State of Denial 2/3

Sep 15, 2006 00:28

Himawari blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Who is this Watanuki? And since when do I have lunches with you guys?” he asked.

“Doumeki-kun…” Himawari was in shock. So Doumeki did have an accident that caused him to have forgotten some things…

The taller boy shifted in his shoes and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry but I have to go now. I’ll see you around,” he turned and left the student council room. Himawari looked at the retreating back and thought about how to break the news to Watanuki-kun.

She walked out to the school gate and saw Watanuki waving at her. He must have waited for her to finish the student rep meeting so that they could walk back together.

“Himawari-chaa~~n!” he waved enthusiastically. She quickened her steps and bowed at him. “I’m sorry I was late,” she apologized. “Aww, its okay!” he waved it off as usual and started walking. She followed suit and walked beside him. “Let’s go to Duklyon for some burgers?” he suggested. Himawari nodded agreeing to the idea.

Watanuki wanted to ask if she talked to Doumeki, but he didn’t want to seem too eager so he waited. Himawari seemed way too quiet too and he fidgeted, finding a away around his question for it seem casual. “So, how was the meeting?”

Himawari looked up and smiled. “It was okay. We were discussing about the upcoming festival,” she told him. Watanuki nodded. “So… uhm… was he there?” he asked. Himawari’s eyes widened a fraction and tightened her hold on her book-bag and nodded at the question.

They reached the said hamburger place and Watanuki held the door open for the girl to enter. “You grab a seat I’ll go get the food,” he told her. She nodded and went to their usual spot. Once she sat she looked out the window and sighed. She knew he was trying to ask her about Doumeki. But how could she tell him that the other boy seemed to have forgotten about him?

Watanuki came back a short while later and set their food on the table. They started to eat in silence when Watanuki cleared his throat. He didn’t care if he sounded too eager now, the suspense was killing him. “Did you invite him for lunch tomorrow? Did he ask anything stupid to be made? Cause if he did I would have to stop by the store to get the ingredients,” he started his nervous drabble.

“Watanuki-kun…” Himawari started.

Watanuki looked at her and smiled, encouraging her to continue.

“Doumeki-kun… he… he seemed like… he seemed like he had… uhm… forgotten about you,” she looked away.

Watanuki blinked.


“Forgotten…?” he echoed slowly.


Suddenly his eyes narrowed, he had a rough idea how this could happen. “I’m sorry Himawari-chan. I gotta go,” he stood up and grabbed his bag fleeing out of the restaurant, food left forgotten.


“Yuuko-san! Yuuko-san!”

The time witch looked up from her book and sighed. She knew this day would come sooner or later. Better deal with it now then.

“Yes, Watanuki-kun?”

“That day! The business you said you had with Doumeki! Was it a wish?!” he asked.

Yuuko nodded.

“What wish was it?” he demanded, walking closer to the tall witch. His breath hitching as he got closer.

“A wish to forget you.”

Watanuki’s eyes widened into saucers.

“His payment was the ofuda I gave you. It was made with his blood so spirits wont come near you since he wouldn’t be by your side now.” Her voice was calm.

“But why…”

Yuuko turned back to her book. “You know as well as I do why he chooses that. It is just a consequence to actions,” she said nonchalantly.

His heart clenched tightly.

“Well you hated him anyway. Isn’t it all good now?”

Watanuki stared hard at the floor.


He bit his lips.

The boy turned to walk into the kitchen. “I’ll start dinner now,” he uttered softly.


Watanuki was miserable.

Fine, Doumeki was mad at him. He could just go ahead and avoid him, right? He doesn’t need to go as far as forgetting him altogether now, does he?

‘What a jerk! I hate him!’ Watanuki bit his lips.


Well if he was only forgotten, he could make the boy remember right?



Doumeki looked up from his book and blinked.

Watanuki grabbed a chair and sat next to him in the empty classroom. He placed a bento box on the table and flashed the taller boy a smile.

Doumeki put down his bread and looked at the black bento box.

“I thought you would like to eat some teriyaki chicken that I, the Great Watanuki had made for you,” Watanuki boasted.

Doumeki’s glance traveled from the big bento box to the person who brought it.

After about 4 seconds he opened his mouth.

“Who are you?” Doumeki finally asked, closing his book eyeing the boy.

“I’m…” Watanuki paused. He already knew the boy didn’t remember him, but why did it feel so painful? And he had said he was Watanuki-sama, didn’t he?

“Watanuki Kimihiro.”

“Oh, Watanuki…” Doumeki echoed.

