I've got 99 problems and a bitch aint one

Jun 12, 2007 19:35

Well, I feel so frigin guilty and I dont know why! I haven't done anything and I might not the pretty kind but I'm a good person damn it! and I'm proud of that!
I was having such a great day but then I remembered that Starrcandi just dissappeared and I'm so worried! I) mean before anything like that would happen someone would let know right? but it was a complete surprise! She made me this awsome info page and I was happy and friended her and then BAM! she's gone! aaaaahh I wanna know why but the important thing is I wanna know if she is ok!! *sigh*

Then something else has been worrying me.
I still have 2 years to decide his but still!
After studying IB, I want to go to either London or Australia but I dont know which one ><
The positives and the negatives :

+ Easy to continue education after studying in Sweden
+ Great universities
+ Accurate and enough information to get a good job
- I dont know anyone there
- Britishers seem cold and I dont like cold ppl! ><
- Loneliness!!

+ Easy to continue education after studying in Sweden
+ Great universities
+ I have relatives there
(+ I can learn Japanese and would live very close to Japan XD)
- Not sure about the enough info to get a good job
- Too far away from parents
- Too far away from everything I ever imagined

See the point? I know I have 2 complete years but the last year has flown away so quickly that it really worries me! I mean in *counts* 4 days, I'll turn 17! which means 1 yr left to 18 which mean 1 yr left to being adult and gettin out of the house searching for universities and further education courses to get a good job and get a good guy and marry him and get a good family!! WAAAAAHHHH I'M GOING CRAZY!!!
yesterday I just broke down..I had too..I just exploded with all of the emotions I had bottled myself up with. Now I feel better that I let it all out but still..
I heard 2 GREAT things today.
#1: (In the morning when I was to leave the cyle back to it's cottage, I met this granny who always sits outside and talks to other grannies. Dad happened to say Hi and so did I...anywho we talked about her grandson wanting to be a pharmacist and I told I wanna be a doctor and she said:) One must always aim high! Aim for the stars (Hoshi wo mezashite *-* <333) Cause then you may reach the half way which can turn out to be more than you could have imagined.
- Thanks granny! I'll always stop by and say Hi from now on! Promise!! <33
#2: (Mom has been asking me if I want chocolates, icecreams and other sweet stuff or bad diet stuff like rice, potato and so on but I've always been saying no since I started with the diet and she said:) I think you're gonna make a good doctor! (Me: How come?) You have been denying all the sweet stuff and other food that I know that you love and still you are determined, focused and are trying your best to achieve your goal. You have a strong and determined mind which will make you a very successful doctor.
- Maaaaa!!! I needed that neee!! I LOVE you! and even if I might seriously hate you sometimes, it's because I care about you XD

Starrcandi, if you possibly happen to stumble upon this entry pllleeeeaaaaassseee contact me!! I'm worried damn it! >
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