So it was the last day with my class today. Next year we'll ahev seperate classes depending on which subjects we have chosen as an individual.
I was feeling preety crappy yesterday because of this but today I feel better. I guess it's because I got to see them and many of them talked to me and tried to convince me that we would see eachother more often than I think we would XD
hopefully, that's true! <333
Oh well, vacs start today and school starts again at 23rd August! woah! this time we ended early and got a longer break which is hontoni suge! The second week of the school we will be going to Berlin and then coming to Sweden through Poland so we'll stay there for a while too ^^
I've been working with KoyaShige icons cause they are my new fandom! I wish Shige was a chattar box like Koyama XD then he would be perfect *-* Shige is more shy comapred to Koyama ne~ but still he is kakkoi! *-*
OH! today, after school, me, fifi, erik and John went to kill people ( a game called deathgame where you kill eachother using weapons which are basically made of fruits XD) and on our way back home, I succeeded to make a sentence in japanese! *-*
2 actually!
#1 to the gang : Watashi wa moi no tomodachi dessu. (ok not that difficult demo totally kakkoi *.*)
#2 to fifi : Omoi wa doko ja nai!! dhoujta no?! Dhaijobu dessu ka?
Sugggeeee~ XD
When I'm tired, I babble alot! and so I was tired and did this without any intentions whatsoever. Eirk was *nod*
Please look forward to my next update at
harmonii_icons as I'm working really hard this time!