Fifth Incision - We need something more sturdy than blankets for a fort.

Jan 23, 2010 19:04

[Basic Drone filter]
[Medic is absolutely JUBILANT at these recent developments. He regards death as a beautiful flower that must be nourished, but now isn't the time for needless killing. Now is the time to get ready for what seems like a deadly attack. After all, a doctor has to be responsible, right? ]

Anyvone who iz capable of fightink und does ( Read more... )

when we work together it's much better, rp: mayfield, let's start some shit, open, medic still has ethics i swear, red team, zis won't hurt a bit, even if we have to team up with blu, zhat vas not medicine

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Comments 42

muffled_noises January 24 2010, 01:51:39 UTC
Being a good doctor?

...I'm getting ready, regardless.


healforscience January 24 2010, 03:02:38 UTC
Pyro, I never vas a good doctor. But I'm flattered zhat you think so.

Good idea. Ve need to be ready.


muffled_noises January 24 2010, 03:06:01 UTC
You kept us alive. We've been through this before, though.

What kind of mercenaries would we be if we just laid down and took it?


healforscience January 24 2010, 03:13:09 UTC
If I failed at keepink you alive, BLU vould own 'alf ze planet by now. Or...come to think of it, zhey vould buy out RED und I vould have to get along vith a whole new set of dummkopfs.

[He chuckles.] Dead vones, I can tell you zhat.


unless_itsafarm January 24 2010, 01:58:42 UTC
Nothin' we're not used to.


healforscience January 24 2010, 02:50:21 UTC
At least it's not borink around here anymore. I vas starting to think zhat nothing interesting 'appened in zhis 'ellhole.


unless_itsafarm January 24 2010, 06:36:25 UTC
To tell you the truth, doc, I didn't mind the peace. Even if all I'm good for is fighting... these people here? They're better than us.

But, damnit, if I'm going to be here then I'm going to fight! If we don't, none of these goddamned gutless sacks of cowardly shit will.


healforscience January 25 2010, 06:26:56 UTC
It iz a bit sad, zhat fightink is ze only thing we know 'ow to do, but in ze end, it is to make people like zhis safe, right?

If Grady vants a var, he doesn't know vhat he's up against!


goesnickersnack January 24 2010, 03:01:09 UTC
[Caroline's not committing herself either way, but she's curious.]

So what'cha got in mind exactly, slick?


healforscience January 24 2010, 03:06:32 UTC
Ve either set up a group to defend America's house, or ve arm ourzelves to ze teeth und set up a base. Or both, if ve have enough people. It is hard to plan ahead vhen we don't know vhat ve are up against.


goesnickersnack January 24 2010, 03:15:02 UTC
Best t'be prepared, though, either way.


healforscience January 24 2010, 04:40:15 UTC
Of course. Ve are already at quite ze disadvantage, so ze best strategy at zhis point is to team up.


bustydefense January 26 2010, 00:00:07 UTC
What are we protecting ourselves from?


healforscience January 26 2010, 04:59:13 UTC
To be honest, I am not sure, but ze news should be prepared for anythink.


bustydefense January 27 2010, 01:46:00 UTC
I'm not sure it's something we can prepare for.


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