Title: What You Make Of It
ginevieveWord Count: 100
Other characters: Pansy
Rating: G S for sad ):
Challenge: Loyalty
Author's Notes: Draco will always be loyal to the one he loves most.
“Please don’t…”
Draco had to look away, his heart breaking a little as his lover began to cry.
“Why does it have to be this way?”
He sighed deeply. “You knew this wasn’t going to last. Because of who… what I am. And I’ve got someone else who loves me. I can’t let that down.”
His lover sobbed in earnest. “But what about me? You promised!”
Draco shook his head. “And I’m sorry. But this is what I want.” He leaned down, and for the last time, he kissed Pansy. Then he walked away, a Gryffindor scarf around his neck.