Думаю полностью исключить:
1) Мучное (токсичные глютен и лектин
2) Молочное (токсично)
3) Сахар (аддиктивный наркотик)
4) Паслёновые (токсичны) (Nightshade Plants:
Holistic practitioners often recommend avoiding nightshades in the diet, especially to patients suffering from arthritis or other types of pain and inflammation.
As a group, nightshades have a bad reputation in alternative health circles and many practitioners recommend avoiding tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant, or eliminating them from the diet entirely - especially if you are seeking to eliminate chronic pain symptoms or headaches.
Надо ещё мясо исключить. Про рис у меня сомнения, это вроде как grass family и там тоже есть токсичный лектин, но я рис люблю и без него в Тае никуда, а гречки здесь нету.
Оставлю рис, фрукты, овощи, рыбу, сифуд, курицу, яйца.
И ГЛАВНОЕ - есть рационально, по 300-350 мл 3 раза в день, а не 2 раза по 500-600, не переедать, это моя большая проблема, может именно привычка переедать и вызывает постоянное воспаление поджелудочной.
UPD: Из типа-здоровых продуктов к вредным отнесены:
- орехи,
- бобовые,
- цельнозерновой хлеб и прочие цельные зерна,
- отруби,
- коричневый рис,
- шоколад, особенно тёмный.
Содержат фитаты, которые выводят из организма полезные микроэлементы. Получение витамина В из них вреда не компенсирует.
Снижает уровень фитатов - замачивание при температуре около 30°С в кислой среде на сутки (24 часа), квашение теста (4-8 часов). Рис замачивать, часть воды оставлять в холодильнике, добавлять в следующий раз при замачивании. Тайна сего действа мне непонятна.
По поводу цельного зерна ещё: Ниже всё по-английски UPD: Тут сама его программа и оттуда ссылки расходятся по всему сайту Видео по фруктозе и инсулину, там в основном про ожирение, но биохимию тоже расскладывают А вот отличная статья про инсулин (не засните пока будете читать) UPD 2: Знаешь, Сара, то, что мы всю жизнь считали оргазмом, на самом деле астма
Про насыщенные жиры: про оксалаты и их многовекторный вред, не совсем наш случай, но может быть полезно UPD - комменты
О пользе холестерина есть много и по-русски: (статья ХОЛЕСТЕРИН - НЮАНСЫ БОЛЬШОГО БИЗНЕСА) Палиотическая диета:
Определение -Обзорный сайт - Хороший сайт - Про яйца я только краем глаза видел, сейчас буду глубже копать. (хороший сайт вообще, излечившийся пациент писал) interview includes Loren’s opinion that saturated fats DO increase plaque in the arteries. However, Loren says, this only becomes very hazardous when saturated fats are eaten in combination with grains, beans, dairy, high-sugar foods or other foods that tend to increase inflammation. Cordain says the combination of saturated fats and inflammatory foods such as grains is a deadly formula for a heart attack.
The idea that saturated fat raises cholesterol and leads to CHD is poorly supported by the scientific literature as a whole. If this mechanism of LDL receptor downregulation was happening in the long term, why is it that there’s typically no correlation between SFA intake and serum cholesterol in observational studies (particularly when PUFA intake is similar across SFA groups)? For example, the physician’s health study (free full text, see table 1): The Masai and the Samburu have low to normal cholesterol on a diet that provides 2/3 of calories as animal fat rich in palmitic acid. The vast majority of observational studies to date have found no association between saturated fat intake and heart attack risk. If SFA elevate LDL, and high LDL increases the risk of heart attacks, what gives? The explanation is that the studies Keys, Hegsted, Krauss etc. used to determine the effects of SFA on cholesterol in humans were all short term. SFA elevates cholesterol and LDL in the short term, and it seems to revert in the long term (>1 yr). This has been seen in highly controlled animal studies as well, so it’s probably not just a problem with measurement accuracy or diet adherence in the human studies. For example: The study in monkeys Dr. Cordain referenced used megadoses of added cholesterol to produce atherosclerosis. This gave the monkeys cholesterol levels of 800-900 mg/dL. That’s higher than you see in most familial hypercholesterolemia patients, and it can not be produced in animals or humans by saturated fat feeding. Peanut oil was also apparently more effective at producing heart attacks than lard in that study (perhaps due to the peanut lectin, which Dr. Cordain has written about before).
When you try to give animals atherosclerosis using saturated fat without megadosing them with purified cholesterol, it doesn’t work (which is why cholesterol is generally added in these studies). In most studies and most species including several primates, it doesn’t elevate their LDL relative to monounsaturated fat (like olive oil) and it doesn’t give them atherosclerosis. For example: In the second study, palm oil was used, which is extremely rich in palmitic acid. The palm oil group showed less lesion development than the MUFA group and had similar LDL.
Does eating a high proportion of saturated fat have some kind of negative effect on the human body? I don’t know. I can’t say for sure that it doesn’t. I just haven’t seen any convincing data that it does yet.
