Fifth Incision - We need something more sturdy than blankets for a fort.

Jan 23, 2010 19:04

[Basic Drone filter]
[Medic is absolutely JUBILANT at these recent developments. He regards death as a beautiful flower that must be nourished, but now isn't the time for needless killing. Now is the time to get ready for what seems like a deadly attack. After all, a doctor has to be responsible, right? ]

Anyvone who iz capable of fightink und does not vant to go vith America, please meet me behind ze hospital. Zhis time ve are not retaliatink, but taking a defensive position. You may think zhis is rash, but ve cannot just 'ide in our houses und expect zhese threats to go avay.

We 'ave made friends here, as awkward as zhese relationships may be, und now iz not ze time to fight amongst ourselves. Ze riots vere in ze past. Zhere is no reason to quarrel about them now. We may not like Mayfield, but ve should still protect one anohzer.  As alvays is the case vhen we take up arms, zhere is the risk of dronink, or even dyink.

[Filtered to RED team]
Ve know something is up, but I am not sure exactly vhat sort of attack we should preparink for. I am sure zhat ze broadcast vas meant to frighten us, but I am not entirely sure vhat to do ohzer than prepare for ze vorst. I 'ave a bad feelink zhat this attack vill be coming from vithin.

when we work together it's much better, rp: mayfield, let's start some shit, open, medic still has ethics i swear, red team, zis won't hurt a bit, even if we have to team up with blu, zhat vas not medicine

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