I don't gaze at Agent Scully!

Feb 23, 2008 15:03

I love this film. It’s pretty much an extended XF episode but full of so much more. I don’t know why but the film had a heightened energy about it. I have seen it several times but in this context, after watching the first five seasons continuously, it was exciting. I think that you know or can sense that it’s going to be good. The action that is going to occur, the potential character and plot developments that you know will be explored. This created (well for me anyway) a new level for the show.

The origins of the black oil is explored more and bought to a new level. It is now mutated and grown into, well, an alien entity. Now that the X Files are closed Mulder and Scully are assigned to another area entirely. Not for long…….

I love the beginning as the camera pans around the top of the building and we are shown a small figure on the other buildings’ roof top. We know it has to be Mulder or Scully.

The entire scene with the bomb in the other building was amazing. It was a great way to start off this adventure. Mulder and Scully’s banter is just perfect as usual. Mulder believing in more than meets the eye, while Scully calls off a list of reason doubting or disproving what Mulder has suggested. It great to get that relationship defined, probably for those who are new or who have never see The X Files before. It re-established who they are for the audience. It also allows us to see from their simple interactions with one another that whilst differences in opinions are apparent, their loyalty and support of each other is unwavering. Despite Scully’s misgivings about Mulder’s purpose on the other roof she still follows him, her curiosity getting the best of her.

I adored the scene where Scully discovers the access door to the roof is ‘locked’, they are trapped. ‘I totally had you’. ADORABLE. I love it too how its bought up again in the end scene. Scully is unconscious, aliens about to break free from containment and attack, and the entire place is about to implode. There is still time for Scully to make the comment. It’s her way, or their way, of showing gratitude in a situation as dire as that.

The blame is placed with the FBI and the possibility of re-assignment is inevitable. Before this occurs Mulder convinces Scully to check out the bodies that were found in the explosion. OMG Mulder was so awesome with that security guard. WIN.  Its classic Mulder and Scully. Scully left behind to do an autopsy whilst Mulder is off chasing another lead. It was a great scene when Scully had to hide from the men in the freezer. Where would they be without their cell phones?

Soon enough the bodies and the bone fragments lead them to Dallas where they were originally discovered. Follow the white tanker trucks. I think they over used the word tanker trucks in that scene and I loved it.

The camera cuts from Mulder and Scully approaching the top of a desert hill. It’s dark. The camera shows us an expansive field of crops. Corn fields. WTF? Curious as ever, Mulder and Scully head through the fields and into the two white domes that are located amongst the crops. It’s bees. Bee’s dispersing from every vent. RUN! Helicopters appear from nowhere and chase the agents. They are separated from each other in the fields. Great scene. It’s dark with the harsh brightness of helicopters spot lights. Mulder and Scully eventually emerge on the other side both unharmed. The helicopters disappear. WEIRD.

When Scully arrives at Mulder’s apartment to tell him the news you can read her right away. There is a sadness and tiredness that radiates from her. The inevitable is happened. They are to be split up. I found it hard to hear from Scully that she thinks Mulder doesn’t need her. Mulder is obviously upset. He knows they are on the verge of something big. I love how passionate David showed Mulder with his need for Scully. He is so genuine and serious about her being with him. Mulder is always careful with showing his emotions but you can see the shock when Scully announces ‘I’ve held you back’. As much as Scully believes that, Mulder cannot have done any of it without her.

Mulder: You want to tell yourself that so you so can quit with a clear conscious. You can’t. But your wrong.

Scully: Why did they assigned me to you in the first place Mulder? To debunk your work. To reign you in. Shut you down.

Mulder: But you didn’t, you saved me! As as difficult and as frustrating as it’s been sometimes your god damn strict rationalism and science has saved me a thousand times over.

Cut- over the shoulder shot. Scully is all ears baby!

Mulder: You’ve kept me honest. I owe you everything. Scully and you owe me nothing.

Scully literally has no words. (Who would?) They are both looking at each other like it’s the last time. Man they are looking at each other with so much emotion. They have both unloaded a lot of information in a quick amount of time. They are both taking it all in.

Mulder: I don’t know if I want to do this alone. I don’t even know if I can. And if I quit now, they win.

(Meanwhile Scully is tearing up. OMG I am like tearing up. KISS KISS KISS! Even though you know they don’t you still think they will everytime you watch it.)

They hug and the good old kiss on the forehead. Its just as we expect. Until Mulder reaches up and places his hands on her cheeks. Scully has her hand supporting his neck. They both look at each other with such love and tenderness I can’t even stand it. I love how Mulder leans in and Scully’s facial expression shows surprise. Her facial expression almost reads: ‘Are we actually doing this!?!’ WE ARE SO DAMN CLOSE AND THEN THE FRICKING BEE! Oh I love it. LOL

Back in Washington. Covered up. Small insignificant article in the paper. There is now something worth fighting for. The touch of the hands. The camera cuts to it. It there to indicate their closeness. The support and love they have for each other can be shown just through a touch of the hand. It’s really all you need from them. That small gesture is evidence enough of their relationship.

Mulder: I am not gonna watch you die Scully because of some hollow purpose of mine! Go be a doctor. Go be a doctor while you still can.