Thanks to Dr. Cordain for his work on health, nutrition and the Paleolithic diet which I admire.
Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.
University of Washington
UPD 3: При проблемах с поджелудочной показана Bitter Melon
UPD 4:
Phytic acid содержится в зерновых, бобовых, ОРЕХАХ, СЕМЕНАХ (особенно в льяном семени...интересно в льняном масле она есть?) и других продуктах может препятствовать усвоению минералов - кальция, цинка, магния (у меня как раз дефецит цинка и магния по 2 анализам крови с интервалом в год) и железа!
Говорят от неё можно избавится замачиванием или ферментацией. Сейчас только начинаю изучать.
Вот так ешь, ешь орехи, ради минералов, а природа оказывается хитрее тебя. Говорят там ещё и лектины в орехах...надо читать дальше. For the purists: pH levels
Purists concerned about the phytic acid level will also add something acid to the water. An acid pH will be more effective at breaking down the phytates. However, I don’t recommend this approach because you will sacrifice flavor and texture.
We conducted an experiment with a recent batch of beans. We soaked them both as described above but we added some cultured milk to one to make the soaking solution more acid.
Прикольный коммент: seems to me that instead of going nuts (sorry, crazy) trying to make detrimental foods safe by treating it through various methods that may or may not remove or deactivate the harmful components to a less harmful level, wouldn’t it be better to avoid the foods altogether?
I came across this as a health concern of mine by accident. In hind sight I now know that I sickened myself and damaged my health by switching to a “healthy” diet. I cut way back on meat, especially beef (because it’s sooo bad for you) ate more fish and chicken, starteed making my own whole grain, Bob’s red mill organic bread, I added flax seeds to the bread, I added chia to my diet, I regularly ate oat meal, I started eating more raw vegeatables, and juicing too. Sounds really healthy doesn’t it. Well I got sicker, and more tired, and depressed, and sicker. (but its the change in your diet!, the toxins being rekleased are making you sick! keep at it you’ll get better whaen you are clean! Bull shit!!!! The human is an animal that eats meat, not grasses, and definately not the seeds of grasses. I always wondered why I felt better if I ate a low protien white flour product rathjer than a high protien whole grain flour product. It’s the lectins, it’s the phytic acids, it’s all the stuff that the plant produces to keep animals and insect from eating it in the first place. Bugs and cows apparently are smarter than humans because where they learn not to eat things that cause them ill health, we keep trying to find a way to make it work to the detriment of our health. Cows woouldn’t eat the stuff if they had a choice between grasses and grains, but in our food supply they often have no choice. ( not to menton they have three more stomachs than the local vegan at the wheat grass juice bar) I now eat red meat 2-3 times a day, eat no whole grains, no nuts, no oats, no peanuts, … all the high phytic acid foods are 90% out of my diet, and when I do eat a grain based item, it is definately NOT whole grain or high protien. I haven’t felt this good in three years since I started my healthy eating habits in Dec 2007 I took me many months to figure out why the hell I was getting worse while eating healthier, and even when the reason was staring me in the face I just didn’t believe that what was held up as the best of the best foods, whole grain, organic, raw, meatless,… was killing me.
Интересный сайт, пишут что у неё и полезные свойства есть Это про замачивание зёрен и хлеба, может и для орехов подойдёт.
have read that both a sponge/soaker and using a recipe that calls for dairy (yogurt, milk, etc) will properly neutralize and/or compensate for the phytic acid in whole wheat, leaving vitamins & minerals free for absorption. The question is how much? Is a 6 hour sponge as good as a 10 hour? 12 hour? How much calcium is needed to neutralize the phytic acid? Will milk do, or is yogurt preferable? Does the fat content of the milk make a difference?
2. I read that a warm, acidic soak (adding vinegar to the water) recreates an environment similar to soil and better allows the grain to begin the breakdown of the phytic acid, a type of pre-digestion. (see quote)
"The acidic medium contains friendly bacteria such as lactobacilli, enzymes and other beneficial organisms that degrade and render inactive the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. This warm acid water activates the enzyme phytase which also neutralizes the phytic acid in the grain. Phytate degradation in the stomach and small intestine also occurs as a result of this activated dietary phytase. Furthermore, the acidic solution also helps to predigest the grain resulting in all the less work for your digestive system.When these enzyme inhibitors are broken down in this soaking grains process, they can no longer hold hostage the many enzymes within the seed. The enzymes can then be released, they can proliferate and they can work their magic."
The simple answer is sourdough. Use sourdough to make your breads and phytic acid becomes a non issue.
UPD 5: Есть такой Weston A Price, точнее был, он изучал традиционные дикие народы и их диету и методы обработки пищи ( там вот хитрые люди традиционно применяли методы обработки пищи, такие как сушение, замачивание, ферментация, термическая обработка, проращивание, которые существенно снижают влияние антинутриентов и повышают биоусвояимость пищи, даже такой как зерновые, бобовые и орехи. И ещё сочетание разных продуктов - к примеру мучное и молочка, вместе лучше, чем по отдельности, долго рассказывать почему. А мы это методы по большей части забыли. Вот отличная статья - UPD 6: - желатин
Говорят холодец ещё и для кишечника и желудка очень хорош;col1 Про коммерческий желатин у меня мнение не очень, говорят его сейчас варят из свиной кожи, а бульён раньшь варили и из костей и из хрящей, там костный мозг ещё. Да и стандартов приготовления желатина нету, не известно замачивают ли они кости в уксусе, чтоб минералы экстрагировать.