Watanuki nodded. Then his eyes widened. Before he could ask if Doumeki had remembered who he was, he was cut by a curt-

“Kunogi-san’s friend, right? She mentioned you yesterday.”

Watanuki’s face fell. “Uhn,” he murmured.

Doumeki looked back at the bento on his table. “Thank you for your bento but I’m already eating lunch,” he stated as a matter-of-factly looking at his half eaten bread, the expression on his face was cold.

“It’s okay. You can have it for your snack after your archery practice then. It’s rather good I must say,” he offered a smile.

“Someone already made that for me,” Doumeki reached down and took out a fancy bento box, showing the other boy. A fancy bento in a pink bento bag.

If only it was within Watanuki’s powers to grab that annoying pink lunch box and smash it to the ground without Doumeki knowing it was him who did it, he would.

“Owh… Okay.” Watanuki kept his smile and stood up. “I’ll see you around then.” He took his bento box and walked out of the classroom, heart shattered beyond repair. Doumeki watched the boy as he exited his class and opened back his book to resume his reading.

Watanuki held the bento against his chest as he walked towards the stairs. His pace quickened and his hold on the package in his arms tightened as he slipped under the stairway and sat in the tight space.

Away from everyone, he closed his eyes and started crying.

Why did his heart feel so tight?

It hurts…


Yuuko watched as the boy dusted and tidied things around her place. He then went out to get the washes from under the sun.

“Watanuki is troubled,” she uttered. Mokona nodded and sighed. They languidly sipped their sake and watched as the boy came back in with the washes. Then he went around and about doing his work. His face was set into a permanent poignant expression.

“You were mean to him to chase him away. Why are you in such a gloomy mood now that you have succeeded?” Yuuko merely voiced her thoughts.

Watanuki’s busy hand stopped and looked at the floor.

“I’d leave the minute someone express their hatred towards me. How Doumeki-kun managed to endure it for years is beyond me,” she added.

“He must have really liked you a lot to ignore all those crappy comments you throw at him. Also he seemed to gladly throw his life away to make sure you are safe and sound. You seem to have a soft spot for everything else be it good or bad. Why you dedicate your life in blaming everything at him and hating him is something I’d like to ponder, though I must say he was smart enough to come to terms with the fact that you really hated him and let go.”

A soft sniffle made Yuuko stop her ranting.


The boy in question dropped to his knees and started crying.

“It hurts, Yuuko-san. Please stop.”

“Why should I?” she challenged.

“I… I was in denial. I knew I was falling for him. I was scared so I tried to hide it by being mean. I tried to like Himawari-chan that way but I can’t. So I could only deny it by throwing bad remarks towards him. If anyone knew they would think I’m weird. If Doumeki knew he would think I’m crazy.”

“Is it that bad?”


“The feeling of being in love with someone?”

Watanuki shook his head. “I was just… ashamed of it, I guess.”

“He loved you a lot.”

Watanuki looked up at her.

“When I dwelled into his mind, it was occupied mostly by you. His emotions were so strong that I had to remove all of you from it. His request was just to forget his feelings for you. But I thought if I did only that it would be useless. His memories of you were so strong that the feelings will surface right back up. You meant a lot to him and it was a hard decision. It was eating him from inside. To him, he loved a person who hated him with all his might and it hurts.”

Watanuki turned back his gaze to the floor.

“Well Watanuki-kun. I only made him forgot about you. I didn’t block his feelings. If you really want to, you could work on getting his heart back. It would be a little harder than before but if you put your heart into it, I’m sure he will return your feelings.”

Watanuki bit his lips.

“So, as a payment for that piece of advice I’d like to have squid rice.”

“Yo!~ ikameshi(6) ikameshi~~!!” Mokona chimed.


Now, how do you get close to a stoic boy like that?

Watanuki watched as the archer hit his last arrow. It hit dead center and everyone clapped. Doumeki gave a slight bow as he retreated into the back.

Watanuki bit his lower lips and stood up. As the audiences cleared the seats he sneaked out into the back.

He waited patiently until everyone left the compound. Doumeki will be the last to leave considering that he had to make sure the area was in order before leaving. Watanuki heard the shuffles of Doumeki’s bags and light footsteps slowly growing in volume signaling his approach.


Doumeki stopped in his tracks. Barely two feet away from him was the 4 eyed boy he met a few days ago. He stared at him.

Before Watanuki could open his mouth again, someone walked up to Doumeki and passed him a set of keys. “Doumeki-sempai(7), the keys.” It was his archery club junior.

“Gokurou(8),” Doumeki nodded and pocketed the keys. “Oi.” The boy halted and turned around. “Hora(9),” Doumeki tossed his winning arrow to the boy.