Scully: I can’t. I won’t. Mulder Ill be a doctor but my work is here with you now. That virus that I was exposed to, what ever it is, it has a cure. You had it, you held it in your hand. How many other lives can be save? (Pause) Look. (Reaches for Mulder’s hand; camera cuts to the small gesture, their gesture. Its small yet reassures each other of their love and support) if I quit now, they win.



This episode is even more awesome than I remember! Holy shit I am like freaking out. I have no idea why. I get so excited with crazy shit like this. The time travel, Mulder in another time, the familiar faces. SQUEE

I love how the episode was shot on a seemingly one take. The effect that Chris was going for was the continuous shot of the entire episode. Except when they cut between times. I love how Mulder is brought on board and Mulder as well as the audience is in confusion of what is going on. They have never heard of the FBI? That’s when you start to question where the hell Mulder is.

CUT - We are at the FBI and the camera starts to follow Scully as she runs around trying to get the exact co-ordinates of where Mulder is meant to be. I loved this entire scene. Scully rushing around the building, frantic to find Mulder. We follow her to Skinners office and back out again. In the elevator, where a pacing Scully tries to ring Mulder. Then out the elevator to AD Kersh where he is meeting with the smoking man. Scully tries to be vague and say nothing. Then back out of the office to the elevator again where she is on edge. She heads down to Mulder’s old office and kicks some Spender ass to get the information she needs. WIN! Spender being the asshole that he is goes straight to the boss. Scully is informed of this and heads back up in the elevator. She receives a call. Static is all she hears. She paces the elevator growing more impatient and edgy as she becomes more worried about Mulder. Is it Mulder on the phone? NOPE. LOL Its Skinner trying to reach her. He has the information. Cue spontaneous thankyou gesture. LOL. I am so loving this! Meanwhile the camera has not cut away. We have been tailing Scully all over the FBI on her hunt for the information she needs to find Mulder.

Ok Scully is just so damn kickass in every era. She was ready to clock Mulder one the second he laid a hand on her. LOL

I love the entire concept for this episode. When the fight broke out and that music started. It was really good. The cuts and split screens to parallel what was happening with Scully and the lone gunman. Brilliant. The single shots of the hallways as the characters ran/walked around. LOL I was just waiting for that kiss. OMG it was way longer than I remember. Go Mulder! It was so good, and than ‘Scully’ punches him. LOL Did I mention that I love this episode?

The end was just OMG. I totally forgot about it! LOL Mulder was so adorable in the bed all groggy and ranting about Queen Ann. OMG he was so cute telling Scully how she saved the world. OMFG HE SAID HE LOVED HER. She friggin rolled her eyes and walked off. I loved it but OMG we know he was serious! I love how he feels the bruise on the side of his face and gives a quick grin. He knows it happened.       LKJALSFJHAELFHTAKHFJAUFAPOEIUTFOYRFAKUEYFH


I thought that the kiss in the episode was totally unexpected. I have always seen their relationship never getting to that point but always wanting it too! The kiss at midnight was adorable, and worked. They have been through so much together so there was no awkwardness. I love how we have a camera shot below of Mulder looking over at Scully, and then we cut to see Scully’s face. She turns towards him, curious. Mulder leans into her, the classic New Years kiss! Scully had a similar but less surprised expression than we saw in Fight The Future. Mulder leans in further and gives a soft and sweet kiss. Scully reciprocates the gesture. It was shot close up and enhanced the gesture to a much larger level. It was just perfect I thought. I thought that the New Years thing would pass by with maybe a small glance from both of them; thinking the same thing: should I? It was unexpected and sweet, I loved it.


It was hard knowing that this episode was the last one with Mulder. I am glad though that we got back to what the series is about. After seven years most of the unanswered questions have been answered, to a degree. We are now taken back to the beginning, where it all started with Mulder and Scully, where the first abductees of significance were found. The aliens have returned, for what, we are unsure of. The alien bounty hunters are close behind trying to erase all evidence of the abductees that were test subjects for the government’s plans of resistance against the alien colonization.

The scene in Mulder’s cabin was sweet. It shows how much love and care they have for each other, in particular Mulder. Scully is dizzy and light headed, chills plague her body. Unsure of what is happening, Mulder gets her into bed. He lovingly lies with her, using his body as another source of heat and support. Mulder knows that his quest for the truth has cost her much of the things in life that most of us want; good health, safety and a family. As they lay in each others arms Mulder’s kind words are so heart felt as he all but whispers them into Scully’s ear. Scully listens intently, his words are touching but you can tell from her facial expression that she hears it but can’t leave him. She knows she should walk away but can’t; she wont.

Again in the forest when Scully is found on the ground. Mulder is convinced again that Scully cannot continue with the case. You can read the fear on his face as he supports Scully in his arms. How many more times will he almost loose her?

The final trip to the forest without Scully results in Mulder’s disappearance. It was Mulder who was in danger of being taken because of the events earlier that season. Scully cannot come to the rescue, her health resulting in a trip to the hospital, too late to save her friend and savior. Alone and now pregnant, the hope of finding him again will be her motivation, for her baby, the X Files and Mulder.

tv: the x files, film: the x files - fight the future, ship: mulder/scully

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