Как я понял, все буржуи пишут не о холодце российского варианта, в котором много мяса, а о очень густом бульёне из костей и хрящей, просто складируешь кости в морозилке по мере накопления а потом в чан с толстыми стенками и на минимальный огонь на 12 часов, потом вытащить, молотком постучать по костям и опять в чан на сутки. А да, перед тем как варить, надо кости в уксусе 1-2 часа подержать. То есть у них он не особо мясной получается. Потом можно охладить и через марлю от костей избавится и будет чистый бульён. Его можно к другим продуктам, как соус или пить чистяком. Тот же желатин, но не как желе с мясом, в раше.
Да и слишком много его тоже нельзя, народ помирал раньше на чисто желатиновой диете, тоже избыток определённых аминокислот не есть гуд.
Тут мясники продают свиную кожу нарубленную тоненькими ломтиками, как толстая лапша, и по моему уже отвареная. Она такая прозрачная и желеобразная, а не твёрдая как у сала. Если её поварить минут 5-10, получается просто мармеладка. А ещё кожу снятую с куриных лап, тоже походу уже отваренную, тоже прозрачную и желеобразную. Имхо это лучше чем желатин вываренный из хз чего.
UPD 7: - полезный сайт по макро-микро нутриентному составу продуктов
UPD 8: Про инсулин и магний, почитайте - молочка и инсулин UPD 9: the industrialized societies, the consumption of gelatin has decreased, relative to the foods that contain an inappropriately high proportion of the antimetabolic amino acids, especially tryptophan and cysteine.
A cell's response to a hormone depended on the state of the cell.
The main amino acids in gelatin are glycine and proline; alanine is also present in significant quantity. Glycine and proline are responsible for the unusual fibrous property of collagen.
Since excess tryptophan is known to produce muscle pain, myositis, even muscular dystrophy, gelatin is an appropriate food for helping to correct those problems, simply because of its lack of tryptophan. (Again, the popular nutritional idea of amino acids as simply building blocks for tissues is exactly wrong--muscle protein can exacerbate muscle disease.) All of the conditions involving excess prolactin, serotonin, and cortisol (autism, postpartum and premenstrual problems, Cushing's disease, "diabetes," impotence, etc.) should benefit from reduced consumption of tryptophan. But the specifically antiinflammatory amino acids in gelatin also antagonize the excitatory effects of the tryptophan-serotonin-estrogen- prolactin system.
In some of the older studies, therapeutic results improved when the daily gelatin was increased. Since 30 grams of glycine was commonly used for treating muscular dystrophy and myasthenia gravis, a daily intake of 100 grams of gelatin wouldn't seem unreasonable, and some people find that quantities in that range help to decrease fatigue. For a growing child, though, such a large amount of refined gelatin would tend to displace other important foods. The National Academy of Sciences recently reviewed the requirements for working adults (male and female soldiers, in particular), and suggested that 100 grams of balanced protein was needed for efficient work. For adults, a large part of that could be in the form of gelatin.
If a person eats a large serving of meat, it's probably helpful to have 5 or 10 grams of gelatin at approximately the same time, so that the amino acids enter the blood stream in balance.
UPD 10:
С яйцами я разобрался в конец концов. Кратко - белок есть нельзя, в нём защитные антинутриенты, принцип, как и с семенами. К тому же там и нутриентов не так много, а вот желток надо есть, желток это суперфуд. Только лучше не жарить, особенно плохо жарить мешая желток, делая омлет. Там холестерин, он окисляется. Лучше всего варить в смятку. Ну или кто-то сырыми ест.
Lysozyme from Egg Whites by Loren Cordain
In all three of my books, I have advocated egg consumption, particularly eggs that are produced with high omega 3 fatty acid contents. Chicken eggs are generally a nutritious food and are a good source of selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D and the B vitamins, some minerals and lutein as Barbara indicated. Additionally, numerous recent experimental and epidemiological studies (reviewed in references 1, 2) indicate that regular egg consumption (7 per week) does not increase the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). As I have previously noted, although eggs are one of the most concentrated sources of dietary cholesterol (212 mg per egg), dietary cholesterol has a minimal effect upon blood cholesterol concentrations in most people1, 3. Further, high cholesterol egg diets cause an increase in blood HDL particles1 and reduce the highly atherogenic small dense LDL particles while simultaneously increasing the less atherogenic large, "fluffy" LDL particles4, 5.
