Feb 19, 2008 15:31

The Sixth Extinction

This episode was another example of the lengths that they will go for each other. Scully spends days, weeks trying to decipher the crafts secrets. These secrets that may hold the answer to Mulder’s deteriorating mind. Scully is his one constant. He holds on for her.

Scully: I’ve stayed on now in spite of myself. In spite of everything I’ve ever held to be true. I will continue here as long as I can. As long as you’re beset beset by the haunting illness which I saw consume your beautiful mind.

I loved this passage that I assume Scully was either thinking or writing into a diary, similar to what we saw in Memento Mori. I think getting out her thoughts and feelings are enabling her to make sense of all that she sees. I love her devotion. It’s another example of the friendship and devotion they have for each other. The show keeps us drawn into these two characters lives. The entire show is an emotional rollercoaster. The situations that these characters are put through are so demanding on them physically and mentally. Their journey has held many questions and with some answers. Still, there are more answers and truths to be found. Each season brings with it more obstacles and situations that these characters must face; together. I am always blown away by their relationship. It’s founded on respect and loyalty to one another. They are both passionate and driven in their beliefs. Whilst they are similar and different in many respects; their friendship never wavers. It has withstood so much and has been bound together but this utter commitment and love for each other.

The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati

This episode continues to show just what I have explained above. Scully unwaveringly strives to find Mulder. Nothing or nobody will stop her search. The distrust of Skinner and Fowley lead her to pursue the search alone. She cannot trust anyone. The constant betrays of those meant to be loyal; and the continued efforts by ‘them’ to keep Mulder gone, don’t stop Scully. Old friends remind her of her faith and mysterious packages reveal more answers to Mulder’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile Mulder is trapped in his own mind. A mind that is weak and subjected to manipulation by others. Despite being placed in a world of simple pleasures and no problems, it always ends the same. There is no escaping his work, and least of all Scully. It is her that gives him the strength to live through it, to not give up. When at last Scully finds Mulder, he is almost gone. Yet her presence and that of her in his mind are enough to make him hold on.

Scully: I don’t know what to believe anymore. Mulder I was so determined to find a cure to save you that I could deny what I saw. Now I don’t even know. I don’t know what the truth is. I don’t know who to listen to, who to trust. (There are tears streaming down her face, she finds it hard to keep her normal pristine composure)

Diana Fowley was found murdered this morning. I never trusted her but she helped save your life as much as I did. She gave me that book; it was her key that lead me to you. I am sorry. I am so sorry I know she was your friend.  (Hug)

Mulder: Scully I was like you once, I didn’t know who to trust and I chose another path. Another life. Another fate where I found my sister and even though my world was unrecognizable and upside down, there was one thing that remained the same. You were my friend. (He places his hands on Scully’s cheeks, looks soulfully into her face) and you told me the truth even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant, my touchstone.

Scully: And you were mine.

(More tears flow and Mulder continues to stare into her face. Scully places a kiss on his forehead than mirrors his actions. She places her hands on his cheeks and moves them slowly over his face, in a loving and supportive gesture then walks away)

I was balling by this point. It was so intense and emotional for both of them. They are back where they started; more questions unanswered. They have both been through things and witnesses unexplained situations but are both still there for each other. The events that have recently occurred now come into play. They are both now so vulnerable to one another and bare their souls. AMAZING! This show continues to amaze me, with its advancement in the conspiracy and the continuous development of Mulder and Scully together; as friends, partners, soul mates, how ever you want to describe them and as individuals.

&hearts &hearts &hearts


tv: the x files, ship: mulder/scully

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