Jan 26, 2010 04:49
I am secondink zhat anyvone vith nowhere safe to go should head to America's house.
Please, anyvone who is capable of fightink, protect those who cannot protect zhemselves. Zhat said, if anyvone is injured, I will be glad to offer zome medical assistance.
Remember zhat whovever is behind zhis vants us to be afraid, vants us to accuse one anozer. If ve get angry, ve are probably just givink zhem more power over us.
[Filtered from Drones]
Furthermore, I vould like to apologize again to zhose zhat I do not...remember. Per'aps now is not ze best time, but I don't know vhen I vill 'ave another chance. Too many of you seem to remember me und I do not. I vill...make it up to you zomehow. Vhen zhis chaos is over for ze time beink. I'm sorry.
he's more blunt than a rusty butter knif,
when we work together it's much better,
shit that accent is thick,
even if we have to team up with blu,
medic still has ethics i swear