Check it out yo! (no Koki, you cant hit me!!)

May 27, 2007 22:22

So...I feel...burdened! =(
why? I dont know! ><
which makes it even worse.
Ok so here it goes.
First of all starrcandi dissappeared and I really wanted to get to know her! Seh was so awsome and stuff  *sigh*
Then, I have 2 weeks of school left and yet STILL I have tests. That's just too much! ><
I have checmistry and biology tests and now my biology teacher tells me that I haven't done all my lab reports.. YES I HAVE!!! i'm choosing Biology and chemistry on Higher level so I've made sure to pay attention in those subjects and now when there is only 2 weeks left I have write stupid lab reports and I dont even remember them *major headdesk*
I've also got to do ANOTHER histrory q/a assigement and pyschology presentation on antisocial behaviour. Oh man!! pysc is fun and all but I just cant cope with it.
It has been a LONG year and I need vacs now cause even if I try to concentrate I cant because I know that I dont want to! I really tried to do prepare for my chemistry test today which is on thursday but I just cant do it cause it's not interesting whatsoever! it's about moles and stuff and I HATE maths!!
My french teacher told me I would get a friggin VG in french. WHAT THE HELL?!?! je peux parle très bein francais et elle dit que c'est pas bien pour IB. Je sais pas que'ce-est que je lui dit *headdesk*
although I amde in maths A and B. I dont what I got but I got a G so I'm satisfied. As I said before, I HATE maths!
Oh well atleast i'm egtting VG in science and MVG in pysc so I'm happy.
Oh! good news! I audtioned for a play called "characters" in my city and I got a part! PLUS I'll get paid for being in the part so you can say that..I'll be working as an actress this summer...woah
I did get MVG in drama though! ^^
for those of you who dont know the swedish grade scale, it's like this:
G - pass
VG - passed well
MVG - passed very well (highest)
And then IG - not passed
thanfully I have not managed to get IG yet so that's good ^^
yea...I should be studying right now ugh
I'm just too tired and my brain does not want to cooperate ><

oh  I remembered. I had lunch with Sara, Cissi, Anne and Ammi last friday and we had this uber girl talk. Guys and fashion XD
so we asked eachother round the table what we thought was attractive ain a guy and I was obviously first cause I never talk about guys..I just dont see the point LOL *headdesk*
I just felt like everyone were staring at me so i'm like "I DONT KNOW!!" and they started laughing but then I thought for a while what it was that made me attracted to the guys I have liked and I got it! It is, what I like to call, "the sharp smile". You know how some guys have a but of point teeth, kinda dracula ish but not that much. I LOVE that! and then I noticed that Shige had the sharp smile XD
and then we were talking about Sara who is christian and before she could point anything out, we just started shouting out things like his kinda guy would be kinda preppy, christian and other stuff but then we started kidding about it and getting more sarcastic so we imagined Sara forced in a burkha and her husband being a siucider with the bomb and all (keep in mind that I dont think all muslims are like that, we were completely sarcastic at this point) and he would be like "excuse me hon, you better hurry outside for a while love cause I'm about to blow myself up, be carfull ok? I love you!" omg!! it was soooooo~ funny! Me and Anne couldn't stop laughing and just developed the pic more and more. after a couple of mins, we were both sitting on the floor laughing our asses off and the whole dinner room was just staring at us but wtf it was just too funny!
yea...I had to tell that..haha blow myself up LMAO
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