So, should everybody include eggs in their diet on a daily basis? Not necessarily, particularly if we examine the evolutionary template. Without question our preagricultural ancestors would have collected and consumed eggs from birds’ nests whenever possible. However, in the wild, bird eggs only appear seasonally. Hence, pre-agricultural humans could have never consumed two eggs for breakfast every morning of the year similar to some westernized people, but rather only occasionally for a few brief weeks or months.
If we follow up on the clue from the evolutionary template and examine eggs more closely, they maintain certain nutritional shortcomings that may be problematic, particularly for people suffering from autoimmune diseases and allergies. Although eggs are classified as animal food sources and are lumped together with meats in the USDA My Pyramid, eggs are uniquely different from meats in that they represent the reproductive endpoints of adult birds which exist outside their mother’s body in a semipermeable, warm compartment. As such, all eggs are particularly vulnerable to invasion, attack and destruction by microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses present in their nesting environment.
The innermost yolk of a chicken egg represents the growing embryo which is anchored to the albumen or egg white by structures called chalazae. Outward from the egg white are the inner and outer membranes and then the shell, all of which provide physical barriers to infection from pathogens and microorganisms. The egg white makes up about 58% of the total egg volume and contains about 50% of the total egg protein and is composed of 88.5% water, 10.5% protein and 0.5% carbohydrate6.
The function of the egg white is threefold: 1) storage of nutrients for the growing embryo (yolk), 2) protection of the egg from microbial attack, and 3) transport of nutrients into the growing embryo.
Bacterial cell walls are called the murein or peptidoglycan layer which is a gigantic polymer of (N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuyramic acid) polysaccharide strands cross linked through short peptide bridges at the lactyl groups of the muramic acid residues. Lysozyme degrades bacterial cell walls by catalyzing hydrolysis of the beta (-1,4-) linkage between N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid. Human cells do not maintain a murein (peptidoglycan) exterior lining. Consequently, dietary lysozyme from egg whites do no increase intestinal permeability by breakdown of intestinal cell membranes but rather lysozyme increases intestinal permeability by other means that I will explain. It is this increase in intestinal permeability or "leaky gut" that makes egg white consumption problematic for people with egg allergies or autoimmune disease.
Lysozyme is unusual among the major egg white proteins in that it has an alkaline isoelectric point, which means that it can form strong complexes with other egg white proteins including ovomucin, ovalbumen and ovotransferrin6, 12. Hence, even though lysozyme is a benign enzyme produced in our own bodies, when we eat egg white lysozyme, it comes as a compound attached to other egg white proteins or to gut borne bacterial proteins foreign to our bodies.
In the human digestive tract, enzymes called proteases normally break down proteins into their constituent amino acids so that the amino acids can be absorbed across the intestines. Because egg white protein contains high concentrations of protease inhibitors (ovomucoid, ovoinhibitor, ovostatin, cystatin - see Table 1), the human gut proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin primarily) are less effective in degrading egg white proteins, and lysozyme/egg white protein complexes. Additionally lysozyme is stable in the acidic gut environment12 and therefore arrives intact in the lower gastrointestinal tract. It should also be mentioned that Lysozyme is heat stable, having been reported to withstand 100 degrees C with little loss of activity13. Matsuoka et al14 reported lysozyme to be stable in acidic solution (pH 4.5, 100 degree C for 3 min; pH 5.29, 100 degree C, 30 min. So lysozyme would survive any normal cooking procedures used for eggs.
So what’s wrong if lysozyme/egg white protein/bacterial complexes aren’t dissolved by normal digestive processes? Normally, large multifaceted proteins such as these complexes don’t have a prayer of getting across the intestinal barrier and into the bloodstream where they can interact with the immune system. Once again, lysozyme is an unusual protein because it rapidly breeches the gut barrier and enters human circulation15, due to its unusual chemical properties (a positively charged isoelectric point)16. Because lysozyme maintains a positive charge, it results in an electrostatic attraction to the negatively charged proteoglycans (the glycocalyx) of intestinal epithelial cells which in turn allows lysozyme to be absorbed rapidly into circulation16.
Absorption of pure egg white lysozyme by itself into circulation is likely not problematic because lysozyme is an enzyme that the body naturally produces. Rather it is the complexes that lysozyme forms with other egg white proteins, gut borne bacterial peptides and food peptides that may adversely stimulate the immune system. When these chimeric (monster) molecules breech the gut barrier via their net positive charge and enter circulation, they have the capacity to promote allergy and autoimmune disease.
Just how autoimmune diseases are triggered by gut borne antigens from egg white lysozyme and other common foods (cereal grains, legumes, dairy and certain saponin containing foods) is another good story that our research group has been working on for the past decade. We hope to publish this seminal paper in 2010.
As I have previously mentioned, a chicken egg is the reproductive endpoint for adult birds and survives by living outside its mother’s body in a semi permeable compartment that is essentially immovable. Accordingly, it has no means of protecting itself from microorganisms or predation by physical escape or avoidance. For this reason, the evolutionary strategy eggs have taken to protect themselves from microbial invaders is to select for toxic substances in the egg white; mainly in the form of antimicrobial proteins. Table 1 lists the major proteins in egg whites and their likely functions.