“Hajaya(10)?? For me?” he asked.

Doumeki nodded in a nonchalant way.

“Doumo arigatou gozaimashita(11)!” The boy bowed again and went his merry way, grasping the lucky arrow.

Watanuki just eyed the scene. He bit his lips. Those arrows used to be for him. He used to hate getting it. He used to think it was rubbish.

But now he felt broken when those arrows weren’t tossed his way anymore.

Doumeki looked back at the boy in front of him.

“If there’s nothing I’m-“

Watanuki looked up. He almost forgot why he was here. He brought up the box he had been holding. “No! I mean, I made some ohagi(12). Would you like some?”

Doumeki looked at the boy carefully. Now that he looked closer, he noticed something. Like his own eyes, the bespectacled boy had a hazy right eye. The only difference was his was cool blue and his own was molten gold.

Watanuki felt his temper riled up. Doumeki that idiot. Did he hear or did he not hear what I asked? At least answer me!! A yes? A no? Something!!

Doumeki blinked. “Oi.”

Watanuki exploded.

“My name is not ‘OI’! It’s Watanuki Kimihiro! Please!” he almost yelled.


Watanuki turned around. It was the boy who was supposed to leave earlier.

“Me?” Watanuki pointed at himself.

“Yes, you!” the boy took steps closer to Watanuki. “I’ve had enough of you pushing Doumeki-senpai around like a rag-doll. If no one else is going to say this, I am!”

“Hey, wait…” Doumeki tried to come in between the two. He doesn’t know what is going on, but he’s not about to wait for the two of them to start fighting.

“Doumeki-senpai! Why are you still hanging around this idiot? The only thing he does is say bad things about you! And don’t you remember? The way he tosses his food at you? It’s worse than giving food to wild dogs!”

Doumeki’s eyes rounded slightly. “Wha-“

“No… I…” Watanuki wanted to defend himself… but he couldn’t find fault in the boy’s words. It was… the truth…

“So you get out of here and don’t bother our senpai anymore! Everytime you fuck him up, he ends up moody and can’t do well in his cub activities…!!”

Watanuki slumped to the ground, holding his box tightly until his shaking. “I’m sorry…” he uttered softly.

“Enough!” Doumeki insisted. He pulled his junior back and sighed. “Go home,” he gave him a soft push.


Doumeki knelt down in front of Watanuki, ignoring the other.

“GO!” Doumeki’s face was set in a tight frown.

The boy gritted his teeth and ran away.

Doumeki looked at the shaking boy, he tentatively put a hand on his shoulder. If it was true what his junior had said, he should hate this boy by now. But why is it that his heart felt warm around him? Did he know him from somewhere before?

“Watanuki,” he called.

The boy looked up with big glassy blue eyes. Doumeki let out a sigh. Such pretty features.

“Don’t worry about him… he’s a bit-“

“No… he’s right…” Watanuki uttered.

Doumeki blinked.

“I was terrible… I want to… I… It’s just weird… I don’t want you to think that I’m weird…”

Doumeki frowned deeper. “What are you talking about?” he questioned.


Doumeki saw the package in his hand. He remembered Watanuki wanted to give it to him. He thought maybe Watanuki needed a distraction.

“Hey, you brought the ohagi for me right?”

Watanuki looked at the box in his hand and then to Doumeki then back at the box. “Uh… yes!” he handed it out to Doumeki.

Doumeki sat down cross-legged and opened the box. He took the bamboo toothpick and poked one of the ohagi. Lifting it up to his mouth, he took a bite. It tasted wonderful. “Tasty,” he commented.

Watanuki smiled. He seemed to have calmed down.

After Doumeki ate all the 4 ohagis that were in the box, he promptly closed it and wrapped it back in the furoshiki(13). All the while Watanuki’s bright blue eyes were watching him tentatively.

“Would you like me to make you lunch for tomorrow?” Watanuki asked, receiving the wrapped container.

Doumeki shook his head. “I’m sorry. I mean, you don’t have to.”

“But I do! Please!”

Doumeki let out a sigh. “You see… I really have no recollection of you in my head. So I think I need to sort some things out for myself. And it won’t be fair to you, if I receive your food and kept you hanging. I… don’t want you to get your hopes up… in case… you know…”

Watanuki’s eyes glasses over…

He bit his lips to stop himself from crying, but his tears welled up again.

Doumeki closed his eyes and stood up, turning his back towards Watanuki. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the boy. He was afraid he would do something stupid.

“Go home,” he told Watanuki without looking at him and walked away.

“Doumeki…” Watanuki whispered towards the retreating back of Doumeki.


Last part up next....


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