Seventh Incision - Go ahead and call for a Medic, he won't yell at you.

Feb 05, 2010 02:08

[Audric has been grumpy and sulky for the past few days. He only remembers bits and pieces of last week's mayhem, and blames himself for being kidnapped/dying. He spent most of his time hanging around the house and drinking himself into a stupor, until a mysterious package from an unknown sender appeared at his doorstep. That's right, Medic's got his uniform back, and it was just what he needed to get him out of his haze of utter depression.]

Ach, Mayfield! I'm feeling much more like myzelf again. Ve had a dreary past few veeks, yes, but look on ze bright side! It iz possible zhat Grady may not be entirely against us, und ze riots vere not entirely in vain. Zome good did come of zhis, after all.

Did anyone else get anythink in ze mail? I vant to know who sent zhis.

rp: mayfield, totally missing heavy right now, shit that accent is thick, doctor knows best, open, medic is smiling this must be bad, for the team

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