Table 1. Major proteins and their properties found in egg whites (adapted from references 6-10). Protein % total proteins Functions Ovalbumen 54 Storage protein Ovotransferrin 12 Iron binding with antimicrobial activity Ovomucoid 11 Protease inhibitor/antimicrobial activity? Ovomucin 3.5 Potent antiviral activity Lysozyme 3.4 Antibacterial activity G2 globulin 4.0? Antibacterial activity G3 globulin 4.0? Antibacterial activity Ovoinhibitor 1.5 Protease inhibitor/antimicrobial activity? Ovoglycoprotein 1.0 ? Thiamin binding protein 1.0 Thiamin transport Ovoflavoprotein/Riboflavin binding protein 0.8 Riboflavin transport Ovomacroglobulin (Ovostatin) 0.5 Protease inhibitor/antimicrobial activity? Cystatin 0.05 Protease inhibitor/antimicrobial activity? Avidin 0.05 Antimicrobial activity Total 88.8
Note that except for ovalbumen, which comprises 54% of the total protein in egg white, virtually all the other major proteins (~33% of the total) maintain one form or another of antimicrobial activity.
Egg white allergy in the general population varies between 1.6 - 3.2% and is the second most common cause of food allergy in children next to milk8. For both adults and children one or more of the following symptoms may occur: hives, atopic dermatitis (red, flaky itchy skin), asthma, runny nose, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rapid swelling of the skin and mucosa, and anaphylactic shock which may be life threatening. The major allergens in egg white are ovomucoid, ovalbumen, ovotransferrin and lysozyme8 (Table 1). So for the vast majority of children and adults (98.4 - 96.8% of the population), egg white allergy is not a problem, and except for anaphylactic shock is not a debilitating or life threatening condition.
The same conclusion may not be true for people suffering from an autoimmune disease (e.g. multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus erythematosus and others), since egg white consumption may contribute to the origin and progression of these diseases via a process of molecular mimicry that I have previously outlined for dietary lectins found in wheat, peanuts and other grains and legumes11.
You can see from Table 1 that egg white protein is no simple protein, but rather a conglomeration of multiple proteins which have been designed by natural selection to cause toxic and lethal effects in bacteria and microorganisms reminiscent of food lectins found in grains and legumes11. In order for any food proteins to potentially cause or promote an autoimmune disease, it must:
Survive the human digestive processes intact Cross the gut barrier intact either alone or with other attached proteins Interact with the immune system in a manner suspected of causing an autoimmune disease. A number of egg white proteins fulfill these necessary steps. Most problematic is the egg white protein, lysozyme which is actually an enzyme known as Nacetylhexosaminodase that is also found in many human tissues, including tears12. The function of lysozyme in both egg whites and in human tears is to act as a potent bacterialcidal agent by binding and dissolving bacterial cell walls12.
UPD 11:
Про триптофан и все эти аминокислоты, очень интересно, я буду дальше читать на эту тему.
Вот рецепты и ещё в тему бульёна/заливного -если ссылки на не открываются, то надо идти на и от туда в фуд феатюрес и там уже в ручную выбирать статьи. UPD 12: По поводу цельного зерна ещё: Ниже всё по-английски, комменты сюда, пожалуйста White rice and white bread are low-phytate foods because their bran and germ have been removed; of course, they are also devitalized and empty of vitamins and minerals. But the low phytate content of refined carbohydrate foods may explain why someone whose family eats white flour or white rice food products may seem to be relatively healthy and immune to tooth cavities while those eating whole wheat bread and brown rice could suffer from cavities, bone loss and other health problems.
As evidence of the detrimental effects of phytates accumulates, reports on alleged beneficial effects have also emerged. In fact, a whole book, Food Phytates, published in 2001 by CRC press, attempts to build a case for “phytates’ potential ability to lower blood glucose, reduce cholesterol and triacylglycerols, and reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease.”14
One argument for the beneficial effects of phytates is based on the premise that they act as anti-oxidants in the body. But recent studies indicate that an overabundance of anti-oxidants is not necessarily a good thing as these compounds will inhibit the vital process of oxidation, not only in our cells but also in the process of digestion.
Another theory holds that phytates bind to extra iron or toxic minerals and remove them from the body, thus acting as chelators and promoting detoxification. As with all anti-nutrients, phytates may play a therapeutic role in certain cases.
For example, researchers claim that phytic acid may help prevent colon cancer and other cancers.15 Phytic acid is one of few chelating therapies used for uranium removal.16
Phytic acid’s chelating effect may serve to prevent, inhibit, or even cure some cancers by depriving those cells of the minerals (especially iron) they need to reproduce.17 The deprivation of essential minerals like iron would, much like other broad treatments for cancer, also have negative effects on non-cancerous cells. For example, prolonged use of phytic acid to clear excess iron may deprive other cells in the body that require iron (such as red blood cells).
