(no subject)

Mar 23, 2010 08:31

Oh, for the love of... I forgot to sleep.

Yeah, apparently after we went out to the club thingy, I came back here and started screwing around with javascript and relearning frames (which, granted, takes like five minutes, but I'm helping redo someone's very basic webpage and I got bogged down with photoshopping wallpapers) and watching Raising Arizona in the background and I look up and it's frickin' sunrise.

Seriously, there's something wrong with that.


I kinda inherited an iguana. I am not qualified to take care of anything more complicated than a plant or a pet rock or, on a good day, a fairly self-sufficient cat. It's taken me this long just to learn how to feed and clothe myself, and anyone who knows me can tell you I'm just barely managing that. There is no way that this iguana, left in my care, has anything like a rosy future. I talked to some herpetological (that's amphibians and reptiles, for you wordy types) associations today (wait, no, yesterday. Dammit.), and I found that iguanas are apparently pretty complicated for something whose main ambition, as far as I can tell, is to sun itself. For one thing, you can't just set them loose in the backyard with a cry of "Be free! Return to your natural habitat!" Not in Fremont, anyway, because an iguana's natural habitat is in South America. The nice lady on the phone had the most horrified tone of voice when I brought that idea up, by the way.


Does anyone want an iguana?
The good part of this offer is that it* will come with all the accessories (heat lamp, tank (though it'll need a bigger tank eventually), food and water dishes, misting bottle, stuff to climb on, etc). Also whatever's left of the food we have for it, which by the way is a more complicated diet than I have.

The bad part is, I'm not sure if s/he's healthy. I don't know a healthy iguana from an unhealthy one. It's green and symmetrical and it moves towards food and sunlight, and that's all I know for sure. Jada says that s/he's not looking like s/he's feeling well, which is another reason I'm posting this; I'd like not to be responsible, even through ignorance, for the death of anything. So if you say yes, you should probably know how to take care of it. Or at least know a little more than I do. That's not a really high hurdle to clear, though.

If yes, you'll need to either pick him/her up in Fremont, or live somewhere relatively close by so we can set up a time for me to drop it off.

If no, does anyone know of a good place that accepts iguanas for donation / rescue? The closest place I've found is the East Bay Vivarium, in Berkeley, and that's where we're headed if nobody says anything in the next day or so. I don't want to craigslist it because, frankly, people on craigslist worry me on a number of levels.

*I don't know if it's a he or a she. We're not on those terms.
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