scone best to be doctored with clotted cream and honey (to go with the mint of course!). "Do you remember?" she all but cooed. "We met thanks to that shoe."


annatar_s May 21 2013, 23:02:39 UTC
"I know. That's why I smiled when I passed it." Felecia had been singing in the park on that enormous shoe: how could he not have stopped? "It's memorable, as are you."


im_urvenus May 21 2013, 23:05:26 UTC
She all but squiggled as she stood there. Squee!!

Bringing over the tea, she then slid over the plate with the scone and bits with it. Then she sat, chin in hand. Sleeping in Annatar's bed more often than not made her happy too. "What have you been up to today?"


annatar_s May 22 2013, 17:44:44 UTC
He took a sniff of the tea, finding the mint pleasant.

"I took a walk in the woods, looking at leaves," he said. "I'm going to make a coronet of spring leaves--the little things you see on the forest floor that are covered up by summertime."

He'd considered it for a while.

"It's not for anyone specific, I just felt like making it. I haven't any orders right now, or anything in particular I need to be working on."


im_urvenus May 22 2013, 18:31:00 UTC
Sighing happily, Felecia watched him. "You're so talented. I imagine it will be lovely whatever you make." After all, she had jewelry she was wearing at that very moment that was a testament to that!


annatar_s May 22 2013, 22:43:19 UTC
"Yes." He smiled. "I'm not modest about it; I've no reason to be."

He was very skilled and knew it.

"I like having something to work on, though I don't keep as busy as I could. A few people come to me instead of the jewelry store, but not many." He only had so many people to make gifts for. "The god of War is here and I've not made anything yet for him. I'm not much for making weapons."

That was, of course, a lie. He'd given things to the other Greek deities so he should consider what to give to War.

"Not that I have spoken with him."


im_urvenus May 22 2013, 22:45:30 UTC
"The God of War?! Really?!" Not that Felecia knew a wit about Greek mythology. "Here? And we're not constantly at each other's throats!" Well, her expression turned coy. Except when they wanted to be. Mrow!


annatar_s May 23 2013, 00:56:47 UTC
"The goddess of Love is here also, and the goddess of Moon and Hunt. I have given them both gifts." Thus he should also give something to War. "They have temples."

He smiled.

"Aphrodite likes flowers and sweets." Just... a mention.


im_urvenus May 23 2013, 01:03:10 UTC
All right.

What that meant to Felecia sailed right over her coiffed head. "You're so considerate." And she meant that!


annatar_s May 23 2013, 03:42:47 UTC
"Sometimes, yes." Not for everyone, but gods weren't everyone.

"I'm feeling somewhat strange for not having made you anything for your birthday." He smiled. "Though it was a good day anyway."

He need not always give jewels.

"I'm not sure what more I should be doing. I've never had a boyfriend before." In this, Felecia had more experience.


im_urvenus May 23 2013, 13:12:16 UTC
"You're doing marvelously." And really, Felecia had precious little experience beyond one-night stands. In this, they were together. "Perhaps we can .... " She traced a finger down Annatar's hand. "Have supper tonight in your rooms and ... " Well, you know.


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