One theory is that phytates can help patients with kidney stones by removing excess minerals from the body. However, a long-term study involving over forty-five thousand men found no correlation between kidney stone risk and dietary intake of phytic acid.18
Phytates also have the potential for use in soil remediation, to immobilize uranium, nickel and other inorganic contaminants.19
Phytates represent just one of many anti-nutrients in grains, nuts, tubers, seeds and beans. These include oxalates, tannins, trypsin inhibitors, enzyme inhibitors, lectins (hemagglutinins), protease inhibitors, gluten, alpha-amylase inhibitors and alkylresorcinols .
Anti-nutrients exist in these plant foods because they are part of the process of life. The natural world requires them in order to perform many important tasks, including protection against insects, maintaining freshness of seeds for germination, and protection against mold and fungus. In order to consume these foods on a regular basis we must remove the phytates and other anti-nutrients through processing in harmonious ways. Many people in the health field assure us that if something is from nature, then it doesn’t require processing. Phytates act as the seed’s system of preservatives, like the impossible-to-open plastic packaging of many consumer goods. To get to the item we need-namely, phosphorus-we need to unwrap the phytate-phosphorus package. - искать Thorne Research
Взял разных, чтоб ротировать - citrate, acetate, а самого крутого - в связке с аминокислотой - citramate не было. + взял ещё у них citramins II и bioins II это 7 минералов без железа (не нужно мужчинам, если ешь мясо часто) и меди(для меди надо 1 раз в неделю говяжью печень есть)+ manganese picolinate (у тех кто на палео диет обычно с ним тяжело) + связки калий + магний(тяжело 5 грамм калия в день из диеты добывать).
Ещё витамин Е в форме разных токоферолов (ultimate E) и группу Б (я посмотрел по рациону, я многих не добираю+они водорастворимые, дознуться сложно). Ещё многие минералы, не только кальций, но и магний и другие завязаны на вит Д. Мне он не нужен, а вот если жить в холодном климате, то зимой 10 000 IU надо в форме витамина D 3.
Вит А не нужен опять же если есть печень раз в неделю, Витамин К тоже из диеты можно наскребсти.
Про вит К2 сейчас много шума, его можно из ферментированных продуктов набрать.
Синтетический вит С (аскорбиновая кислота) - вреден, лучше из фруктов добирать.
Ещё взял Крилл Ойл(омега 3 и антиоксиданты, у Мерколы) + пробиотики - 66 миллиардов бактерий в одном колесе))) Ещё заказал кучу всяких травяных добавок напрямую у, для кишечника в основном, но это уже мелочи.
Минералы самые крутые по усвоению в связке с аминокислотами - всякие chealate, citramate и так далее.
Аскорбиновая кислота - это другой изомер витамина С, я видел где-то инфу о каком-то исследовании, говорили, что в дозе более 500 мг в день аскорбинка оказывала оксидантый эфффект, вместо антиаксидантного. Правда я не уверен на 100 процентов в этом, не проверял тогда, да и давно было. Вит С из еды достаточно легко набрать.
Да, citramate и picolinate лучше цитрата или ацетата.
Крилл ойл и пробиотики на, но крилл или код ливер ойл должен быть и у тхорна, да и пробиотики тоже и у тхорна дешевле будет, правда по качеству может слабее. Весь Тхорн есть на Основа - Citramins II и Biomins II К ним в добавок можно
или магний+калий Или можно другую схему:
Основа pic-mins а к ним в добавок Витамины -
2 комплекса с Б, чтоб ротировать И вит Е Ещё у них есть глюкозамин и хондроитин и ещё какой-то сульфур, как пишут из него как раз хондроитин и вырабатывается - гликемический индекс - полезный сайт по макро-микро нутриентному составу продуктов Два хороших блога: than being harmful to human health, red palm oil, an ancient and delicious food, is likely to be protective. It's also one of the cheapest oils available worldwide, due to the oil palm's high productivity. matter what the source, alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease out to about 3-4 drinks per day, after which the risk goes back up (2, 3)**. The association is not trivial-- up to a 62% lower risk associated with alcohol use. Controlled trials have shown that alcohol, regardless of the source, increases HDL cholesterol and reduces the tendency to clot (4).
Should we all start downing three drinks a day? Not so fast. Although alcohol does probably decrease heart attack risk, the effect on total mortality is equivocal. That's because it increases the risk of cancers and accidents. Alcohol is a drug, and my opinion is that like all drugs, overall it will not benefit the health of a person with an otherwise good diet and lifestyle. That being said, it's enjoyable, so I have no problem with drinking it in moderation. Just don't think you're doing it for your health.
So does red wine decrease the risk of having a heart attack? Yes, just as effectively as malt liquor. It's not the antioxidants and resveratrol, it's the ethanol. The reason the French avoid heart attacks is not because of some fancy compound in their wine that protects them from a high saturated fat intake. It's because they have preserved their diet traditions to a greater degree than most industrialized nations.
red palm oil who increased their grain fiber intake had more heart attacks than people who didn't during the two years of the controlled trial. Overall mortality was higher as well, but that didn't reach statistical significance. You have to get past the abstract of the paper to realize this, but fortunately it's free access (2). Gluten-Free January Survey Data, Part II: Health Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet
Ты знаешь, мне упорно не нравится такой факт: Все говорят, что в лабораториях для провокации артеросклероза животных кормят жиром + холестеролом. Я проверил где есть холестерол: Egg 212
Shrimp 194
Squid 231
Beef Liver 389
Veal (top round) 135
Lamb (foreshank) 106.
То есть, я верю, что отдельно жир и отдельно холестерол безвредны, но их сочетание доказанно вредно: Вот ещё блог про жиры: Трансжиров в пальмовом масле нет. Они появляются в любом масле при гидролизации, особенно в полиненасыщенных. Как видишь - hydrolized vegetable oil - сразу в помойку. Гонят на пальмовое и кокосовое масло из-за того, что они по большей части - насыщенные жиры, вот дебилы и думают (официоз), что они вредные.
А пальмовое масло - если ты готовить на нём хочешь, лучше из пальмового семени - palm kernel oil, а не palm oil from pericarp (это из оболочки, там больше полиненасыщенных - хуже для готовки). Ещё для готовки говяжий внутрянной жир - отлично.
Из кокосового масла кучу всего делают и молоко и сливки и масло(аналог коровьева, главное, чтоб не гидролизоанное) - почитать про instincto diet. Я попытался читать про instincto diet - это невозможно, три абзаца одного голого пиздежа, будто он кучу бабла с этого имеет. Такое ощущение, что у чувака ADD.
Про инстинктивную диету я и так скажу, что что-то да, в ней есть (много жира не съешь, чего-то хочется - организму чего-то не хвататет, он ищет чем восполнить). Но при этом 1) культура и даже 2) у детей, у которых просто привычки ярко еще не выражены - страсть к сладкому. Люди, не любящие сладкое и прочие простые углеводы есть, но их немного.
Я смотрел про оксалаты - самый плохой шпинат, щавель и пеканы, про корнеплоды, тыквы и зелень ничего плохого не видел.
В капусте гоитрогены, квашение их не разрушает, - надо готовить. Горох - сомнительно, теже бобовые... Свёкла и морква вроде бы ок.
Вообще посмотри рецепты у wholehealth там он описывал разные способы готовки разрушающие токсины во всяком гавне типа риса и чечевицы. И на тоже.
Изучали дикие племена инуитов, которые мало соприкосались с западной цивилизацией - не было у них смертей от сердца. А ещё более интересный пример, чем инуиты - Смысл в том, что - когда стало не вкусно - надо прекращать. Пожалуй, соглашусь. Но во многом это вопрос привычки и зацикливающего влияния, взять те же простые углеводы и молочку - поднимают инсулин, автоматически будешь голодный все время. Сыр я как любил, а мне его никак по-хорошему. То есть, получается, опять есть разница между "хочется чего-то" и "это точно не хочется", как между "что надо есть" и "что не надо есть". Но все это поддается дрессировке. - protease inhibitors. The organ in greatest danger is the pancreas. Lectins are proteins with a “sweet tooth.” Mother Nature created them to help bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen into the roots of plants. That helps plants grow, and when the plants die makes them useful as fertilizers. Found most heavily in beans, grains and other foods, lectins “bite” into carbohydrates, particularly sugars, and can cause “leaky gut,” immune system reactions and blood clotting. Saponins
Many people today are so salicylate intolerant that they experience adverse reactions not only to drugs but also to salicylate-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Reactions are caused when arachidonic acid is tripped into the inflammatory chemicals called leukotrienes, causing dilated blood vessels, constricted bronchial passages and mucus production.84 In addition to experiencing allergy-like symptoms, people sensitive to salicylates may suffer from asthma, hives, nasal polyps, chronic swelling and a wide variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, including irritable bowel.
Salicylates also have a cumulative effect in the body and build up over time. Thus some people may feel great when they first start a raw vegan diet with lots of juicing, only to later develop salicylate intolerance.
Cherries, oranges, pineapples, plums, grapes, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit and most varieties of apples pose problems for salicylate sufferers. Indeed the only fruits low in salicylates are banana, lime, pear, golden delicious apples and papayas. Vegetables high in salicylates include cooked tomatoes, chili peppers, water chestnut, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, cucumber, eggplant, spinach, sweet potato and zucchini. Moderate levels are found in asparagus, beets, carrots, potatoes and mushrooms. Sadly very high levels of salicylates are found in coconut oil, a fact that might explain why some people seem to be allergic to this otherwise healthy oil. Olive, sesame and walnut oils are also high in salicylates.
с фруктозой всё не так просто Сам по себе жир - ок. А если со сладким есть, то они вместе дают синергичный эффект на повышение инсулина - с жиром сильнее, чем просто на сахар. - Sugar and Starch
Про корнеплоды. Выглядят получше чем фрукты, если удастная найти без токсинов. malabsorption is found in up to 40% of the population of Western countries.[2
Рекомендую посмотреть видео по ссылке на блог или на ютюбе fructose the bitter truth там мужик грамотно изложил разницу в метаболизме фруктозы и глюкозы фруктоза почти точно, намного хуже влияет на инсулин, а в корнеплодах, крахмал - медленно усвояемая глюкоза.
Вот про фруктозу ещё Хорошая статья про сахара, but not starch or its component sugar glucose, causes insulin resistance, elevated serum uric acid (think gout and kidney stones), poorer blood glucose control, increased triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in animal studies and controlled human trials. All of these effects relate to the liver, which clearly does not like excessive fructose (or omega-6 oils). Some of these trials were conducted using doses that are near the average U.S. intake. The effect seems to compound over time both in humans and animals. The overweight, the elderly and the physically unfit are particularly vulnerable. I find this pretty damning.
Drs. Johnson and Segal recommend limiting fructose to 15-40 grams per day, which is the equivalent of about two apples or one soda (choose the apples!). They also recommend temporarily eliminating fructose for two weeks, to allow the body to recover from the negative long-term metabolic adaptation that can persist even when intake is low. I think this makes good sense. - Table of Fruits and Sugars
Отличная статья про вред клетчатки И вообще это один из лучших блогов на тему
про вит А - five nutrients I recommend most people supplement with are:
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin D
* Vitamin K2
* Magnesium
* Vitamin C Protease inhibitors sources include these foods*:
Chickpeas (3)
Broccoli (3)
Lentils (3)
Brussels sprouts (3)
Nuts (3)
Potato (3)
Spinach (3)
Oats (3)
Corn (3)
Cucumber (3)
Pineapple (3)
Rice (3)
Soybeans (3)
Whole grain wheat (3)
Barley (3)
Almonds (3)
Интересно, ацетилхолин управляет вырабаткой желудочных ферментов
Of note is the division of function between the cells covering the stomach. There are four types of cells in the stomach:
* Parietal cells: Produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.
* Gastric chief cells: Produce pepsinogen. Chief cells are mainly found in the body of stomach which is the middle or superior anatomic portion of the stomach.
* Goblet cells: Produce mucin and bicarbonate to create a "neutral zone" to protect the stomach lining from the acid or irritants in the stomach chyme.
* G cells: Produce the hormone gastrin in response to distention of the stomach mucosa or protein, and stimulate parietal cells production of their secretion. G cells are majorly located in the antrum of the stomach which is the most inferior region of the stomach.
Secretion by the previous cells is controlled by the enteric nervous system. Distention in the stomach or innervation by the vagus nerve (via the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system) activates the ENS, in turn leading to the release of acetylcholine. Once present, acetylcholine activates G cells and parietal cells as stated above.
Pioneer mineral researcher Paul Eck, mentioned above, found that supplementation must be applied to correct critical mineral ratios, such as the ratio of copper to zinc in the tissues of 1:8. He had found that giving a particular mineral just because it showed up low on an analysis rarely succeeded in raising that mineral, but when he adjusted mineral ratios first, mineral levels would then rise. Salicylates в овощах, фруктах и других продуктах
4) Вит К 1, К 2 (
В общем надо жрать овощи и зелень С ЖИРОМ!
dextrose или d-glucose (только не l-glucose), обычно из корнеплодов, крахмал ферментами добывают, точно не знаю как. - сахар
“low-carb diets induce insulin resistance”
собираюсь кучу разных анализов сдать, особенно на маркеры воспаления посмотреть.
Ччто делать - играться с количеством и формой углеводов.
Уровень фастинг глюкозы на лоу карб выше, только на очень лоу карб, когда тело адаптировалось к метаболизму жира и постоянно его жгёт и мышцы работают на кетоновых телах - это нормально.
Про приборы - он уже рекомендовал какие-то, я ещё не успел прочитать Да, со сладким сложно. Ешь его - плохо, не ешь - пять плохо. Какая-то очень тонкая грань.
Я с такой ностальгией вспоминаю прошлый год, когда я ходил к тетке сидеть с программкой. Мне все было приторно, реально ничего не хотелось из вредного. Вот это, я считаю, идеал решения всех проблем с психикой - чтобы не хотелось, не беспокоило, и все получалось естественно без всякого мозгоебства, записывания на бумажки, групповой психотерапии и т.д.
Эффект рафинированных и нерафинированных углеводов на зубы, we're still left with the puzzling fact that wheat and corn flour decalcify teeth in vitro more effectively than cane juice. I suspect that has to do with the phytic acid content of the grains, which binds the minerals and makes them partially unavailable to diffusion into the teeth. Cane juice contains minerals, but no phytic acid, so it may have a higher mineral availability. This explanation may not be able to account for the fact that refined sugar was also less effective at decalcifying teeth than refined wheat and corn flour. Perhaps the residual phytic acid in the refined grains actually drew minerals out of the teeth?
глюкоза версус фруктоза интересно - Есть пару интересных мыслей, про челейтед минералы в сапплементах - интересный момент.